BBC China banning Bitcoin

They're banning bitcoin and will introduce their own blockchain apparently


fake unless you give me a link
looks exactly like the qtum thread

Who /investing in chinacoin/ here?

I wonder how much money has been lost because of fake FUD lol


The last paragraph though.

>inb4 NEO

Can't believe somebody goes through that much trouble in creating fake news


fuck off faggot

that's the problem, cause it's not much trouble.
>go to any legit news site
>right click
>inspect elemente
>edit the text as you please
>take a pic with your phone to look more legit
>be a faggot
>profit from the FUD

It'd be okay if they'd banned BITMAIN from mining shitcoins. They won't ban bitcoin itself though because the authorities get too many backhanders from it

Just looked all over BBC News China website, not one single recent article about Bitcoin ban.

OP is a serious fucking faggot. Why do people on Veeky Forums do this? No coiners on Veeky Forums? Fucking hell, the people on this board are shit. So hostile and dirty.

Sooooooo fucking fake, exactly like the last two you've posted (pic related)

Simply google the text in that article in quotes, on google. So retarded that people are falling for this.

Also, it's "official state cryptographic currency, which will be subject to regulation", not "official state cryptographic currency, that will be subject to regulation"

Not even trying

>Exit 142
>Broome road

thanks detective, is it possible to learn these investigation skills?


Found the fake article made by a yank. We say 'whilst' here.

>no coiners
> not realizing its the whales

>Not knowing what boolean searches are
You're never going to make it desu senpai

Do you have any idea how profitable fake news can be?

>their own blockchain

more like their own chinkchain

Welp time to dump and buy on the upswing. Thanks OP!

Also checked!