More like this?

> Translation: 'Mom, please tell me about Adolf Hitler!'

Do you guys know of any entry-level Nazi propaganda like this? My contemporary mind has great trouble understanding national socialism. It just seems so fucking retarded to me, that there must be more to it. But I want to read it in the words of the Nazi's themselves, instead of through reddit or libshit memery.

Other urls found in this thread:ßen)_(1._Wahlperiode)

Sure, this is Eckart-Verlag's book "Jewish Domination of the Weimar Republic".

The text is somewhat grainy and I will do my best to post what I think is interesting.

The book builds the case that
1. There was a massive influx of Jews into Germany during the Wiemar Republic
2. The Jews were disproportionately represented
3. The Jews lived almost solely in cities and had taken positions that were aimed at earning profit as opposed to supporting the German nation.

Using census statistics Eckart-Verlag shows how Jews had been emigrating en masse to German cities from 1910 to 1925.

More statistics on Jewish emigration to Germany during 1910-1925, the page can be summarized into roughly 76,000 Jews had emigrated from Eastern Europe to Germany during this time, this was made possible due to Germany's dissolution of identity and change of power to the Social Democrats.

A comparative contemporary example would be how the Democratic party in America has enabled Hispanic emigration en masse.

In these pages the focus is how the Jew had inserted himself as the middle-man in German commerce, seeking to accumulate wealth and power as opposed to helping the German economy recover.

Eckart-Verlag sums it up in one sentence nicely-

>at first glance this table reveals two prominent facts: the preference of the Jews for commerce and business for industry, while agriculture and domestic service is absolutely avoided by them.
>...for example, The Board of the Directors of the Berlin Stock Exchange consisted exclusively of Jews

He further expounds these points on the next page.

Skipping a couple of somewhat redundant pages which bolster the previous two, this one notes that half of the lawyers in Berlin were Jewish and how Jewish domination in academia was ensuring their children were edging out Germans in education openings.

I'll skip another page dominated by a graph essentially showing Jews in high percentages in the medical field and nearly controlling the theater/cinema.

Here Eckart-Verlag notes one of the negatives of Jewish control of medicine- the advent of Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish doctor and early sexologist who pioneered normalization of transgenderism- in the 1920s! Remember that when someone memes "muh degeneracy in the Weimar Republic"

Here is mentioned the subversive practice the Jews employ of name changing to sound more native- current examples are Jon Liebowitz changing his name to Jon Stewart or the actor Issur Danielovitch changing his name to Kirk Douglas, another example is the sociologist and feminist Israel Ehrenberg changing his name to Ashley Montagu.

The book itself is rather short, more of a pamphlet than anything.

Slowly the book changes focus to Jewish excesses and corruption.

The statistics themselves are pretty nasty, and there are quotations from contemporary prominent Jews regarding aims for domination.

Here is a list and impact of Jewish domination of the media, and how it was being used to spread early Bolshevik propaganda. It seems when Battleship Potemkin (directed by a Jew, Bolshevik propaganda) was released every Jewish newspaper was lauding it.

More corruption.

Pretty much the dangers of tribalistic Jews controlling the judiciary.

Here in America we have 3 Jews I believe sitting on our Supreme Court.


And more corruption and control of the government.

>but the Social Democrats were in power not the Spartacus League dumb Nazi

pic related is Dr. Oskar Cohn, UnderSecretary of the State and pretty much the behind-the-scenes wielder of power- think Cheney to Bush.

Time for me to eat, if this is up when I return I'll post more.

Stormfags do the exact same thing every time. They find some jews among hundreds of non jews and claim he was the leader of the whole cabal conspiracy, even if he was relatively unimportant. Oskar Cohn is irrelevant as fuck. The rest of your garbage is in the same vein.

What a refutation.

Imagine being so desperate that you have to be to dig up for a single jew in the government to blame everything for, find an irrelevant undersecretary of state, use him as scapegoat, and blame him for everything, and have retards actually believe you. The true power of stormfaggotry.

You didn't postulate anything. You didn't refute any posts, you latched on to the one possibly questionable point (being disingenuous while implying that the Under Secretary of the nation has no power, and ignoring my example of an lower level cabinet member being the architect of policy- Cheney during the Bush administration as an example, being both commonly agreed on and verifiable). You jumped in minutes after my post with no founded research (how can you refute census figures and facts?), conpletely emotional, exposing your personal bias without introspection or investigation. Then you implied through slurs that I was the unfounded, emotionally driven, and lacking information without presenting any of your own!
Go troll elsewhere, I stayed on topic, posted historical images, and offered information.

>You didn't postulate anything.
Your (pretty massive) claim is itself unsupported. It is, though, as perfect example of stormfag behaviour, which is what I pointed out (ie finding a jew among a multitude of non jews and blaming him for everything), and representative of the rest of your posts. Honestly, if, ceteris paribus, Oskar Cohn was not a jew and some other irrelevant guy from the weimar government was, would you be focusing on Cohn and calling he the mastermind? Of course not. I'm sure you know that's the case too.

>how can you refute census figures and facts?
Your "figures and facts" are ridiculous. Take, for example, the underrepresentation of jews in agriculture and industry compared to trade and commerce or their demographic distribution. Jews were heavily restricted in their possible job occupations for hundreds or years which of course resulted in them being overrepresented in the jobs they could actually do, and were heavily restricted in their movement. Of course, this has been said in Veeky Forums a million times, so you are either new or a stormfag that doesn't care about history. Although it's hilarious that the results of antisemitic legislation is a jewish conspiracy to you retards.

>unfounded claims
>implications there were trade restrictions on Jews in Weimar Germany (there weren't)
Its funny that you're trotting out that old canard of discrimination against Jews while in the same paragraph referring to Jewish politicians!
Whats even worse is you have it backwards you imply restrictions forced Jews away from agriculture and labor work to law, medical, film, and academia- prior to the Weimar Republic the Christian faith was a requirement for law practice- this is why Karl Marx's parents "converted" to Lutheranism.
>Although it's hilarious that the results of antisemitic legislation is a jewish conspiracy to you retards.
>in the Weimar Republic

Take a history class

Do you need propaganda to tell you it's propaganda?

Or do you just need propaganda to feel assured about your choice of ideology?

>implications there were trade restrictions on Jews in Weimar Germany
Learn to read, stormfag. Your entire post implies something that I never said nor implied.
Modern antisemites cry about jews being underrepresented in jobs that previous antisemites banned jews from performing. You couldn't be more retarded if you tried.

>Jews were heavily restricted in their possible job occupations for hundreds or years which of course resulted in them being overrepresented in the jobs they could actually do
>only Christians (no one practicing Judaism) could practice law in pre-Weimar Republic Germany
>All my statistics prove Jews forced their way into law to take lead positions during the Weimar Republic
>they were forced into it by antisemetic laws!

>You couldn't be more retarded if you tried.

But for you it comes naturally it seems

>only Christians (no one practicing Judaism) could practice law in pre-Weimar Republic Germany
If you restrict jews from owning lands for hundreds of years, they won't suddenly become farmers after the ban isn't in place anymore. I'm sure even you can understand that this is an obvious development. But their own religion gives them a background in law. So yes, jews are overrepresented in cities, in every job they could perform in medieval times, and in law.

>All my statistics prove Jews forced their way into law to take lead positions during the Weimar Republic
No, your statistics prove that a lot of jews studied law. The rest is an interpretation akin to postmoderns crying about black or women oppression when being underrepresented in a field.

>the retard is a frogposter
What a surprise!

>If you restrict jews from owning lands for hundreds of years, they won't suddenly become farmers after the ban isn't in place anymore.
So by that logic there shouldn't have been a massive surge of Jewish lawyers then either, but the data shows the opposite to where they made up almost half of the lawyers in Berlin by 1925.

the actual translation is: ''Mother, tell me about Adolf Hitler!''
eens does not translate to please

top kek

>/pol/ literally reddi t
>ignoring reddit was made by a literal jew

I already answered that, brainlet.

>entry-level Nazi propaganda like this?

I have some neat posters. These are Ukrainian





Love the industrial ones


>I may remind you, deputies and men of the German Reichstag, that throughout the spring and summer of 1939 Britain offered military alliances to a number of countries, claiming that Germany intended to invade them and rob them of their freedom. However, the German Reich and its government could assure them with a clear conscience that these insinuations did not correspond to the truth in any way. Moreover, there was the sober military realization that in case of a war which might be forced upon the German nation by British diplomacy, the struggle could be fought on two fronts only with very great sacrifices. And after the Baltic states, Romania, and so forth, were inclined to accept the British offers of military alliance, and thereby made clear that they also believed themselves to be threatened [by Germany], it was not only the right but also the duty of the German Reich government to delineate the [geographical] limits of German interests [between Germany and the USSR].

>All the same, the countries involved realized very quickly ...that the best and strongest guarantee against the [Soviet] threat from the East was Germany. When those countries, on their own initiative, cut their ties with the German Reich and instead put their trust in promises of aid from a power [Britain] that, in its proverbial egotism, has for centuries never given help but has always demanded it, they were thereby lost. Even so, the fate of these countries aroused the strongest sympathy of the German people. The winter war of the Finns aroused in us a feeling of admiration mixed with bitterness: admiration because, as a soldierly nation, we have a sympathetic heart for heroism and sacrifice, and bitterness because our concern for the enemy threat in the West and the danger in the East meant that we were no position to help.

Adolf Hitler-1942, sad that he understood the British were making guarantees that they couldn't maintain and would renege on post-war.


So, why do you believe in everything you read in a Nazi pamphlet even if this guy doesn't provide any source.
It seems like many of his numbers came from "private calculations" which is just laughable.

He lists his sources and I supplied a couple corresponding wikipedia articles regarding specifically mentioned characters.

Gottfried Feder's The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation

Foreward by Adolf Hitler

(I cut out the forward by the translator)


>Norwegian Ski battalion

Honestly it reads like most socialism starting with "Public interest before self interest", nothing visionary but definitely necessary for a healthy nation.

Mind you this was released in 1923, early in the NSDAP's formation.

It opens with this condemnation of both Marxism's destruction of personal property but consumerism's blatant self-serving interests.

I recommend you check out this video if you're genuinely interested.

as soon as he mentioned commies...

>he lists his sources

You know that Feder ideas were rejected when Hitler came to power?

Feder acknowledged that they were changed due to the upcoming war in the book, lemme find the page.

>they were changed
They were completely rejected since the start. Hitler didn't care about Feder. He appointed Schacht, a fucking banker, as his Minister of Economics.

I will mate, thank you!
Can't find it but here it details as to they why the NSDAP had to change policies in the forward.


Like I said, they did not change them. They were never implemented.

Yes, the famous Barmat scandal. It happened and obviously can't be denied, but apparently not only Jews were so prone to corruption.

>This policy produced a major scandal in Germany in December 1932 and January 1933, the Osthilfeskandal. A considerable number of Junkers were found out to have wasted the money on what was considered to be luxury items, such as cars and vacations. The ensuing investigations into the scandal also implicated the President of the Republic, General Paul von Hindenburg. It came to light that the Hindenburg family's highly indebted estate in East Prussia at Neudeck (owned by the president's brother) had been clandestinely bought in 1927 by a number of industrialists and given to the president as a gift, seemingly in exchange for political influence.

And speaking of the press. Know this guy? He was Hitler's friend.

Der Tag
Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger
Berliner Illustrierte Nachtausgabe
Die Woche
Scherl Magazin
Allgemeiner Wegweiser
Scherls Wohnungs-Zeitung
Denken und Raten
Das Grundeigentum
Der Kinematograph
Deutsche technische Auslandszeitschrift

Hannoverscher Kurier
Schlesische Zeitung
Lippische Tageszeitung
Merseburger Tageblatt
München-Augsburger Abendzeitung
Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitung
Bergisch-Märkische Zeitung
Schwäbischer Kurier
Magdeburger Tageszeitung
Weimarer Zeitung
Saale Zeitung
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Eiserne Blätter
Deutsche Zeitung
Motorschau – Nationale Deutsche Motorfahrt-Zeitung
Kösliner Zeitung
Stargarder Zeitung
Oberschlesische Tageszeitung
Oppelner Nachrichten
Volksbote f. d. Kreise Kreuzburg u. Rosenberg
Rosenberger Zeitung
Stralsunder Zeitung
Münchner Neueste Nachrichten
Fränkischer Kurier

In 1927 this man also purchased UFA, the biggest and most important film studio in Germany (and Europe).

>And more corruption and control of the government.
>pic related is Dr. Oskar Cohn, UnderSecretary of the State and pretty much the behind-the-scenes wielder of power- think Cheney to Bush.
Really funny how you first act as if you just want to tell OP about the Nazi's PoV, and then, while doing that, reveal that you actually fully bought into their propaganda.

do you have any more on him?

My god imagine if someone like churchill owed money to someone.

I don't think he denied that.

He obviously did. This comparison alone shows that all he knows about that period came from Nazi propaganda.
Comparing some irrelevant guy such as Cohn to Cheney is beyond absurd.

He wasn't anyone important. According to German Wikipedia he was: Unterstaatssekretär of Reichsjustizamt.

As you can see he isn't listed among under secretaries of State (which are called Staatssekretäre in German). Unterstaatssekretär is probably someone below Staatssekretäre.
I also can't find anything about him being a Soviet spy.

Not even that.

He was Unterstaatssekretär of the Reichsjustizamt during the November Revolution, i.e. for a few months only.

>Unterstaatssekretär is probably someone below Staatssekretäre.
Yes, it'd be the assistant secretary of the ministry of justice (the one below the actual secretary).

Landtag too iirc.

>during the November Revolution,
"after", I meant.

>i.e. for a few months only.
And even that is an overstatement.

It's one and a half months.

Truly the biggest conspiracy mastermind. He didn't even need the position to control the government.

Also Prussia.

The list there only goes to 1919, the book in discussion covers 1910 - 1930.

Being in the Landtag just means that he was a member of parliament of one of the state parliaments.

He's one of these hundreds of MoPs:ßen)_(1._Wahlperiode)
...of only 1 of the 18 states.

He's literally one dude among thousands, all of which could just as have been grand masterminds of some conspiracy theory.

Okay, just to clear the matter up I found a book by Dr. Ludger Heid, about the professor-

>Ludger Heid, Dr. Phil.Habil, is a lecturer at the Universities of Duisburg/Essen and Potsdam. He has published Maloche—nicht Mildtütigkeit. Ostjüdische Arbeiter in Deutschland, 1914–1923 (1995) and Oskar Cohn. Ein Sozialist und Zionist im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik (2002). He edited Eduard Bernstein: “Ich bin der Letzte, der dazu schweigt.” Texte in jüdischen Angelegenheiten (2004) and “Das nenne ich ein haltbares Bündnis.” Arnold Zweig/Beatrice Zweig und Ruth Klinger. Briefwechsel (1936–1962) (2005).

And regarding his writing on Oskar Cohn which is found in this book-

Oskar Cohn : ein Sozialist und Zionist im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik

Apparently he was a notable politician and zionist.

How did the anons looking into him miss this book I wonder :^)

Are you retarded? People are complaining about pretending that some nobody was a master conspirator because he was the only jew you could find, not doubting that he was a politician or that he was zionist.

Yes, he was a politician and zionist. What's wrong with that?

Wow, you found a book about him that is literally the first google search result for "Oskar Cohn".

So impressive.

Him being noteworthy and a zionist also sure proves that everyone else, like fucking Friedrich Ebert, whom he worked for for decades, was irrelevant, and it's actually Cohn that was the grand mastermind.

>only Jew I can find

Oh hohoho user, the one listed in my panphlet, not the only Jew I could find. Don't get carried away user, I'm staying on topic discussing the "Nazi propaganda", but if you want me to pull the list of Jews in German cinema or Jewish sexologists and sociologists in th Weimar Republik, or Communists, then by all means bait me with a new thread.

>like fucking Friedrich Ebert,
Karl Liebknecht*

Sorry, I've gotta go to sleep.

Nice goalpost moving. He's the most relevant jewish politician you could find to further your "the weimar republic was a jewish conspiracy" agenda and he's a literal nobody.

He's the one mentioned as a Soviet receiver of funds. The funny thing is the text around him focuses on the Jews in the Sparticust League leadership.

Well, today every film critic considers Battleship Potemkin one of the most important films of all time. I guess, the Jews had good taste.

Probably because most of its in German. Although even on wiki it seems he was somewhat prominent.

Film Critics rely on the news media and the movie industry for relevance. Consider who owns the New York Times for instance, you wouldn't want to argue against a. popular academic sentiment and b. you're employer's personal views. This is the price of privately held media.
>Donald L. Niewyk- The Jews in Weimar Germany (Transaction Publishers 2001): "around 1919 Jews made up to 99% of the Socialist student group in the University of Frankfurt-am-Main and more than half of the Social Democratic students in Berlin" (p. 30).
>Walter Laqeur- Weimar: A Cultural History (Transactions Publishers 2011) "Without the Jews there would have been no ‘Weimar culture’— to this extent the claims of the antisemites, who detested that culture, were justified. They were in the forefront of every new daring, revolutionary movement. They were prominent among Expressionist poets, among the novelists of the 1920s, among the theatrical producers and, for a while, among the leading figures of the cinema. They owned the leading liberal newspapers such as the Berliner Tageblatt, the Vossische Zeitung and the Frankfurter Zeitung, and many editors were Jews too. Many leading liberal and avant-garde publishing houses were in Jewish hands (…). Many leading theatre critics were Jews, and they dominated light entertainment.” (p. 73)

The problem is user you're pushing in one direction attempting to distract from the Jewish control of the Weimar Republik while Jewish "academics" are pushing in the other direction, celebrating it. Why? They're writing in a boastful, celebratory manner unlike you because they're addressing their own, unlike you.

I hope you realize that the USA is not the only country in the world?

>The film's potential to influence political thought through emotional response was noted by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, who called Potemkin "a marvelous film without equal in the cinema ... anyone who had no firm political conviction could become a Bolshevik after seeing the film".[20][21]

>supporting one conspiracy theory with another conspiracy theory

>The problem is user you're pushing in one direction attempting to distract from the Jewish control of the Weimar Republik while Jewish "academics" are pushing in the other direction, celebrating it.
First, jews are not a hivemind. Second, you're still goalpost moving, I don't give a fuck about some random jews say. I'll repeat myself: He's the most relevant jewish politician you could find to further your "the weimar republic was a jewish conspiracy" agenda and he's a literal nobody.

Also, I'm not the other user but
>it's a everything I don't like is a conspiracy episode
How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that film critics are praising einsestein's films to satisfy their jewish overlords but secretly dislike the film. I swear stormfags are the stupidest group of people that has ever existed.

I couldn't stand it, the message is hamfisted and obvious, partly because it was the era and vaudeville actors were crossing over to film over acted. The movie had some groundbreaking cinematography but overt homosexual imagery.

Riefenstahl had it right with Triumph of the Will- just film people.

I'm asking you again, in what way the Jews controlled Weimar Republic? These quotes are irrelevant.
>around 1919 Jews made up to 99% of the Socialist student group in the University of Frankfurt-am-Main and more than half of the Social Democratic students in Berlin
That's great, but what about it? It's obvious that the Jews couldn't join a nationalist or Christian student group. I'm glad to know that most of them supported democratic social democracy and not the communists.

>They were in the forefront of every new daring, revolutionary movement
And there is nothing wrong with that. But the question is: how popular was this Weimar culture?

Goalpost moving isn't the right term, you hadn't provided counterproof of him having no influence, in fact you having provided anything.
Zionism contradicts the claim of "no hivemind"- millions of Jews had the same idea to return to Israel and make a cohesive state, early Israel was extremely socialist bordering on communist in many areas with the Kibbutzin.
>I don't give a fuck
No one asked your opinion, but at least I offered some that are educated in the matter.
>How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that film critics are praising einsestein's films to satisfy their jewish overlords but secretly dislike the film.

I never stated or implied they disliked it, merely that it is held as a paragon since it is Jewish created.

>Instead of analyzing Nazi propaganda, we got OP unironically dumping it

I wasn't the OP, and how can you analyze without examples.

>literally one user focusing on one politician autistically

Its the onus of the person talking about the Jew to prove that him being mentioned at all is even remotely relevant. There is a lack of evidence suggesting that he had any influence or was part of any conspiracy other than he is a Jew. Zionism isn't "hivemind" its a ideology that even non-Jews shared and not every Jew was a zionist, many prominent Jews were actually opposed to it for various reasons.

And yet half of the world's Jews reside in Israel and a majority abroad retain dual citizenship. A people claimed a homeland after not occupying it for 2,000 years, worked together worldwide to finance it with Western money, and repelled 6 armies at once to maintain it.
But they're not a hivemind, or even like minded. Incredible. No one would agree with your claim.

>Goalpost moving isn't the right term, you hadn't provided counterproof of him having no influence, in fact you having provided anything.
Goalpost moving is absolutely the right term. He/you started by implying that jews controlled the weimar republic and when pressed moved on to students or people outside the government. There can't be a counterproof since there is no proof beyond namedropping a random nobody from the government that happened to be a jew.

>Zionism contradicts the claim of "no hivemind"- millions of Jews (...)
Zionism means he supported a jewish state. It doesn't mean he's part of some collective consciousness where every jew magically speaks for all jews as stormtards pretend, and yourself did.

>at least I offered some that are educated in the matter
No, you didn't. You did the usual stormfag retarded strategy of quoting some random jew and pretending he speaks in the name of some kind of jewish hivemind.

>I never stated or implied they disliked it, merely that it is held as a paragon since it is Jewish created.
Which you haven't supported besides making conspiracies over conspiracies. Everything you say is unfalsifiable and relies on further conspiracies. Seek help.'s a thread about historical nazi propaganda and he happened to feature in one of the materials.

>No, you didn't. You did the usual stormfag retarded strategy of quoting some random jew

>Since 1955 Laqueur has lived in London. He was founder and editor, with George Mosse, of the Journal of Contemporary History and of Survey from 1956 to 1964. He was also founding editor of The Washington Papers. He was Director of the Institute of Contemporary History and the Wiener Library in London from 1965 to 1994,[2] From 1969 he was a member, and later Chairman (until 2000), of the International Research Council of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington.[2] He was Professor of the History of Ideas at Brandeis University from 1968 to 1972, and University Professor at Georgetown University from 1976 to 1988. He has also been a visiting professor of history and government at Harvard, the University of Chicago, Tel Aviv University and Johns Hopkins University.
Just some random Jew.
>Donald L. Niewyk is the Professor Emeritus in History at Southern Methodist University. He has studied the prerequisites for genocide and how Nazi-like right-wing movements in conservative capitalist societies have evolved. [1]
A literal Jewish holocaust professor admitting Jewish influence in Weimar Germany. Meanwhile user calls me crazy amd a stormfag and says he is a nobody. No user, you're the nobody, unless you want to post your PHD.

You didn't counter any of my claims. Not all Jews are Zionist. A very high percentage of Jews living in Israel want a completely secular state devoid thats inclusive to Palestinians. Not all Jews live in Israel and have citizenship. Before the foundation of modern Israel there were lots of opponents to Zionism within the Jewish community (though they were a minorty, obviously). The fact that Israel exists doesn't support your "hivemind" claim at all.

not him but
>This one Jew speaks for all Jews
Yes, he is just "some random Jew" in any relevant terms.

And some user happened to make false claims to try to legitimate that propaganda.