What was fornication like in the middle ages?
What was fornication like in the middle ages?
DonĀ“t you have parents to tell you about sex?
I just can't wrap my head around how they could stand the smell and greasy skin contact.
benis in vagoo
No, benis in anis.
nasty, brutish and short
Very short and unpleasent
> hey Bennett, you forgot your shovel in my house
middle ages europe is the worst that happened to europe
damned germanics, thanks, you ruin it
benis in bagina
It could get pretty weird.
They spent their entire lives being repulsively smellt and greasy by our standards. Sex would just be the regular amount of smell and grease that they are completely accustomed to plus getting their dick wet so it probably wasn't too bad.
I'm sure a thousand years from now people will be fucking revolted by our sex.
Considered sinful. most likely could only realistically be practiced at a brothel in large cities by people during those times not usually in rural areas. you would likely be frowned down upon by a rural community for being promiscuous.
When one scrutinises the sort of thing the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries esteemed as finery, there is a cheapness of invention and a factor of animal assertion that jars upon ones dignity and reservations. The cod-piece, often formidably enlarged, witnesses to the sexual obsessions of these adolescent ancestors of ours, and suggests the graffiti of the public urinal levels
fifteenth-century people were, on the average, twenty years younger, they were less healthy looking, and they stank quite abominably. The barbarism of the period was not primitive. It had arisen out of the decadence of a preceding social order. The great public baths of the Roman tradition had faded out of the crumbling social edifice.
These people were often married at thirteen, they were warriors and leaders in their later teens; they became cruel old satyrs at six-and-thirty. In fact they never grew up either physically or mentally. They lived in a world of witless lordship and puerile melodrama.
To be honest, considering how things are trending today, the future seen in "Demolition Man" would be a blessing.
good post
lacks of orgasms for women
which gladens us that liberal took over
There was no such thing. The Jews created the concept of fornication,
People who didn't have large houses often went into the fields or forest to do it.
People actually bathed regularly during the middle-ages, it's only after that water was seen as dirty and bathing fell out of fashion
>when the dragon that was killing your kingdom's livestock convinces you not to say him and he ends up cucking you anyway
The opinion that fucking around is bad has only ever been a hollow ideal meant to virtue signal for the community.
Literally every culture in every time has been filled with promiscuous, horny bastards and whores.
Never seen "romans" spelled that way before.
So this is a medieval dragon fantasy?
That's a Reddit level post.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Goes to show Scalies have been around forever
Ignorant but at the same time smug progressive comment.