What are some Veeky Forums approved games?
What are some Veeky Forums approved games?
I like the Total War series. It will help you to better picture concepts, names, and places from the eras they cover. I learn about clans, religions, and settlements all the time.
>not IV or III
Sorry but I'm not blinded with nostalgia
Multiplayer when?
IV > V
>Posting Sid Meir's crap and not the based Avalon Hill Civilization.
Pathetic. But go on, enjoy your shitty wargame instead of a game that actually really models civilizational advance and decline.
BF1 (because yes, Bedouins were more important than French and Russians, and yes half of the German army was black)
Assassin's Creed Origins (because yes, Ancient Egypt was BLACK)
This shit just looks like Risk
are there any games where they accurately portray Rome (as black)?
Combat mission is really good if you want a good scope of what battles in ww2 were really like with realistic forces right down to who was commanding a squad in a regement that you can control
Already in senpai
Games are completely accurate though as the devs are stubborn as fuck and refuse to add assets that
A can't be reused
B weren't OFFICALY catalogued
So no g41(m) or german sten/lee enfields even though they were in the battle along with a few other things
EU4, CK2, HoI (Darkest Hour or 4)
What game accurately portrays the TURK (black)?
Nice sarcasm.
Anyway, verdun and the coming eastern front expansion pack for it would probably rate as being Veeky Forums approved.
-anno 1604, 1503
-age of empires
-age of mythology
-Total war Rome, Medieval + expansions
>shit tier
-Rome total war napoleon or Rome II
-Anno 2070, Anno 1701
>no hoi3
I take it back, anything after DH was a fucking mistake
Why is Total War Rome both in GOD-tier and shit tier?
There is a difference between Rome and Rome II
Is there a difference between "Total war Rome" and "Rome total war" though?
>or 4)
Go back from whence you came pleb.
Alright you're good then. Don't mind me over-reacting. I still haven't gotten over the travesty that IV was.
I've seen beginners best the SU on "hard-mode" in Youtube. That's how far they fucked their game.
>I've seen beginners best the SU on "hard-mode" in Youtube
The fuck? I could barely beat it in Darkest Hour despite God knows how long of playing
>beginners best the SU on "hard-mode
Seriously though wtf
I've been playing one called Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece, lately. It's pretty good.
It being too easy is basically parrotted by everyone who knew the HoI games before the new installement.
It basically takes the "map-painting" thing to heart, since all you have to do is draw a line for where you want your troops to be.
feels bad that the largest war in history got dumbed down so hard
Beating the SU in Darkest Hour isn't really hard either, at least as Germany. I invaded them in late May 1941 and won in early October at hard difficulty. The TC efficiency never went below 85% for me.
I don't even bother doing it in HOI3 due to the massive amounts of provinces and numerous divisions being unable to move from lack of supplies or fuel.
Never got the first one, two and three are decent, three more so. Only played singleplayer so far, I feel long multiplayer games with friends is probably where it would shine.
MGS IV was probably my favorite MGS
I...don't know what to say to that
surprisingly good borders
>Brits got Washington
I see America lost the crisis again and declared war on the Brits 10,000 times?
that revisionist SJW shit will never be Veeky Forums approved
stop shilling that normie crap
pic related - actually Veeky Forums approved game
Man what is that, looks awesome
Panzer Corps (which is a remake of the old Panzer General)
It has shitloads of campaigns featuring all major sides from European Front - Germans, Western Allies and Soviets.
What I love is the Grand Campaign where you can play as Germans from 1939 Polish campaign till 1945 (if you survive that long).
It's divided by years and each year has approximately around 12-15 scenarios and they each branch out (for example in Battle of France do you turn North to fight against the British in Arras or turn South after Sedan to mop up the French?)
By 1942 you get to decide if you keep fighting against the Soviets in East or go to France and Italy to fight against the Western Allied threat.
It's very fun and each scenario can take you like an hour each.
Also there's user created campaigns which are high quality and worth to check out.
Sorry if I sound like a shill, but I've wasted hundreds of hours on this and want other anons to know about it.
oh, and if you're into Pacific Front, there's also Order of Battle: WW2 which follows the same formula, except it's more focused on USA/Japan struggle so you get lots of Island Mopping fun and Naval battles.
So I tried Kaiserreich on HoI4 last month. It feels as if seeing all of the decision-trees really hurts the game. It undermines all of the suspence and experience and boils it down to counting months. Maybe obscuring the tree would help with the erp aspect of the game as god knows that the combat won't carry it.
AOE2 is the only game that you need.
>What are some Veeky Forums approved games?
There are none. Video games aren't a good way to learn history, this is settled.
1) Cossacks art of war, euro wars etc
2) Victoria 2, EU4 , CK. most paradox games
3) Civ 4 > 6 > 5 (5 with GoK is possibly 2 though)
The problem isn't that you have tools, it's that the game has NO AI
AI literally just moves troops to a frontline across the border, and if you're at war they will just go attack whatever.
They don't take up defensible positions, they don't engage in any kind of planning, they don't even try to defend things. They just blob along borders and try to get your guys, and it's incredibly easy to just go around them and take all the objectives. Beating the USA as Canada with just your starting Canadian troops isn't even hard because of this, the american AI just sends an equal number of men all across the fucking huge border, despite the fact that almost everything that's worth attacking is east of the great lakes, on both sides. So you ignore all the western continent, and just bust through what they have stationed in new england, and you win every time because 3/4s or more of the american army will be aimlessly wandering around the empty frozen canadian north, since the AI just spills in to countries without any attempt at prioritizing actual targets, they just aimlessly fill up tiles.
I literally could make better AI myself, as just an amateur programmer. Assigning values to tiles based on their defensibility, industrial production and victory points, and making units take those values in to account as they decide where to move, would be child's play. And that's not a hyperbolic boast, it really is easy. Paradox is just either doesn't give a single fuck, or the basic foundation of their movement code is so flimsy that it can't be added to, because no programmer would be so inept as to be unable to implement a dijkstra map.
Yeah I recall reading on how the AI is absolute dogshit, never knew it was this bad, though. So it's basically Victoria 2-tier AI now regards to military?
it's because they don't give a fuck about SP and just try to force gsg as an e-sports thing now
Civ 4 with RFC DOC is God tier. For history newbies the place to start.
Just play the original Panzer General. It's a free download and it has aged pretty well.
>it has aged pretty well
not really, AI loves to spam units out of nowhere in the fog of war
Gameplay wise I'd say Diplomacy. It's set in WW1 Europe, 7 players, England, France, Germany, Russia, Ottomans, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
No dice, no randomization. It's all negotiation. Not a lot of historical elements, although the geography works quite well. Germany has the eternal problem of two front wars, Russia is more resilient to conquest.
It's just a little unbalanced. Playing in a top players tournament at Playdiplomacy.com right now and Austria and Italy have a pretty obvious disadvantage, while Germany, France, and Russia are definitely the top tier countries.
Twilight Struggle is good too. Cold War based card/board game where you play real Cold War events as actions (Suez Crisis for example). Really good, but it can get unbalanced due to the randomness. If you get shit hands, it can knock you out early. Luckily, you can always trick you opponent into triggering nuclear war and steal a victory.
7 Wonders is cool too, but it's only loosely historical.
That's why you have to rush objectives user. Is Panzer Corps more balanced?
It has less bullshit like that, there's still moments when AI has bunch of free units out of nowhere, but it's mostly triggered on defensive scenarios (where you have to defend objectives against waves of attacks) or when AI has a counterattack script going on. I've seen no moments like when AI suddenly has 4 units of T-34s out of nowhere when you're 1 hex away from final objective (like I saw it happens in PG)
I know some PG purists like to shit on PC, but I found it very enjoyable myself and can't see why someone would go back to PG.
I'm talking about PG1 though, PG2 is still God-Tier with literally endless campaigns and scenarios though.
>tfw playing the Das Reich SS campaign
pure wehraboo boner
Yeah, like those elite Roman ninja units and the flaming pigs?
> PG2 was godtier
I only ever played PG1, what changed in PG2?
I actually loved the tank portion of the story mode in BF1. "The Driver" I think it was called. Wouldn't mind a whole game like that.
Bugs... easy on the carrots
Brigadier General donor reporting in
GMT need to hurry up with this.
it's good. So is Order of Battle.
>Flaming pigs
To scare elephants.
there's Fields of Glory 2 coming out soon and it looks pretty good desu
>Tch, nihil personalem, puero
If you want to play Rome Total War, might I recommend my own mod, Ab Urbe Condita?
It's only been released within the past few months, and keeps the feel of vanilla Rome (with many new additions, aesthetically, graphically etc) in order to keep you entertained.
>start a campaign
>put too much troops on one front and too few troops on the other one
>turns are ending
>you're fucked and lose the game
Even if I completed the german campaign just losing one time, it gave me anxiety to the end on big maps, but I loved this game, specially the sounds and artillery, maybe I would try the expansion.
you're playing as germans
you're supposed to lose normally unless you browse forums for the most META tactic
1944-45 scenarios are fucking brutal and WILL destroy you
If you want just a comfy game, play the Allied Corps.
Soviet one is hard as fuck in the beginning but gets more comfy later on (once you survive initial German onslaught)
yep, looking forward to it.
GMT's COIN series is great if you have 3 other somewhat like-minded individuals.
Interesting settings.
>Be on back foot on Eastern front until late 1915
>Constant manpower issues with reinforcing existing divisions but also having to recruit new ones to fill in gaps
>Battles of Vienna and Paris on same turn
>German victory in Paris and Russian victory in Vienna
>Neither cities fall, only the outskirts
>Russians get pushed away from Vienna next turn and Germans continue assaulting Paris
>Next few turns involve large portions of the Western Front being essentially abandoned except for garrisons as the Western Entente player and I rail more and more armies to Paris and the surrounding areas
>100k-200k German soldiers getting shipped by rail to Paris each turn
>Each turn 100k-200k German and Entente casualties each in the assaults on Paris and Entente counter attacks
>Finally take Paris and surround about 600k Russians on last turn
>Western Entente surrenders
Wars of Napoleon would be fun as well but you just need so many players.
this looks like fun but is it worth learning to play if I want to play SP only? I heard AI is pretty bad
I would say no. I played a lot of Civil War II single player but the AI is just so passive. You really need a good group of friends to play with who you know will not just just quit barring life issues and getting stomped.
tried. Can't get past how terrible the engine and interface is.
>anno 1701
>shit tier
Go fuck yourself.
>Total War: Napoleon
>shit tier
It is pretty meh without mods. Also.
>NTW3 best mod.
>no Anno 1602
Gary Grigsby's War in the East & War in the West
Command: Modern Air Naval Operations
>Gary Grigsby's War in the East & War in the West
Gary's Grisby's War in the West 1939-42 when?
who the fuck plays Total War vanilla?
In that case both Medieval 2 and Rome Total War are shit tier
How long does a game take and how intuitive is the gameplay?
War in Europe soon
what game is this
>How long does a game take
From a couple days to weeks depending on how much you play, once the turn is ended all players moves happen at same time, you do not all have to be in the game to do your turn, just send your orders file to host when ready.
>How intuitive
Not at fucking all, but once you learn how to play it gets way better. Still some janky shit here and there.
Looks like Victoria 2.
This game is great, has a bit of a learning curve but its beautiful.
kill yourself
These ninja units.
I have a real bad itch for an ancient civilizatiom game and an empire building game and have nothing to satisfy those cravings
Does anybody know of any mods or games that fill one or both niches
>inb4 civ
Play TW Rome and Attila
Not that guy, but why is Verdun SJW?
Any games about Persia? Already played every total war and peak boner was Attila's Sassanid campaign.
>HOI3 with black ice mod
>Red Orchestra with Darkest Hour mod
>Red Orchestra 2
>Men of War Assault squad 2 with Robz or German Soldiers mod
War Thunder is ok too
Sadly very little Migration period strategy games exist (which is god awful as I find this age to be one of my favorites). If you have an apetite for grand strategy games then as
said you can get mods for them. There is also EU: Rome with Reign of the Ancients mod
EU4 AOW and before could make Persia fun if you feel like playing the rise of the Safavids.
I am so disappointed Paraducks canceled EvW, Iran would have been amazing. (don't say the Vicky cold war mod is it cause EvW was gonna have the depth of HoI3 and the equipment of HoI4 and the factories and resources of Vicky watch their demonstration stream of Israel and cry of what it could have been).
what game is this?