How would the world be different today if Saddam were never overthrown?
How would the world be different today if Saddam were never overthrown?
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He would colonize the USA since he was such a big threath to america. Im glad all those US soldiers died in Iraq for my safety :)
No Arab Spring
No Libya
No Syria
No refugees
infinitely better
fuck george bush, fuck neocons, fuck jews
>tfw not american
>tfw americans were lied to en masse by their government
>mfw everyone sweeps that little fact under the carpet, like the world's biggest democracy didn't wage a war of lies that was based around progressing their own agenda
Try asking again in 2028
I'm Iraqi and while I love baba Saddam, he was old as fuck. Eventually he would die, Qusay would take over, there would have been a huge Israel-backed uprising like in Syria against him and Iraq would turn into a shitshow anyway.
Then again if the army and intelligence services maintained the same level of control that they had in the 80's, they might have been able to quell it.
Anyway I predict in the next 10 years Iraq will see a massive backlash against political Islam and people will vote in secular nationalist parties
>treasonous crap
it's not treason when you're country betrayed you first
>am from an allied nation that you pulled into YOUR imperialist war
>not even a gommie
feels good man
>being this triggered
Why do you hate Ukraine Putinbot? Why does Dugin brainwash you pro-Russian scum to spread propaganda against America?
I just owned all of you Putin supporters.
>American "banter" ITT
>No Arab Spring
Wrong, he wouldn't have magically resolved all the social problems in the countries where the arab spring happened.
At least there would be no ISIS landgrab in Iraq and Syria.
ISIS happened because Shiites took over in Iraq and a lot of Saddam's Sunni allies felt left out.
Also Iran would not be such a large regional player as they would have no ally in Iraq.
There would be less opposition to the Iran-treaty by internal forces in the US (Israel).
If the Soviet Union had never been destroyed by the Jews all these Arab secular rulers would still be ruling.
>No Arab Spring
>No rapefugee wave
>Iran contained
>No Syrian War
>No Libyan War
>No Iraq War
>Cartoon poster
>is a retard as well
Really activates the ole almonds.
Probably would still be a shithole
One man cannot change the ways of the Arabs.
Le weapons of mass destruction would've destroyed the US silly goyim
>guy spends years waging wars and supporting terrorist
>"he dindu nuffin! the middle east would be perfect if it werent for da evil americans!"
Why are europeans such stupid pigs?
USSR kicked a secular dictator out of Afghanistan and plunged the country into a civil war. The Soviets are literally the reason for religious extremism there, it outright did not exist before those communists enraged the entire country.
>mfw I was somewhat upset when he died simply because his "interviews" with conan o'brien was one of my favorite skits on the show
t. confused /pol/ containment escapee
>he thinks /pol/ would shill a literal communist country
Fuck off you libtard shitbag. Saddam and his sons used to kidnap teenage girls, rape them and torture them when they were done with fucking them.
Wait until you see what Trump does to the latest libtard love interest, Kim Jung Un.
You don't get to point fucking WMDs at the USA and get away with it.
Nice bait. I'm sure the Iraqis who suffered enough under Saddam really appreciated the American government in creating a million more Saddams in Iraq.
Are you that "You're a Putinbot" fag that keeps up this meme about Dugin?
>Saddam and his sons used to kidnap teenage girls, rape them and torture them
And this is bad how?
Nothing, he was US pupped anyway.
American puppet
>bin Laden
American puppet
American puppet
Live by the burger, die by the burger.
The Arab Spring would have lead to WWIII when he marched his army into Syria.
US loves to fuck with their puppets and "allies".
That's the point.
And so did US generals.
>Wrong, he wouldn't have magically resolved all the social problems in the countries where the arab spring happened.
So? He had already ruled for decades and had thus far crushed any attempt to overthrow him. Since the end of the second world war, The Arab world was always ruled by autocratic regimes that suppress all opposition and dissent with great cruelty. Many of those regimes are corrupt, and some of them are effectively in the service of foreigners. Of course most Arabs are poor and getting poorer. This has all been true for decades. Various flavors of Sunni Arab revolutionaries have been trying to overthrow their governments for all that time, with only one success in Afghanistan.
The great change is driven by the thinly disguised American defeat in Iraq. The last US troops have mostly left the country, and after that grim experience US public opinion will not countenance another major American military intervention in the region. The safety net for Arab regimes allied to the United States is gone, and every wannabe caliph in the Middle East knows it.
>a massive backlash against political Islam and people will vote in secular
I've noticed such a trend in my middle eastern friends. They're surprisingly liberal in many areas, while being genuinely passionate about their faith. I think the internet has been a force which the Islamic Regimes can't snuff out. Do you see this same trend happening globally?
>hating Ukraine
Can't hate hate that which doesn't exist. Now hating the Ukraine on the other hand...
protip: if you think everything is orchestrated master plan, youre retarded
A secular strongman who rapes girls but keeps his country in line is preferable to one who does the same thing while exporting jihad to the western world. I'll take Saddam over the House of Saud any day.
how did saddam keep his country in line?
Saddam did support groups like al queda though
By bombing his own citizens
>conspiracy theories
Yeah, Saddam lost the first war but was kept in power until he decided to stop trading oil for dolars because he was soooo independent.
>justifying ISIS
Why are burgers lobotomized mongoloids?
t. r/the_donald moderator
>gonspiracy theory
a few functioning brain-cells and you wouldn't be saying that shit, you retarded subhuman.
>bin laden
US puppet
US puppet
Literally USA's bro whom they tried to keep around, are you fucking RETARDED
Nice "enemies of democracy", burgerino.
try again burgers
"we tried to kill him for decades and couldn't but now he died im gonna add him to my shitty mspaint shitpost"
No ISIS, no widespread Islamic terror in the region.
US only had to go after Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia. Instead we went after Iraq for no god damn reason other than to settle Bush's own family grudge.
>US had to go after Saudi Arabia
If that happened, you would right now be a poor wagie in the street with a daily calorie intake of 400 and no internet you retarded kid.
The yanks make a lot of money dealing with saudis.
>family grudge
try the bush arms trade family tradition
>invading Saudi Arabia
Are you politically illiterate
One of the biggest reasons Iraq was attacked in 1991 was because the bushes were afraid he would put his hands on them
Not him, but I've noticed essentially the same thing with my North African in-laws
>jews found the soviet union
>THEN destroy it
Is there anything The Jews can't do?
This made me laugh. Classic.
>conspiracy theories
GTFO brainlet
>He doesn't know Jews were purged from Soviet leadership by Stalin
Arab spring is the result of Obama speech in Egypt.
I think it's just cause the entire Middle East, especially Iraq, has had such a shit experience with islamism for the last 15 years that they are realising it's true nature. Daesh was the end swing of the pendulum, now there will be a huge backlash.
Aback is as moderate and secular as you can get for a member of a supposed islamist party. Even Muqtada al-Sadr has turned 180 degrees and become uber "moderate" and peaceful. I think they sense the new generation of Iraqis are fed up with islamism, both Sunni and Shia
25 year rule brah
I'm not sure what to think.
My friend who is an Iraqi Shia hates him, saying most of his family was killed because of him.
He was helped by em in the 80s because he was seen as the good guy against big bad Iran but times change and allegiances change.
>US puppet
factually wrong
>US puppet
Im so fucking tired of every retarded normie just making the blanket statement of every asshole in the muslim world being a US puppet and all these complex situations are all part of the same diabolical plan
>I can't research it because it defies my naive and retarded political viewpoints :I
>therefor its a wrong statement said by normies
Incredibly ironic. Do your homework and go to bed
the sovjets were fighting the fundamentalists you dumb fuck and they would have purged all the islamists if america hadn't armed them.
No goy. Taking out Saddam brought positive reverberations to the region.
This is why I come here
Why is USA so evil?
This shit still gets me. The fact the US media didn't note any of this gets me. The fact the American people are unaware of who owns the media gets me.
The fact 99% of Americans never heard of this gets me.
>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".
>Richard Norman Perle (born September 16, 1941) is an American political advisor, consultant, and lobbyist who began his career in government as a senior staff member to Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson on the Senate Armed Services Committee in the 1970s.[2] Later he was heavily involved with the Reagan administration and served as an assistant Secretary of Defense and also worked on the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 1987 to 2004. He was Chairman of the Board in 2001 under the Bush Administration but eventually resigned in 2003 due to """"""conflict of interests"""""".
Almost all Jews.
I actually was discussing this yesterday. The Iraq war cost the US 1 trillion dollars.
Its may not be an orchestrated master plan but Reagan was responsible for arming Osama Bin Laden and the rise to the taliban having power.
America basiclly keeps arming the wrong people who basiclly turn into exactly what we armed them to destroy.
too much anglo blood
>The fact the US media didn't note any of this gets me.
Yeah it's not like American media is owned by the Jews or something
>America basiclly keeps arming the wrong people who basiclly turn into exactly what we armed them to destroy.
>armed the Soviets
>turned the Soviets into a world power causing hundreds millions of deaths worldwide due to Soviet funded proxy wars
Think about it, if the US abstained from WW2 and the Soviets lost there would have been no Korea, no Vietnam, no Bay of Pigs, no Derg.
How do people read stuff in this thread without it having any effect? How can people forget this stuff so easily or just not care? I truly don't understand the cognitive dissonance.
I guess what I'm asking is, how do we make people care?
How do we make the average Murican Republican care about this information instead of clamoring for regime change and bandmouthing the refugees as if it's wholly their fault?
Is there any hope for humanity or are we destined to continue repeating the same mistakes and perpetually enslaved to an elite class?
>How would the world be different today if Saddam were never overthrown?
The U.S. would have a HUGE military presence in Israel today but that would be FAR cheeper then what happened and the Jews would be kissing our ass.
These countries are facing far worse problems because of the Mossad/CIA instigated Arab Spring.
Why would there be an iran-treaty if iran is not as powerful?
Pretty sure the Arab Spring existed to decimate the Middle East under the guise of FREEDUM AND DEMOKRACY
>>armed the Soviets
nope. it's quite foolish to think that the soviets were children who didn't know how to arm themselves. the americans provided significant shipments in military equipment but the ussr had huge military production capabilities itself. it's just a really crude simplification you've done to make square peg into a circular one.
Jeeze, fine, "propped up", without the US supplying the Soviets and opening up a Western front they would have collapsed.
>"Personally neither I nor my brothers saw evidence of American help."
America armed a shitload of mujahedin, but those were generally pro-western and fought a civil war with the Taliban. Bin Laden and similarly radical groups were funded by Saudi clerics through Pakistani madrassas.
Didn't trump say that Saddam would have been better than Irak nowadays?
Trump says a lot of things and they are rarely consistent.
the retardation never ends, does it?
It's almost like you're shilling and you know it. Actually, you are.
The Arab Spring was nothing bu a western color revolution though, at least in most of the places it occurred. Tunisia's the only place where the uprising seemed legit and no surprise it was he one Arab Spring country that came out of things pretty well without descending into chaos or having to overthrow Islamists.
>the alt-right are now LITERALLY neocons
Gotta hand it to COINTELPRO those guys really know how to subvert movements
>being this deluded
this is why foreigners hate us Americans so much
stop believing whatever crap FOX or CNN tells you to believe
Julian Assange implied Google and Twitter worked together, in an article he wrote, to foment it iirc.
Mesopotamia would be far more stable.
The “Arab Spring” was implemented to insure Israel’s security, by toppling Arab governments and preventing the people from forming democratic states, while fomenting a global civil war among Sunnis and Shias and taking the heat off Israel while encouraging a mass migration of Arabs (and Africans) into Europe, insuring the Europeans would be facing the same situation as Israelis and thus feel allied with the Jews.
The ONLY country to benefit from the Arab Spring has been Israel, it’s been an utter disaster for everybody else.
That was a great read