Welp it's official.
In going to jail for 6 months.
I have 37k in crypto and about 180k in cash.
What should I do with the money while I'm gone?
Long term holds? bury it in the ground?
How do I put the cash into crypto without arousing the suspicions of law enforcement?
Welp it's official
buy gold, give it to your wife's son until you get out
Whatdja do
Lisk still got a rebrand and its SDK update coming in 3 - 6 months from now.
maybe hold OMG as their doing anything to pump the price
Buy BTC or ETH from localbitcoins, face to face transaction with no trace. Put it on a ledger nano S and bury it somewhere safe.
GOLD, BTC or XMR bro. good luck ride those 6 months like a champ, work out and meditate.
Half the people on lbtc are feds, they busted 17 people in my state
you'll probably just have to bury the cash
there'd be no way to get it onto an exchange
Wear a Burka and feed the money into an atm.
what you going in for
I beat some guy up at the bar while blacked out and then fled the scene with 60k in my trunk.
They charged me with 2 violent felonies, money laundering, and DUI.
I've been fighting it for 18 months and they just came back with an offer for just an assault charge and 1 year in county.
Put everything into Monero. Put it on cold storage. Bury the wallet.
>fled the scene with 60k in my trunk
Did you literally rob a bank?
>60k in my trunk
No, I grow pot. I had just done a deal and was on my way home when my girl called to pick her up from the bar. After I got her home another friend called for a ride from the same spot. I spaced on the cash and went down there to get him. He wasn't there but was on his way back, while I waited I thought I might have a beer.
Next thing I remember is fleeing the scene.
Driving while black out drunk? Fuck you.
If this is true, I wish you all the best and hope things work out when you're released.
I came out of the blackout to find myself standing in a parking lot over a guy, not moving and covered in blood.
What would you have done?
you sound like someone that people who know you have to "deal with"
I wouldn't be in that situation in the first place, I don't go to bars or drink with randoms. If I'm drinking it's at home with friends.
All in on Ethereum!
>money laundering
Isn't cryptocash legal? Or should I not ask where you got the 60k from?
They wanted to throw a charge to scare me into giving up money.
Its SOP in my area, 90% of seized money goes back to the sheriffs department for new equipment, new hires, pay snitches and OT slips.
Not sure what you mean by that.
I only get out of hand when provoked or drunk and I don't drink for that very reason. It had been over a year before this event.
he's a drug dealer, obviously
I hope you get raped by 60 niggers.
>Not sure what you mean by that.
You're a degenerate. """Getting out of hand""" for you is not what getting out of hand is. You're a violent degenerate drunk and will be exterminated during the race war. Keep that in your conscience.
hahahahaha nice one champ
People like you no longer have any place in society
t. neet
t, OPs dick polisher
Unironically this.
County isn't that bad I guess. Maybe you can get out early too. DESU I would just go to Mexico with my crypto
if you get out of hand when you drink, then yes, you are the type of person that the people around you 'deal with.'
All in OMG.
Seriously, you'll be rich when you leave
I had an alcohol psychosis five times now. I get really weird, completely different person, hallucinate badly, completely make up random stories such as being chased by maffia and shit causing me to run through backyards in London.
Once I was running from non-existing murderers, climbed a fence, fell and impaled my hand. A different time I suddenly woke up with blood on my white shirt, it wasn't my blood...
I feel you OP. Scared I will end up like you some day. Stay strong bro.
Stop drinking you fucking retard
Violent drunks rule the world dude.
Go back to your safe space snowflake
you're a "handful", you drive the well-being and net worth of everyone who interacts with you down, you're a fucking parasite
I think that's what user was implying
Yeah have fun ruling the world from prison. Maybe if you're lucky you won't die in a drunk driving accident after. Nothing but winning from here.
Nah, drinking is fun. I should just stop drinking like a fucking alcoholic but that is hard.
I've created more opportunity and jobs for people then user ever will.
I own a farm that produces a commodity. I employ people all year long and then my product hits the marketplace creating more wealth for everyone down the line to the end user who gets to get a little stoned before thanksgiving with his shitty judgemental parents thus improving his life and personal relationships.
I also have this problem with alcohol but I'm a fallable human being just like all of you and I'm working on my flaws.f
weed is for kids and immature adults.. Real men smoke meth and crack
You're a bit of an asshole m8e.
Did mommy die in a drunk driving accident?
Maybe your dada gave you the belt for being an emo douche every time he touched the sauce?
is marijuana legal in your state?
it is in mine
any tips on growing?
Ex-step dad was an alcoholic. I fantasized about killing him but he never did anything physical to push me to the edge. So I alcoholics in general annoy me now.
I'm in California.
Best advice I can give is keep it simple.
Good soil amendments and then cheap simple liquid ferts throughout the year.
Fertilizer companies nowadays would have you believe weed is from space and needs 20 different highly specialized products to get anything good. This is not the case.
Makes sense, ironically I can't stand drunk people either.
But remember I'm just a human and I made a mistake, it doesn't define me.
srsly though, put your crypto money 33% each into btc, eth and omg.
you will be a millionair.
Consider suicide,
No I am not being ironic. If you are not L.A.R.Ping right now then you are literally the scum of the earth. You are no better than an African stoning another African on the videos on live leak.
>'Muh human weaknesses'
Pathetic excuse, at least have the balls to admit you are a pos and if you not a degenerate then you simply would not drink if you have a problem with alcohol
Goddamn you're retarded.
OP fucks up once, he get's really really drunk does some stupid shit while being extremely intoxicated and you call him the scum of the earth...
ffs get your brain checked idiot. We're not talking about some serial killer pissing in a hole in someone's skull.
This is a regular guy who fucked up because he was drunk af. Happens to more people than you would think.
tl;dr: fuck off faggot go to africa and check your retard facts