Are Jews germanic?
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At this point should we just rename the board /jews/
Most Ashkenazi Jews look more germanic than the average Bavarian, this explains their autism and ruthless behaviour on other non-white races.
Germs and Jews are the same "people"
Then why did they steal Palestine?
In the Middle East?
they're middle eastern along with the irish
According to dai et al they're Anatolian mixed with yuro.
/pol2/ is more accurate
They're Southern Europeans
Didn't a genealogy service just apologize for telling those in Israel that they actually were Khazars?
Jews were living in modern Germany since the inception of the HRE, maybe even earlier in Roman times. If they wouldn't have intermixed with Germans, they were as retarded as gypsies.
Yes, and Nazis are traitors to Germanic people everywhere or Anglo-American LARPers.
Makes sense. They both wanted, and still want, to destroy europe, albeit the germans have always been more effective and efficient. It pretty much devolvedinto a race of who can do It faster.
No, genetic studies suggest that most Ashkenazi Jews have fairly little Northern European admixture, and that they remain predominantly of Levantine and Southwest European stock, very much like Sephardic and Italic Jews.
>Be american.
>It is from the German word for mountain.
Its hard not to have a culture I guess.
>ugly manface
Looks Germanic enough.
The Germanic ones are
>Are Jews germanic?
The real question is are Germans snakes?
Claudia Black's career has been dead for like a decade since Fartgate or whatever it was called ended.
there are more jews with -berg in their name than there are non-jews with -berg in their name
I don't hate Jews, but I do find it interesting that 15 million people have such an enormous amount of power in the world. It's a natural topic to be curious about. I don't think they rule the world, but it does seem to me that their 15 million have the same power as a nation of hundreds of millions of average people would. It's interesting to try to figure out how they've done it, if for no other reason than in order to try to learn from it.
No, they're Italian.
Jews are an unique form of whatever ethnicity they're living near. So ashkenazim look sort of Germanic but are genetically unique. Sephardim look Iberian but are genetically unique. Etc.
They speak my favorite German dialect
No they are "new Germans" aka turks
Ashkenazim don't look Germanic at all desu.
I'm ~80% Ashkenazim, and 20% Sephardic, and I get mistaken for Italian even before "Jewish". It's strange because my dad is pasty asf, whilst my mom looks like a darker Italian, my skin tone is in the middle of both of theirs.
Pic is me
>those dead, soulless eyes
I was quite inebriated at this point in the photo.
Most Jews aren't even semitic.
hi nu-male
Holy numale batman
Nigga I'm republican.
>middle aged man
Quite a few jews are.
I'm fucking 21, Jew genes make me look old
Growing up in Queens, NY, I call myself a Pizza Bagel
So what
You do know you have to be pretty far-left to be even remotely nu-male, right? Furthermore, if you got the impression from my glasses, these aren't "hipster shades", they are 1950s spectacles.
Nu-male is based on looks and percieved behaviour.
You're the spitting image of a numale
Trust me, I do not act numale.
Don't genetic studies disprove that hypothesis?
They do. When putting my results through GEDmatch I get mainly Eastern Mediterranean under Eurotest36
You look turkish
I've been told, it's my Ashkenazi-Sephardi blood that makes me look either Italian or roach.
Jew is not a race
Learn how to make questions
Your question is
Are askhenazi germanic?
Some of them are, many of them have germanics blood
>21 years old. Poor fucking sod you like in your fourties
Yeah, I bet you're a total macho man.
Close, I look 35.
You know it
where are your hair?
Jews can't be right wing
Male Pattern Baldness
You've never met a religious Jew before, have you?
Still a very strange, absolute dick treat. Claudia is on the same tier as Sigourney Weaver; strangely masculine yet still feminine, the kind of woman you want to fight for dominance with in the bedroom.
If you think Veeky Forums is bad, you clearly haven't been to /k/ recently. It's so bad I can't even go there anymore, because everything is literally just thinly (or rather not-so-thinly) veiled /pol/ b8 and edgy teenagers. I just want to talk about guns and swords man, I don't care about your politics or how much you hate niggers.
Nah you're clearly a jew. My jew hunting senses are going off the charts.
Yes, I know. As I said I'm 80% Ashkenazi and 20% Sephardi
everyone on Veeky Forums is a numale
Is there a decent, majority working method for distinguishing between german and jewish names? They are too similar which is dangerous
But what about Trump and le based Jews :(? Downvoted.
They're both the same (the surnames not the people).
Right wing Jew is like a right wing tranny, an oxymoron.
I posted a guide about this shit a while back.
>*reverse searches*
Nice try you Kraut fraud.
It was a nice attempt (((OP))).
Jews are objectively shitskins, whether they are Ashkenazic or Sephardic. Even compared to Graeco-Palestinians, they look very dark. Just look at the first Ashkenazi Rabbi in Israel versus Linda Sarsour, the literal granddaughter of Hadrian. Any self-respecting European must understand that "Palestine" is a European term.
Always thought Ashkenazim especially Hasidim look a lot like Pennsylvania Dutch. There was a lot of Jews in and around the Rhine before they expulsion from the HRE. Yiddish also uses a lot of dialect terminology and some phonetics similar to Pennsylvania German that aren't present in standard German. I can't speak for PƤlzisch and related dialects in Germany but I assume its the same or closer
Would you like to see my DNA results?
Someone needs to write a book how the Amish are a Lost Tribe now LOL
I already know that's not you. This is the YouTube channel that had the avatar you just stole and uploaded:
This guy got the top comment on this video, which was posted on Veeky Forums. You saw it and tried to LARP, and I just exposed you.
>Hitler invented Zionism
Hello Jordan
t. American.
Hey dude, that picture was taken ~2014
You seem like a really dumb person
Well that's not nice, why would you say that?
you're not engaging in a conversation, only making facebook boomer-tier jokes
I was replying to your comment, if you were to look at the idiosyncrasies of the connection between Yiddish and Pennsylvania Dutch one might make a flagellant claim, just as blacks "Afrocentrise" Judaism, or other cultures who attempt to piggyback off of the culture/religion/ethnicity.
***A flagellant claim that the Amish are Jewish
do you mean fraudulent? In any case I follow what you mean. I just get irked having to hear about Amish all the time if I mention Pennsylvania Dutch to non-Pennsylvania Dutch; I don't really mean anything personal by insulting posters on here. People focus primarily on the superficial appearance, dark clothing and hats, and make a connection between the two groups. Most Old Order Amish and Mennonites actually heavily dislike Jews and have quite a few jokes about them; seeing Amish as akin to Jews is not something that the Amish would do only outsiders
There is quite a bit of overlap culturally with German Jews that is well-attested to in Pennsylvania Fraktur art
You're right I am dumb, shit.
I live in Queens, New York, and I have a lot of friends who come over from Pennsylvania. Whenever we go to Brooklyn (Flatbush, Crown Heights, Williamsberg area), they always say "Damn, I didn't know you had the Amish here too!"
What is it with tight-nit communities and their Middle Age-esc attire?
What are some of the things they say about Jews? I'm surprised they even know what we are.
My background is part Swiss Amish. We do have some names that are kind of Jewish on the Amish side: Miller, Roth, Brennemann, etc. I'm throwing Brennemann in there because every one of them that I meet treats me like I'm their cousin or tells me I should marry their sister. The point is, it's close-knit, and I could see some people confusing them after a couple generations.
well there is plenty of Jews in Philadelphia, some in the Lancaster City, Reading, and Allentown suburbs. They're known as being Shysters that prey on people. Plus they cling to older German folk traditions of despising Jews and don't follow the modern tendency towards universal salvation that's common in more liberal denominations so they see them as damned sinners and probably evil
They use "Juttenaas" a lot, "Jewish nose", think they may use it as a nickname for some people with prominent sharp noses. I've also heard a few jokes they have about Jews that I can't quite remember, they tend to avoid them in public and will lead their children away if they see a Jew. I don't mean Orthodox or Hasidim, I mean people that they think look like Jews
Wait, so they will avoid people that happen to "look Jewish", but have no problem with the Orthodox, or Chasidim who are literally publicly Jewish?
Do you mean those more recent Indiana Swiss Amish that speak that Swiss dialect and yodel a bit? We have a lot of kind of "Jewish" names up here in Berks County, PA among the Reformed and Mennonites in particular. Roth, Rothermel, a few with -Berg, Levin (but from the Huguenot LeVin), etc.
No I meant that they don't discern them through just apparent articles of clothing like a Hasidim mens' get-up or a Yarmulke, but by their features. For some reason I've noticed they do this a lot with Jewish women, if they look Jewish they'll usher their children away and tell them to keep away from them
And I thought my actually Jewish last name was Jewy. Damn some of those take the Kashrut cake.
Why not? Lebensraum is Lebensraum-it doesn't matter where it occurs.
Yeah, I believe it was my great-great-grandfather who married a Roth from Indiana.
Some are, some are not. Just as some Jews are Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, etc. The idea of "the Jewish Race" is crap even by the low standards of the day.
That community isn't terribly "recent" therefore, they must have lived there for a few generations?
You do understand that Jewish diaspora mainly embodies what I call "The Big 3" which compose of Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Mizrahim.
Other Jewish diaspora such as "Black" (loosely put) Jews, Kaifeng Jews, Igbo and Lemba Jews etc. are known to have converted to the faith. The only outliers to this are the Falasha (Beta Israel, Ethiopian), and B'nei Menashe (Indian/Karachi Jews).
read an interesting piece that included some studies on mixed Pennsylvania German and Swiss Amish communities that formed and how as they could not understand each other's dialect they would switch to English speaking and eventually not speak either dialect
>Sephardim, and Mizrahim
don't Sephardim and Mizrahim, especially in Israel, not distinguish themselves that much from one another?
Do you still have the url, or is it an unscanned document? Because I would be interested in reading it. Many Swiss don't really consider themselves to be German from what I understand.
My oldest German ancestor (from Hesse) arrived in New York not too long after the signing of the Indian Removal Act by President Jackson.