What the fuck is up with Albania?

Why 0 history despite close proximity to fucking Greece?

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>i dont know about something
>it must not exist

404 argument not found


The Illyrians were sort of important you know

They didnt write anything down.


Jokes on you, there actually isn't much material on Albania at all. No one even knows where their language comes from.

They were not.

this board is so low quality
go back to discussing rhodesia and the romans pleb

Setting aside the fairly marginal significance of the Illyrians, they just weren't even the predecessors of the Albanians. They lived in a different area altogether (basically present-day Croatia and Bosnia), and the Illyrian language has sound changes from IE that Albanian doesn't, indicating that it can't be the ancestor of the Albanian language.

I was more speaking geographically, fuck knows where Albanians came from

That's a pretty shit map of the Greek world.

Not really

What about Epirus?

They most certainly were, they influenced both Greek and Roman history, Illyrian-Romans wars and later rebellions had a significant impact upon Rome, Roman navy was basically copied off Liburnians and Illyrians later served as an important source of Roman manpower and a couple of dozen emperors.


Albos are Turkics

Hello, Nemanja.

they dont look mongoloid but they arent illyrians

Albania is interesting, Google earth recently finished the street view for the rural parts of the country it's interesting.

>that black line
>macedonia on "nothing line"

I bet my virgin ass that OP is a burger.

Albania has loads of history, nobody knows of this place because it disappeared for the last 50 years behind an isolationist communist regime. Think north korea, but without the regular threats of nuclear destruction. But that wasn't always the case. They were very prominent within the ottoman empire, as they were one of the most powerful and influential peoples, and in western europe Skanderbeg was one of the most well-known generals, whom Vivaldi composed an opera for.

Northern Balkans probably

There was literally an illyrian tribe called "Albanoi" that lived in modern day Albania.

It also actually makes perfect sense why Illyrians were assimilated everywhere except for northern Albania. The northern albanian alps were basically completely isolated and served for a perfect "preservation area" for ancient peoples, much like Scotland was perfect for the Celts to survive. So Albanians being descendents of Illyrians makes perfect sense, like Scots are descendants of Celts.

> What the fuck is up with Greece?
> Look at my early bronze age map that shows the Mycenae and Hittites Greece is barely civilised

That's an early bronze age map, retard.

What crack have you been smoking?








Have you ever met an Albanian? They're basically cave people begrudgingly brought into civilization.

Yes, but why?

Mother Theresa was albanian.

Albanians were basically the 1% of the ottoman empire that ruled over it.

Albania used to be a Hipster's paradise, a completely unknown pearl of rich history and beautiful nature, but now word has spread and backpackers are everywhere.

But the coastal areas were actually colonized by Greeks, see Butrint and Dyrrachium, the inner mountaneous region was populated by Illyrians, who later became albanians. You should google Illyrians if you want to know about ancient albanian history. They even had their own province within rome (Illyricum).

because most history comes from written sources

greeks never realy bothered to write much about the rest of the balkans, or europe generaly

the archeology is interesting tho, theres weird ancient stuff all along the dinarids, like walls built of monolithic blocks and so on

why are albanians so dumb

IQ test dont really measure intelligence, they only measure how good you are at IQ tests. For example, memorization and creativity are two pretty crucial aspects of intelligence that go completely untested in IQ tests.

Tell me all about great Albanian inventions

Well, greece has 3 IQ points more than Albania as per that map, and ancient greeks pretty much invented western civilization.
So as you can see IQ is not so relevant.

3 points is a lot

Old data


>values marked with an asterik are solely based on student assessment studies

>finns leading
Never trust the northern jew

Subhumans pls

Whoa, is anglican the thinking man's church?

Its the superior English man's church

Albania was founded 1272. Greece was founded 1821.

Albania was founded 1991

And we wonder why this people are always fighting.

>he doesn't channel the spirit of skanderbeg to crush kebab with the weight of his massive brass balls.



The Jewish IQ maymay finally died


Corcyra, one of the major players in the Peloponnesian War?
Pyrrhus of Epirus, the Greek Hannibal?

Epirus was greek
Albanians aren't greek

Person making this map probably thought Montenegro is Kosovo, it shows his high IQ

What about this test


Romans first encountered the tribe Illyri in what is now Albania and from this tribe they called all the other tribes with similar culture and language Illyrians, also the name Illyri is similar to Albanian "yll" meaning star in English

Eastern Europe has always been a nigger tier shithole full of no history. Occasionally there's a few golden nuggets here and there like the PLC and the Russian Empire but the majority of it has always been a cultureless wasteland.

It's only teenage Westerners( probably Americans) that over-glorify the Slav(e)'s into being le ebin, stronk kebab removers.

Different places my man. Epirus is still in modern day Greece. Albania is north of that. Dont worry, its confused me before too

Please tell me this is bait, Greek Civilization dates back thousands of years, you fucking horsenigger rape babies are abominations of God and nature.

Hello Nigel, tell me about how exciting cutting down spear-chuckers with Maxim guns is again.
>Greek civilization and birthplace of countless Steppe/Snow niggers throughout history (Alans, Sarmatians, Huns,Some of the Germanic Tribes etc.)
>Continual fluctuation of powers in the region, very rarely does one state dominate over all, making for mix of cultures and massive trade networks such as the Hanseatic league that flowed wealth into Scandinavia and Novgorod, or the famous wealth that flowed into Constantinople.
>Said wealth allowed for significantly higher rates of education and literacy then Western Europe during the Medieval age.
>Huge boom in Art and culture stimulated by the Byzantines and later Russia and Poland.
>Many very important and much larger battles then shitty cathlocuck Western Europe (717 Siege of Constantinople, Pliska, Kleidion, Kulikovo, Countless battles with Ottomans and European powers, Teutonic Crusades, Kosovo Field etc) all with 40,000+ men on each side and whats the Wests most important battles? Things like the Golden Spurs and Agincourt that had 10,000 men at most.

Why was Pamphylia so irrelevant during the heyday of Greece?

>Greek civilization
Southern Europe

*yawn* at the irrelevant rest.

... and westerners are supposed to have high IQs...

olbigatory for this thread :^)

Greece is South-Eastern European but they're more Southern than Eastern.

Turkic is a language thing.

Not exactly that position was shared with serbians bosnians and greeks.

They didn't conquer Persia.

There was no country called Greece in this lands in ancient times, user. All that history from ancient times is not the history of that country. It's the history of these lands. Taking that history as their own is like Turks taking byzantine history as their own.


Most Slavs seem stuck in this tribal warrior mentality, its really strange.

>What is ethnicity and culture
The lack of a nation-state doesn't mean the people that share a culture weren't there to witness their history unfold.
>It's the history of these lands.
Exactly, and of the people that have been living there. That's true for everyone, not just the Greeks. The modern country being founded in the 1800s doesn't mean that people speaking the Greek language and adhering to some form of Greek identity weren't there. They were there in the Ottoman prefectures of the Balkans, they were there in the Greek-speaking Byz. Empire, they were there in the roman provinces of Greece, they were there in Hellenistic times, and they were there, speaking several dialects of the same language during classical antiquity.
Nationality is not synonymous with Ethnicity. Turkey is a bad example, because their ethnic identity relies heavily on the Turkic conquests of Anatolia. Of course they want nothing to do with the Byzantines. They consider the first "true" Turkey to have been established in the region by the Seljuks.
Anyway, by your logic, German history starts in 1871 for example.

So you are saying that FYROM has a connection with ancient Macedonia?

Eh, a "Macedonian identity" wasn't around until the 19th century.

The concept of a "Macedonian" ethnicity, distinct from their Orthodox Balkan neighbours, is seen to be a comparatively newly emergent one.[70][71][72][73][74][75] The earliest manifestation of a Macedonian identity emerged in the late 19th century, and this was consolidated by Yugoslav governmental policy from the 1940s.[76][77]
During the formative Middle Ages, there was no distinct ethno-political Macedonian identity.[83] References to "Macedonians" were varied, from geographical to administrative one.[84] The Byzantine historians categorized the numerous Slavic tribal unions on the early Medieval Balkans as 'Sclavinias' and often associated them with particular tribes.[85]
The Slavs were self-governing in their extended families and districts (županije), and their tribal organization was sufficiently strong to abolish Byzantine rule in the Balkans… But these Slavs did not have marked state-building skills. The construction of the first South Slavic states was accomplished under, the auspices of subsequent invaders, who gave the rise of three South Slavic matrix-nationalities. These were Croats, Serbs and Bulgars.[91]
Yet, throughout the Middle Ages and up until the early 20th century[79][80][92] the Slavic speaking majority in the Region of Macedonia were more commonly referred to (both, by themselves and outsiders) as Bulgarians.[93][94][95]
With the creation of the Bulgarian Principality, the Macedonian upper stratum had to decide whether Macedonia was to emerge as an independent state or as part of a "Greater Bulgaria".[108] During this period, the first expressions of ethnic nationalism by certain Macedonian intellectuals occurred in Belgrade, Sofia, Istanbul, Thessaloniki and St. Petersburg. The activities of these people was registered by Petko Slaveykov[109] and Stojan Novaković[110]

Greeks consider ancient Macedonan history as their own. What can you tell me about this, then?

The Residents of the FYROM are Bulgars and other Slavic Peoples, the Ancient Macedonians of Alexander and The Antigonid Dynasty were ancient Dorian Greeks. The Southern Greeks of Athens, Sparta, Corinth etc thought of them as inferior culturally but still considered them Greek (The Macedonians participated in the Olympic games, a privilege reserved only for Greeks).

Modern day Greeks aren't descended from ancient Greeks. They're Turkish rape babies and that's that.

Albanian directly comes from Proto-Indo European (PIE) with Latin loans. That is where albanian comes from, and the ancient illyrians spoke a language similar to today's Albanian but most Albanians today aren't descended from Illyrians since Illyrians operated in a similar fashion to Spartans (minority group ruling majority natives).

Also Original Illyrians came from Northern Europe and were haplogroup R1b like all original indo-European speakers.

You can use the same logic about Greece too. Ancient greeks got conquered by Rome. They became Romans. They called themselves Romans for literally two millennia until the creation of Greece.

I'm referring to the genetic legacy of these peoples, of which modern Greeks contrary to memes are not that different (This is across the board with other ancient peoples, Brits, Iberians, Celts etc). And while those people became Romans as you say, they still maintained a unique culture within the Roman world, for example the majority language of the Eastern Provinces was Greek since Greek and Asia became integrated into Rome, what Hereklios did was just recognize that this was the case and that very few people outside of the government knew Latin or spoke it regularly.

secluded mountain people, same as the basques

also your map is wrong, you brainlet, you're missing epirus, macedon and byzantium(greek colony)

>I'm referring to the genetic legacy of these peoples
not him, but genes are a meme, they can never help your argument

northern greeks, macedonians and bulgarians have the same haplogroups, the only difference between them is language and self identity

>All this conjecture

I have pondered why is this as a Greek, we obviously look different, but the genetic similarities of Bulgarians, Albania,fyrom macedonians, central and northern Greeks. There was probably huge intermarrying and mingling during the late Roman and Byzantine eras. We definitely should constitute our own genetic group as we are too dissimilar to e.slavs or Turks.