How was life like for a Wehrmacht soldier on the eastern front during WWII when they were being pushed by the soviets?
What was the morale.
How was life like for a Wehrmacht soldier on the eastern front during WWII when they were being pushed by the soviets?
What was the morale.
Pretty bad I guess.
probably like this
I am guessing terrible for both questions.
>My daughter will be raped by slavs
>My granddaughter will be raped by Turks
>My great granddaughter will be raped by nigs and arabs
can't rape the willing
>eastern front
What fucking sector. What situation.
Eastern front was gigantic
cuck mentality desu
If you think that's bad, try reading Island of fire: Battle for the Barikkady gun factory.
>you are sitting in a foxhole on the steppe with another guy manning an MG34 in a forward skirmish line
>faintly hear a distant din
>the horizon starts to blur and move slightly
>din gets louder
>horizon is getting closer
>suddenly you realise, its a human wave attack
>from left to right the whole horizon is a line of men coming towards your foxhole screaming uuuUUUUUUUUURRAAAHHHHHHHH
>fully lock and load the MG waiting
>come to your senses
>get out of the hole and run
>in the meantime I'll rape Russian women
fucking amazing book
I remember reading that some German soldiers could scrape grey masses of lice of their bodies. One of them flinged a handful at his Russian captor, and was shot on the spot.
>those russian niggers who setup their command post under a fuel tank
It is the fate of the Teutonic "people" to be impregnated by that of the stronger and nobler races of this world. The Germanic gene pool will be enriched and diversified.
Can't resist the Big Yankee Cock
What is the difference between /pol/ and Veeky Forums again?
Veeky Forums was a mistake
moot predicted all of this
Lack of flags (allowing buttpained brits to assume everyone is french)
You people still caring make the difference tho. I have seen /pol/ getting BTFOd a lot of times here.
Fun fact: there actually was a lot of rape going on. It was just reported differently.
>Believing women have feelings or honour
At least he discovered the truth as a young lad
hehe le epic meme misogyny
That's how I feel sometimes.
>racism and a general lack for respect of human life rampant in thread
>one post about women being whores
My god...fucking whiteknights, I swear...
>One of them flinged a handful at his Russian captor, and was shot on the spot.
Worth it desu.
This is crap book
Muh soggy knee
(((Pol))) is full of Prussophiles, we are Francophiles and Russophiles.
U mad german boi
Yur wiminz b waiting for stronk russian cock
>acting this triggered outside your echo-chamber