Has anyone here every sold cocaine?
Is the money worth the hassle?
here's my idea
1. sell blow
2. dump profit into a crypto
3. fuck bitches
4. watch that shit moon
5. be rich
Has anyone here every sold cocaine?
Is the money worth the hassle?
here's my idea
1. sell blow
2. dump profit into a crypto
3. fuck bitches
4. watch that shit moon
5. be rich
6. Snort profit
nope I don't touch the shit son
I think that's a perfect plan that no one else has ever thought of. You'd be dumb not to do it.
better plan
1. go to school
2. get a job
3. stop being a faggot
I'll tell you if you tell me the best deep web sites
you being facetious my dude?
I have a feeling most coke dealers don't have the mind to even consider crypto yet.
Shitty idea and I hope you faggot get arrested and raped by niggas that look like king kong.
>selling a drug that people had their heads sawed off over to privleged white kids with parental issues
I'm OP though
I literally can't stop sucking dicks
I don't have an addictive personality at all. I can control myself pretty good. But when I used cocaine I was instantly hooked. Only thing that's keeping me back, is how expensive it is. But that shit is so fucking goooood.
Don't know if that answers your question
Do you have a lot of buyers you can get in touch with ASAP?
If not, you'll get fronted a certain amount and told to sell it all in 2 weeks. If you can't, some Colombian narco is gonna come break your legs or worse. My advice is make sure you know a bunch of people who are ready and willing to buy RIGHT NOW
well yeah
a gram of cocaine costs more than a barrel of oil
Who is this semen demon?
nope but I can run that shit for a guy
I hope you don't mind working the night shift. Cokeheads will blow up your phone or bang on your door at 2-3 in the morning to keep their high going.
never sell from where you dwell friend
Here's the main problem:
>drug users are retards and will get caught by police eventually if they continue using long enough
>cops threaten user with jail time
>he is mentally unstable because of his drug use so he panics
>he snitches on his dealer to avoid jail time because his dealer isn't some scary cartel guy that will actually murder him and his entire family
>his dealer gets busted for the much more serious crime of distributing narcotics
Unless you're a really intimidating guy and willing to murder these people I wouldn't do it. Even then they still get snitched on. Unless of course you're talking about selling it online which brings up a whole other list of potential problems, but is a probably the safer option nowadays.
More Like....
1. Try to sell blow.
2. Winds up being a cop, go to prison.
3. Become the bitch that everyone fucks.
Those cokeheads will get some wild ideas once in a while, better carry a gun cause you'll get robbed eventually for your stash.
I'll have backing
Being a mule is a whole different game. They'll kill you just to keep you quiet.
I had a case one time where a kid was driving drugs from the Mexican border and got popped in Louisiana for a busted tail light or something stupid. Routine traffic stop turned into 25 years in prison. Cops watch those known drug pipelines like hawks because it's easy pickings
> beat up vehicle
> dude looks brown
> Texas plates
> better stop him for a "traffic violation" and let Rover sniff around
Air/water transport is even worse.
I sold weed for a while.
I wouldnt reccomend selling coke unless youre a real tough guy and own a gun.
All the coke dealers ive ever known were really fucking sketchy and ready to rob you or anyone they thought was weak.
Also coke head customers are pretty much the same way. If you live in the city coke dealing can be quite dangerous
I did some research and it turns out that's actually a girl, color me impressed
Stay out of my territory
Is this "backing" made up of people who give a fuck whether you live or die? or is it just people who view you like a tool being used to do a job that can just be discarded and replaced at any time?
Veeky Forums is all about the hustle of entrepreneurship, but selling drugs is never worth it. It always ends poorly if you do it long enough. Will these people you're going into business with let you retire peacefully whenever you want?
In Canadastan
pretty chill area but very profitable as well.
I used to sell weed to, also used to run escorts legally before backpage and craigslist shat the agency thing up. I'm used to dealing with large sums of money. I got a good reputation too
can neither confirm nor deny but if you do cut it was shit easy on the nose, don't cut it past 80% unless you're selling to niggers
you will get addicted and it will get everywhere and smear into clothes and leather
real cocaine is a kind of weird petrol smell when rubbed between your fingers and one of the softest things besides talc, I know multiple people indirectly and directly that have died from overdosing. Do not sell to feed your addiction, you will lose.
I'm known, due to my past. I have a good reputation for not fucking around
I don't even do the shit friend
Ok well it sounds like you already know what you want. We warned you.
Sell it, snort it, enjoy life. Dont listen to the pussies here advising otherwise.
are you fucking stupid?
?? This shit is already happening on such a massive scale that you can't do shit
ain't no decision made yet my main man
if anyone has experience in this shit please contribute.
thats why the best drug dealing method imo is the city style like we have in chicago
>literally open air markets where niggers yell out they are selling crack and heroin on street corners
>they never have the actual drugs on them, police know this so drive by and usually cant do anything
>when whitie pulls up tells 12 yo nigger how much he wants
>12 year old gets said quantity from stash spot in garbage cans
>white boy pays and leaves
>usually only white boy gets caught, and has little evidence to offer police about his dealer since there is no phone numbers and impossible to identify/hold up in court
>in the event police do roll up during actual time niglet has drugs in his hand, smart gangs use minors that dont give a fuck about going to juvie
>repeat repeat repeat
was actually responding to this post
I sold coke years ago when I was in a desperate situation to pay rent. I only had 3-4 customers and made like 80% of my sales to the same kid, some nerd who delivered pizzas all night and then would come fork over all his tips for my weak, stomped-on garbage. I made enough to pay rent, buy food, pay a loan and get back on my feet then decided to sell one more 1/4oz and put it into BTC. Transferred that to ETH @ $13 and I'm up $10k.
thats kinda my plan. Drop it into crypto and bank
you forgot
4. keep being a poor wagecuck
i sell a little bit because i live in an upper middle class area and I'm in college and can't stand the thought of working and is right man when i started i didn't even care about using it i just wanted the money but now I'm daily, especially with my profits in crypto. woke up 15 minutes ago and first thing i did was rack up a fatty
i bought OMG last month and now i'm up 10k. sorry you had to do it the hard way.
t. Wagecuck
lol what a stupid fucking nigger
>have bad luck
>get arrested
>carreer life over
Not worth the risk
? No it don't
in the US (west coast) an average gram costs about 50 clams
The real money is in running shipping lines. Do you all remember of the the largest shipping companies declaring bankruptcy? I forgot the name. Now is a time with low interest rates & shipping companies selling for dirt cheap.
Simply run the companies at break even at least after paying interest on the loans and import cheap Chinese drugs on the side and profit.
You're 6 years too late if you think you can launder money through crypto and not get reamed in the ass by government agencies
my career as a labourer?
oh no
No, dipshit.
>not seeing how a criminal record is bad
>I have a feeling most coke dealers don't have the mind to even consider crypto yet.
You've got to be kidding
Dealers in my uni dorm were selling coke for bitcoin when it was dollars to a BTC
If I'd realised what they were fucking back when I had a fresh student grant in my pocket I'd have been a millionaire by now
It seems like you're missing a really simple part of the equation? Have you thought of vending on the darkweb markets?
That way you wouldn't even have to convert your money to bitcoin, you would literally get paid in bitcoin or monero. Also it would be much safer than the streets.
The current state of markets is very bad after the huge busts but I can promise you they'll be back.
PS buy monero now
I hear alphabay and dream market are real nice this time of year ;^)
I Did exactly that Op.
who is this senpai
cocaine and heroin dealer.
You can't sell coke without trying every batch to make sure it's decent. You need to know what you are selling. Otherwise you will be shot or stabbed when you sell the wrong shit to the wrong addict.
Stop being a fucking pussy. if your going to sell something know what the fuck it is
No, it's not worth the risk.
Go to college, get educated, get paid better than stupid street niggers that listened to too much rap and hung around shitty degenerates.
This isn't a movie, my man. This is real life, and there are real consequences.
Niggers don't separate the two, and get put in prison.
Once you're a felon, that's for life.
Lmao you really believe that huh
Sell weed, far safer, more customer base, less sketchy as well, also you don't lose profits (maybe a little but with so much less danger it is a far better version)
hmmm I've thought of it but I as yet not to familiar with how that sort of thing works. Thats not to say I can't learn. Shipping will be kind of a bitch I imagine
>failure to comprehend what I'm saying
sell coke, make money, buy crypto with said money
Oh I'd do a line at least to make sure its decent. But coke aint my regular kool aid
I could get coke for cheap (REAL CHEAP), but I don't want to end up beheaded or chopped down in pieces, there is also the "Halcon"(Falcon) position, where you just keep living in a designated area a few kilometers from drug distribution centers, and just make a call when federal police or military comes (Local and state policemen are already bribed), an old friend gets paid 2k USD per week just doing this shitty job.
i don't know where you at but im gonna tell you this
only buy if the seal is still intact
don't buy shit from Italy
don't buy shit from Holand
don't buy shit from the UK
don't buy shit from middle america
throw whit shit in it for 30% increase in volume