im talking money in 401k + savings+ coingainz
shit like cars not included
Veeky Forums whats your networth
Not enough to brag but
>£110k house, 60% or so of house paid for
>£5k savings account
>£2k rainy day account
>£2k bills account w/ buffer
>£1k current account
I'm poor as fuck, now I see it written down. Thanks for that, OP.
hello mr IRS
About $500
35 years old
Around 700k net worth
Just got another promotion at work so the future is bright
Still sad and lonely because I'm not a Chad
18, senior in HS
Lost 50% of my initial crypto investment, fortunately only put in $60
1700 in savings
170 in XT index fund
1k in private equities
At least I'm not in debt since Mommy and Daddy have a lot of college money
see this is the shit i dont get, there is another thread on Veeky Forums with nothing but stem faq saying they earn 200k+ a year.
But whenever one does networth threads, its all poor fagz, shit aint right
As of 09/08/2017
when did you start saving and how much do you try to save a month
who is diz seemon deemon
Lauren Southern
I make around $500 dollars every two weeks. I usually save one paycheck and use the other to pay my monthly expenses. I've gotta pay off my school loan and my credit cards. I've been thinking of starting a resume writing business using resume writers on fiverr, then selling there services for more to people I meet by cold call or direct door to door sale. Plus since I'm going to be doing door to door sales I'm thinking of adding some sort of physcial product I can sell to each person I come across.
1 thousand euro, all in crypto. Oh a PC worth about 600 euro too.
About $846,000.
Roughly 200k maplebucks
>Lost 50% of my initial crypto investment, fortunately only put in $60
didnt know warren buffet type niggas trade crypto too
My cat.
started with 50k now 200k
140k crypto (invested 20k)
1k fiat
I love her
I love Southern women.
35k, 10k of those in crypto. Pretty bad but it's around 60% of my total income so far.
about 260k
age 29
21. 2570 ETH. Got in early so about $760K as of today.