ITT we talk about pre-indoeuropean Europe
Old Europe thread
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Dat ass.
*Drives in on horse drawn cart*
*Digests Lactose and ferments Honey*
*Operates on a three tiered social system*
*Composes hymns in PIE*
*Herds goat*
They obviously liked ass over tits
Well, getting the baby out successfully is important. On the other hand, big tits don't produce more milk than small tits, so they have no greater functional value.
That culture was Siberian, retard
Hips are not Ass. Pic related is Ass. is basically flatassed.
That's flat as fuck. Pic related is what REAL women look like.
what have we lost
I watched a video lecture about some sites they found around Greece. Prior to the Aryans arrival, farms were more spread out and I think didn't drink milk so much. After the Aryans passed through, you started to see walled cities come up.
I think pastoral cultures appear to be more comfortable with violence. Maybe because they have to defend their livestock from bears, packs of wolves, and other hominids. Mix in the ability to ride a horse and you have the makings of an army. Eventually some charismatic leader or other event comes along and unites these warring groups into a cohesive horde. The Aryans, the Huns, The Mongols, The Arabs... the Pre-Indos were never gonna last, but goddamn were they thick.
>Composes hymns in PIE
whqt does PIE stand for?
so, how were societies on this stage?
did this guys have social strata?
Nobody really knows, since the Indo Euros pretty much decimated them wholesale. The Etruscans were pretty big, but by the time we start hearing from them, they'd been pretty much Hellenized.
There's a pretty prevalent meme about the Pre-Indo_euros being Matriarchal societies due to the prevalence of Venus figures, but I think it's still likely that they were patriarchal, since that's how most Human societies act.
In great apes, like Chimps and Humans, there's generally an Alpha Male along with an Alpha female, who's generally responsible for emotional cohesiveness in the society.
The Minoans, who were Pre Indo Europeans are also called Matriarchal, since they have lots of priestess statues holding snakes, but I think people ignore the fact that the Minoans were also very fond of depicting the Bull, which is a very male symbol.
I think it's much more likely that the female snake ladies are priestesses with the snakes representing a Chthonic deity, while the male Bull represents the heavens.
I wish I could read a book on how societies are formed, and because of what social reasons
You know, comparing types of societies and explaining their evolution, without taints from other cultures
I don't really know in what field that'd go in
if anybody can help with that, I would be much apreciated
One fun fact I've heard, if you have a bump on the back of your skull, then supposedly that comes from Neanderthal DNA.
Don't have a book, but one of my favorite lecture series is called "The Western Tradition" which touches on early Near East societies. Possibly available in your country here:
I think you can kind of predict how most societies will evolve. Some sort of hierarchy will emerge, typically with gods at the top. The more abundant food you have, the more time people have to focus on other things, the more specialized and complex the society will become.
OP here, I have one.
>since that's how most Human societies act
All human societies
Nothing is lost, plenty of women who take care of what they eat and exercise look like this. What we've lost is effort
I guess I kinda contradicted myself, but no matter
>One fun fact I've heard, if you have a bump on the back of your skull, then supposedly that comes from Neanderthal DNA.
>mfw that''s me
>One fun fact I've heard, if you have a bump on the back of your skull, then supposedly that comes from Neanderthal DNA.
>Become bald
>Discover i have a golf ball under my skin on the back of my skull
Thanks genetics
Neanderthals have an occipital bun as part of their general anatomy, and since humans have Neanderthal admixture, people take that to mean it comes from them.
The more likely explanation is that it's just a naturally occurring thing in Humans that reached saturation in Neanderthals. Humans and Neanderthals are very closely related, and are actually conspecific.
Some humans can even present sagittal keels, which are related to sagittal crests, but that doesn't mean those come from gorillas
>One fun fact I've heard, if you have a bump on the back of your skull, then supposedly that comes from Neanderthal DNA.
tfw superior neanderhtal
You dirty sapiens have to go back to africa where you came from
>old Europe
>No Nuragic Sardinia
It's pretty much the only society that managed to be technologically advanced with zero or next to zero social stratification
They mostly lived in small settlements which were numerous around the island, and gathered in large sanctuaries which had spaces for pilgrims, in the sanctuaries they were able to accomplish great buildings and projects, such as refined temples, aqueducts, fountains, baths, statues
The sanctuaries were big, some could reach 20 hectares, and maybe some were permenantly inhabited
In addition to one or more temple, workshops, a market place, and other features such as pools, arenas and other public spaces, each one of these large federal sanctuary had a really large stone roundhouse were the different communities gathered to discuss about wars or politics
Most individual settlements were small and didn't have more than 200 inhabitants, however the biggest ones could house up to 1,000 people or more and span several hectares like the sanctuaries
Some developed a complex plant over time, with streets, pave squares and a sewerage system, for instance Sa Sedda e Sos Carros had streets, a drainage system and two thermal structures
They also made the earliest known human sized statues in Europe, the large stone statues, as well as the hundreds of bronze statuettes representing warriors and the many bronze weapons found, clearly indicate they had warriors, and it's likely they commited ritualized warfare and piracy.
However the warriors were not oligarchs as archaeologists initially thought, differently from aristocratic societies most burials were in collective monumental tombs, and even later, when individual burials became popular, most of them didn't have a rich funerary kit to distinguish them from peasants.
>tfw I'm Jamaican and I have it
Oh my.
In the sanctuaries, many offerings such as bronze statuettes, refined vases and hoards of bronze weapons were deposited.
From their sculptures, we can deduce many things, their clothes, the many types of armors and weapons they had, their sea vessels and land or their land vehicles such as wagons, they even represented their temples and their "nuraghi" the monumental tower-palaces spread around the island, it is mainly thanks to these bronze and stone sculptures that we know how their top was.
Pic related it's the head of a bronze ship found in a fountain
>Early proto-Europeans (specifically, the aboriginal populations that outbred the Neanderthals but were in turn FARMED to extinction) had dark skin and dark hair that might have included Neanderthal derived red hair, and some even had blue eyes
>you will never see what these people looked like in person
>you will never fuck a dark skinned qt with piercing baby blue eyes
Goddamn it all.
Was Nuragic civilization the surviving remnant of the Pre-Indo megalithic Beaker culture of Western Europe?
The Sardinian culture prior to the Nuragics produced beaker pottery, probably due to the influx of Iberian migrants from the west, and Nuragics often used swords which were based on Iberian models.
Genetically speaking the Nuragics are strongly related to the people who built thousands of megaliths such as dolmen, menhirs etc around Europe and in Sardinia itself.
However the many Nuragic buildings such as well temples t don't have parallels outside of the island with the exception of the Nuragic towers themselves which have some similarities with some similar but smaller buildings in the Balearic islands and Corsica.
So Sardinia is where the descendants of the megalithic builders managed to give their best in both architecture and artistic output.
They didn't depict the mother goddess anymore, the most commonly represented figure is this guy in the middle, the so called "chief" or "king", he always wore a cloak, a tunic and carried a staff with bosses, a sort of scepter, and a "t" shaped dagger, in this case he also wields a leaf shaped sword.
>blonde hair
>pale skin
Back to Kazakhstan, steppe nigga
Wtf is n.10 doing? Wrestling or fucking?
Wrestling, they had arenas and shit
Hey, anyone got some literature on old europe before the Indo-Europeans? Or generally about the neolithic in europe?
The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe
Oh yeah i shouldve written: other than marija gimbutas.
The Lost World Of Old Europe: The Danube Valley, 5000 - 3500 Bc (2009)
Thanks man
What did they mean by this?
I read that all the way up to the 8th century, there were some Irish clans that still spoke the pre-Celtic languages spoken before the arrival of the Celts. Can anyone tell moe more about this?
>female cults
>female ruling class
I'm glad my steppe ancestors genocided these subhuman faggots
you didn't genocide shit you LARPing faggot
Cunt mad?
What you read is complete fiction.
There is no evidence of them being matriarchal. Many societies made statues of women and several of those societies treated women like absolute dogshit.
Only matriarchal societies worship fat women.
I don't think there si evidence for neolithic Brits worshiping them correct me if I'm wrong
>grouping dozens of different cultures from sweden to Malta as "Old Europe"
>t. Pre indo-European cuck
Yes we did
You didn't do shit
turning stretch marks into tattoos
We Indo-Europeans did it
What am I reading?
Yes, you're totally the same as Yamna people from 5000 years ago
> We Indo-Europeans did it
so you germanics call yourselve europe and you can claim history like this as yours?
Paternally i am
Kill yourself already.
One can have a culture that that doesn't care about patrilinear descent but also not tyrannically controlled by women.
Farmers were known for including slightly more local males than females to their society as they needed a helping hand.
Your Y-DNA doesn't mean shit. There can be guy with haplogroup "G" and be more Indo-European than you are.
lol but you didn't do shit, your grandpa can be Einsten but you might be born a retard
>The autosomal-retard again
You J-ews, E-rangutans, N-iggers, I-nbreds, and G-ays are not Indo-Europeans, IE were and will always be R1bulls
t. Ariomanus
I am sure you are, sadly history isn't your power fantasy
Homosexuaility is the most common in countries with high R1b freuquency though.
You didn't even understand what I wrote, dumb larper. If a guy with Y-DNA "G" fucks a lot of daughters of R1b chieftains, his son and son of his son will be more Indo-European than some R1berians that fucked some chink or nigger women.
But you're too fucking retarded to grasp it. Go we-wuz about Trojans n shit, you lame-ass bitch-ass nigga shit with weak jaw.
>African and I have it
Corded Beakers came from Danube around the same time as Sintashta formed
Really makes you think(not really)
Iberia and Sardinia the last survivors
>The Finnish N-igger is here
You will never surpass R1best, you will always carry niggerish Yakut Y-DNA
Pic related are your ancestors, N-igger
Not even him, but Finns are more European genetically than French. Seems like the rest of my post was omitted by your tiny brain.
Blue eyes are fucking horrendous
Thus is just fat.
Her stomach is flat. It's genetics.
Too bad. I have a liking for 'last holdout of a bygone time'-type peoples and cultures.
>flat stomach
>slim waist
>"just fat"
Fuck off faggot.
Sure, Pekka
Homosexuals are most likely inferior E-rangutans, I-nbreds, G-ays and J-ews, it is in their civilization (Rome Gayreece) that homosexuality became a thing
R1bulls put to death faggots and burned them
>Not even him
You're the only one to use R1berian on /int/ dumb mongoloid
>power fantasy
fuck off back to /r/eddit anita
The fuck is even "Old Europeans?"
Faggotry is a R1b thing. I suggest you take some testosterone injections, maybe you stop looking like a bitch without any jaw, with small chin and bitch cheecks.
I'm Finnish and respect the R1b race more then the R1a race which is more effeminate
Finally a decent map
>not R1a
Europe before the arrival of Indo-European speak/culture and ultimately genes as well
Non-R1b are subhumans that we colonized and that we are still colonizing
N-iggers are pathetic mongoloid that racemixed so much with Europeans that became European-looking
We R1b enslaved the entire African Continent and are still pillaging it and putting to death any E-rangutans that stand in our way
R1b is the Master Race, One R1b country can dominate an entire continent filled with non-R1b
So a hundreds of different cultures from 6000 to 300 bc?
it's a broad term, yes
>300 bc
are you referring to Nuragics?
Once again with your larping. You're so detached from reality that it's not even funny anymore.
It would be absolutely hilarious if you tested for something other than R1b.
Etruscans, Iberians, Nuragics
Also Rhaeti, Eteocretans and Sicani
mmh, I think although Etruscans spoke (likely) non-IE, they had already received IE influence with the Villanovan culture