Why did Hitler still think he needed more land after getting this far? This is a huge amount of territory, more than Germany ever had before.
Why did Hitler still think he needed more land after getting this far? This is a huge amount of territory...
Size that can absorb your industry's products grants immeasurable advantages to domestic businesses. You need territory and population the size of US or China in order to have a domestic market that can absorb a major industry's production.
Read the wages of destruction by Adam tooze.
The nazi economy was a bubble built on overheated arms expenditures. As in keynsianism (which works) but for military buildup (which consumes an enourmous amount of capital with no return).
In 1939 his economic advisors gave him a choice: go to war to seize more capital to fuel the war economy, or burst the bubble and basically stop rearmament.
Can't you just sell shit to other countries? That's what modern Germany does and it seems to work pretty well.
Having a domestic market that will absorb your mistakes gives you great advantages.
It didn't seem like that in the 1930s when everyone was raising tariffs and letting their currency devalue
Forgot to drop my name tag.
Continuing: hitler used the loot from each military venture to find and fuel the next. The prewar seizures gave them the strength to roll Poland the Low Countries Scandinavia and France. He then used this loot to fuel Barbarossa.
When the soviets didn't capitulate, he made on last attempt to steal their stuff (case blue) and after that failed, the jig was up.
Yes, but that builds a consumer economy. Hitler used his completely unaffordable rearmament program to intimidate other people, and the military would've had to take a SEVERE budget cut for Germany to return to financial normalacy.
That means no more foreign adventures, and lots of unhappy Germans during the necessary cutbacks.
The western countries had solid economies based on their colonies and consumer goods. Germany had no colonies, but absolutely could've pursued a limited rearmament alongside a consumer goods focused Keynesian stimulus.
>That's what modern Germany does and it seems to work pretty well.
Modern Germany is part of the EU, so they're got all of Europe as a market.
same reason why yanks didn't stop at the Mississippi
manifest destiny n sheit
Who said he wanted more land?
>Who said he wanted more land?
Hitler himself, where have you been?
Hitler broke every treaty and promise regarding his ambitions.
Op read this, it is a less detailed version of tooze's "they overheated it" thesis
Rabbi Goldstein said so
Can't face the fact that the nazi economy was more of a parasite than their stereotypes of Jews?
Have you never read Mein Kampf? It's all fucking there.
I don't get how a man can spell out all of his plans for world domination in his own best selling book, make every step to achieve such goals, and still have people trying to claim he never have them in the first place seventy years later.
Hitler was inspired by manifest destiny as well as the systematic racism against the black in the USA
Second book even more so. I think it's the fact that France and Britain couldn't believe that after the pointless bloody nightmare of ww1 there was seriously a man who wanted to go back there (aside from Ernst junger)
>world domination
They tried to dismantle every world power except for Japan. In the books, hitler clearly stated his goal of a Germany dominated world (if not quite world conquest)
They can but they'll be at a disadvantage against the US, which can do the same thing AND have a massive home market.
He specifically addresses this in his second book. An industrialized nation trading finished products to other countries for food is dependent on those other countries.
Hence, his desire to conquer the Ukraine to sustain a German population in the hundreds of millions.
Which version of Mein Kampf? What year was Mein Kampala written? What makes you think Hitler held the same views 12 years later? Mein Kampala was written while Hitler was in prison. What makes you think his mind state was the same when he was released? Did you also know that Mein Kampf was cowritten by another person?
The reason why Austria was taken was because 1) It was Hitler's birthplace and 2) Austrians are Germans. The only difference is religious faith between Catholicism and Protestantism
Other than that, he wanted back the lands that were given to Poland and Czechoslovakia. There's no evidence and proof that he intended take more land than that.
>Mein Kampala
Wtf is this autocorrect shit? Mein Kampf*
He declares that the war for the east is Germany's destiny, his intent to liquidate the polish population, to never leave Norway, and to colonize Crimea, and to declare him innocent?
After he broke every treaty and promise?
Stormfags pls
>stormfags is a mobileshitposter
>forgetting the leased Chinese ports
>his intent to liquidate the polish population
Sure thing kikefag
It was not about getting more land but getting back the land which was lost.
Because he knew the red menace was coming. Why do you think he rose to power in the first place? It was a preventative measure to protect their soil from the already active Communist take over. This is what the Jewish subversion was, the Jews were committing Communist aggression.
> communism was created by jews
> capitalism was created by jews
you go back to /pol/ right now
Hitler just couldn't stand bordergore and east Prussia looks pretty unaesthetic when not connected to the rest of Germany
"This is the end of my territorial demands in Europe" he says before invading Bohemia, seizing Memel, and invading Poland.
Why don't the /pol/acks just admit that he was a brutal expansionist. It's not like that would change anything.
>no one would be so perfidious to finance both sides! ;)
It would do you good.
Hitler said capitalism was created by jews so neonazis say that communism and capitalism are the two sides of the same Jewish coin. They're basically retarded and have the political and economic knowledge of your typical antifa member.
Oh and what they favor instead is the sort of "third way" that is basically the same social democratic/ keynesian thing only with a nationalist twist. Geniuses.
Does anyone moderate this board?
Communism and capitalism were both created by Jews. I don't know what's so controversial about that statement if you actually know Marxist theory which states a horrid period of tyrannical capitalism is a necessary stepping stone towards communism.
Nope. Had a braindeadholocaust denier getting btfo by the board for 24 hours the other day before he ate a ban for ad hom and refusing to respond to refutations or offer fresh evidence.
Youre very silly
>Youre very silly
Not an argument.
>what is historical materialism
Capitalism doesn't have one author but among its main contributors were people from Italian countries and the Dutch before British Adam Smith described its more version after centuries of state-controlled mercantilism. Not the most accurate summary but it's as abridged as it can possibly be.
The first proto-socialism was created by a British entrepreneur.
444 get
>some Jews supported Marxism
>since marxists require capitalism as a prereq, this means Jews invented communism and capitalism
>The 1914 frontiers are of no significance for the future of the German nation. They did not serve to protect us in the past, nor do they offer any guarantee for our defense in the future.
These frontiers do not help the German people to achieve internal unity, nor do they serve to safeguard its food-supplies. From the military standpoint these frontiers are neither strategically good nor even satisfactory. Finally, they cannot serve to improve our present position in relation to other World Powers, or rather in relation to the real World Powers.
They will not lessen the discrepancy between ourselves and Great Britain, nor help us to rival the United States its size. Not only that, but they would not serve to lessen substantially the importance of France in international politics.
One thing alone is certain, namely, the attempt to restore the frontiers of 1914, even if it proved successful, would lead to a further draining of the blood of our nation to such an extent that no virile men would be left to execute the revolutions and perform the deeds necessary in order to assure the future existence of the nation.
Mein Kampf, Stalag edition, page 734
Well Marx believed that he was living in the times of capitalism which was the last stage before ultimate freedom (in weird communist sense). Of course it never happened and both him and Engels were really disappointed that workers were actually getting richer and less likely to start a revolution. They became more moderate by the end of their lives and his successor created what we now know as social democracy. Among those who rejected this revisionism war Lenin and the rest is history.
Agreed. Stormfags is still hilarious for accusing Jews of inventing everything. Guess they deserve all those nobels
Well the war was going full swing already, it was basically just proactive self defense at that point.
He invaded Bohemia, seized Memel, and threatened Poland in violation of Munich before the war ,don't be obtuse.
We must not forget polish aggression at that point, they devilishly took a part of slovakia for themselves and then began the wholesale massacre of germans along the border.
>Italians and Dutch
You mean Jewish merchants. They completely controlled the trade in the Dutch republic, as well as British banking from where the model spread to the rest of the world.
Yes it does. Who pushed the unresctricted, deregulated, liberal model of capitalism? Libertarians. Who created libertarianism as we know it? People like Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand or Milton Friedman. All Jews.
Lebrensraum doesn't work if you've just increased Germany by 25% and added mostly urbanised land.
Lebrensraum needs vast territories such as eat europe to work on a scale envisioned by Hitler.
And there were still Germans living in territory controlled by other countries.
Communism and capitalism were both created by Catholics, you retard.
Evidence? Provide evidence. Also, even if Poland had been systematically attempting to kill every German on its territory (I wonder what sort of evil regime would do that to a minority), hitler had already broken Munich two (2) times before he started fabricating a cause for war with Poland.
In your worldview, Jews are the actual master race. I love the irony
>moderating history
>In your worldview, Jews are the actual master race. I love the irony
What irony? I never sperged about master and slave races. You also don't provide any refutation to the fact that libertarianism is a deceptive, Jewish, disingenuous accelerationist ideology simply designed to bring communism faster.
There's nothing wrong with some of the main economists in the libertarian circle being Jewish since their beliefs are direct opposite of communist/socialist or to put it more broadly collectivist ideology.
On the other hand nazis and commies come from the same source, can easily cooperate with each other when it suits them but generally just hate each other because they compete for the same kind of recipients.
Look into world war 2 with a critical look while keeping the current world situation fully in mind and perhaps you will one day know what is truly going on.
Yes the jews are formidable. If only they did not try to kill us all then we could get along.
>nazis and commies come from the same source, can easily cooperate with each other
You really should look into those ideologies more thoroughly than that. That statement is frankly quite embarrassing.
>their beliefs are direct opposite of communist/socialist
Do you know why commies and libertarians both hate social democrats, Keynesians and bismarckists? Because they altered capitalism and made it livable. Keynes faced equal amount criticism from the USSR as he did from (((Austrian school))). The entire point about libertarianism being opposed to communism is false dichotomy, they have the exact same goal - to create an unlivable capitalist world, so unlivable that a revolution would naturally occur and bring about communism. That's what they believe.
I didn't even mention capitalism...
There was a clear link between Jews and Communism in pre-nazi Germany. Over 90% of the German Communist party was Jews, the Communist revolution in Germany of 1912 was started and fought almost entirely by Jewish agitators. These are historical facts, not /pol/ conspiracies.
Do you seriously believe he wanted to get rid of the Jews because he thought they were ugly? The distrust towards them was caused by their actions.
>Other than that, he wanted back the lands that were given to Poland and Czechoslovakia. There's no evidence and proof that he intended take more land than that.
>Invades the Netherlands
>Invades Belgium
>Invades Denmark
>Invades Norway
>Invades Luxembourg
>Invades the USSR
>Invades Yugoslavia
>Invades Greece
>w-w-w-we only invaded the entire world in self defence!
>le ebil nazi conquest of europe
i mean its not like britain invaded ireland, iceland ,norway, farroe islands or anything.
do you think hitler would invade france or belgium for no reason?
They always ignore the Jewish role in bolshevism and instead try to paint Hitler as some loon who hated Jews solely for personal reasons.
>he believed Jewish doctors killed his mom
>he failed art school because of a Jewish professor
>a Jewish girl rejected him
Most Americans unironically believe that everyone was cool with the Jews before Hitler, and Hitler invented anti-semitism out of the blue. They don't realize that Hitler didn't start anti-semitism, he was ironically the one to end it.
>i mean its not like britain invaded ireland, iceland ,norway, farroe islands or anything.
>Germany isn't actually evil because another genocidal empire did bad things too!!!!!
>do you think hitler would invade france or belgium for no reason?
No, he invaded them for a reason, the reason being that he wanted Germany to reign supreme in Europe and that involved subjugating/murdering other nations and ethnic groups across the continent.
They have in the past. They're similar enough.
You should not forget the connection of russian jews and the bolshevik party and you should not forget bela kun and hungary and many other such funny coincidences.
Don't forget Iran
>Over 90% of the German Communist party was Jews, the Communist revolution in Germany of 1912 was started and fought almost entirely by Jewish agitators.
[ citations needed ]
That one keynesian faggot who polutes economic threads will have to know about this.
Got any sources for that buddy pal
>red and blue are colors so they are both the same
>fascism and communism are the same because they're both political ideologies? even if they're total opposites of one another in most ways?
Don't forget about Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, and Finnish connections to the Bolshevik Party
but of course
but that was more just "we'll just colonise this place whilst everyone's busy" rather than strategic ww2 war aims, unless im uneducated.
laffin lad.
National socialism and international socialism whose most successful states were genocidal shitholes that started aggressive wars and for the first two years were closely working together.
so with that logic capitalism is the genocide of native peoples based off of native americans?
though that thought is pretty true, certainly for europe
>Got any sources for that buddy pal
Here is an excerpt from a speech given by Hitler about a week before the war began:
"Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter – with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It’s a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command – and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad – that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness – for the present only in the East – with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space [Lebensraum] which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"
This level of whitewashing is just ridiculous.
I have more respect for actual Neo-Nazis who follow their beliefs sincerely without any shame or guilt, than for these /pol/ larpers who have to lie and go through mental gymnastics to make it more acceptable and user-friendly.
ikr, just look at all these literal skinheads attracted to nazism
Name one single colony of British or Russian people set up by the USSR or Britain in Iran during WWII.
it was still more colonial than strategic
Britain removing middle east leaders was pretty common throughout colonial period even though no direct rule was in place
Yes very amusing, it is also the irish who secretly rule the united states
I'd like to see some quality of life comparisons for nazi germany and other contemporary states to prove the shit hole part let's not forget the freedom of speech and gun laws were more liberal under the nazis than they are in germany today, german aggression in ww2 was entirely justified and purely in self defense.
Guess who also worked together in ww2 the allies and the soviets does that mean the allies were communists? No.
This pic is a great example of how horrible nazi propaganda is. I can't wait for the explanation. Now this is mental gymnastics. Some nazis work so hard to prove that Hitler totally wasn't a socialist, shit on the Fed and interventionism and then other nazis say that they support the same economic policy as leftists from Clinton and FDR to Tony Blair. And then they're trying to prove that really capitalism and communism are the same if you look close enough.
Yes of course that is the slavs but you certainly implied all of europe, could you provide documentation for the extermination of nordic countries and the benelux nations please.
Don't forget how there are Nazis proud of German crimes against the Jews, while there is large following of the belief that holocaust didn't happen
>implying neonazis know anything about anything
They're just larping thugs who were made to be a media boogeyman to begin with.
Starting a war and dooming your nation as well as executing large numbers of people counts as a shithole.
>Guess who also worked together in ww2 the allies and the soviets
Similarly to them Germans also traded goods with the USSR, discussed how they're going to divide Europe and were swapping prisoners (captured Jews were a gift to German friends) but unlike the allies Germans and Soviets participated in battles together, victory parades and Gestapo learned a lot of techniques of interrogation from NKVD.
To them Hoess and Wisliceny and their testimony in Nuremberg are like granpas that they like but say too much when they're in public.
Well he exterminated the Jewish people in those countries (or at least tried to), but I said subjugate and murder, not just murder. I don't think there was any German plan to exterminate the Nordic people.
Regardless, what exactly are you trying to prove here? We already established that he wanted to destroy the Polish population, is that not evil enough for you?
>Why did Hitler still think he needed more land after getting this far?
He believed his race was superior and destined to rule the entire world.
You don't rule the world by just staying in Germany.
Hitler didn't want to rule the world. He wanted a Germany the size of US.
Its evil for polish people but good for german people
He didn't want to directly govern each and every part of the world like autistic swedish map painting sim players, but he did want Germany to be a sole, unquestioned superpower.
Do you understand how triggering that Polish corridor is to map autist eyes? Hitler did nothing wrong
Marx wasn't a Jew?
You can't fool us.
Both communism and capitalism predate marx. Not that he was jewish in any cultural or religious sense anyway.
>Do you know why commies and libertarians both hate social democrats, Keynesians and bismarckists? Because they altered capitalism and made it livable.
I don't know where this meme that marx opposed reformism comes from, but it's the opposite:
>After the programme was agreed, however, a clash arose between Marx and his French supporters arose over the purpose of the minimum section. Whereas Marx saw this as a practical means of agitation around demands that were achievable within the framework of capitalism, Guesde took a very different view: “Discounting the possibility of obtaining these reforms from the bourgeoisie, Guesde regarded them not as a practical programme of struggle, but simply ... as bait with which to lure the workers from Radicalism.” The rejection of these reforms would, Guesde believed, “free the proletariat of its last reformist illusions and convince it of the impossibility of avoiding a workers ’89.” [4] Accusing Guesde and Lafargue of “revolutionary phrase-mongering” and of denying the value of reformist struggles, Marx made his famous remark that, if their politics represented Marxism, “ce qu'il y a de certain c'est que moi, je ne suis pas Marxiste” (“what is certain is that I myself am not a Marxist”). [5]
Marx fought against what we would call accelerationists. He wanted to improve the conditions of workers, even within capitalism.
Not that you provide any sort of evidence besides your usual conspiranoid shit.
You're asking the wrong question.
>Imagine instead a union between these two
They get so happy together that they liberate an ally Hungary.
>the german fifth column will kill us all, quick persecute them
>quick the japs will all turn against us, send them to the camps
>we win this war for a better world of tolerance, justice and freedom
why are americans such uber jew hypocrites ?
>communism predates Marx
So this is the IQ of a Bolshevik