Why do people say Finland is Scandinavian when clearly it's Baltic?
Why do people say Finland is Scandinavian when clearly it's Baltic?
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Finns don't have much to do with Balts after 1000 BC. Germanic influence is newer. Finland is neither though.
There's genetic continuity between Finns and Balts though, Germanic influence on the Finnish gene pool is minimal. Also historically and geopolitically Finland and Baltics have a lot more in common with each other.
You seriously telling me they historically have more in common with any Baltic state than Sweden?
Finns being mongoloid is a meme. They're just as much Corded Ware as are: Scandis, North and Eastern Germans and Slavs/Balts.
Yeah, both have a history of getting ruled over by neighbouring countries.
>There's genetic continuity between Finns and Balts though
Balts are essentially pure European to the 99th %. Finns are Euro-Asian. Balts are by their chromosomes closer to the Irish than Finns as both are Euros of similar origins.
>Germanic influence on the Finnish gene pool is minimal
The European admixture in Finns has multiple origins. Scandinavia is one.
>Also historically and geopolitically Finland and Baltics have a lot more in common with each other.
Historically Finns have nothing to do with Baltic countries.
Finland actually was considered a Baltic country prior to WW2.
>After the First World War the term "Baltic States" was used to refer to countries by the Baltic sea that had gained independence from Russia in its aftermath. As such it included not only former Baltic governorates, but also Latgale, Lithuania and Finland.
OP didn't say they're Mongoloid.
Finns have about 5% mongoloid DNA.
>Historically Finns have nothing to do with Baltic countries.
They're culturally identical to Estonians.
Finland have been Sweden for over 600 years. Sweden's history is Finlands history. They weren't conquered or anything. Saying they were ruled by neighboring countries is nonsense.
Did you read you own quote? Prior to WW2 and after WW1. There lived people in current day Finland a few years before WW1.
Estonians have the same Finnic culture with Germanic ingredients as Finns. Nothing to do with Latvians/Lithuanians although genetically Estonians are quite close to them.
Prior to WW1 Finland didn't exist as a country so logically it couldn't be considered one.
Latvians are just Livonians larping as slavs though
Latvians are essentially 1/4 Livonian/Estonian
But Estonia was already settled when Finnic people came and they switched from their old IE language which wasn't Balto-Slavic to Finnic.
More like Slavs larping as non-Slavs.
>by their chromosomes
But they were, Finns are by blood and language further away from Swedes than Russians are.
>They weren't conquered or anything
I call bullshit.
Pure Europeans, especially of Northern European types are very close to one another in terms of genome wide similarity.
Balts were subject to elite domination by some Estonian clan which snuffed out their R1a from 100% to 40% in the course of a millenia or so.
This didn't change their autosomal gebetuc structure as Estonians are only 2% Mongoloid anyway.