Came across a stock, that undergoing debt restructuring currently sitting a super low level, wonder whether to buy it.
Do you guys know any similar stocks undergoing debt structuring with their stocks taking a beating
Stocks under going debt restructuring
i wondering whether to have a continous thread focused mainly on undervalued stocks based on certain fundamentals like debt structuring or class action lawsuit. But afraid mods will constantly shut it down and archive it. Pump and dumps not welcome.
who is this semen demon
the stock im looking at its Rait financial trust, currently undergoing debt restructuring. Preferreds pay 7.5 to 8%
Fuck the mods, if they give us a problem we could just take it somewhere else.
Veeky Forums quality posting.
You're shit out of luck son. This place is about blindly throwing money at some valueless shitcoin and hoping it sticks.
Investing in distressed companies requires diligent and rigorous research as well as knowledge of accounting practices. You won't find that here.
Warren Buffet basically did this and became the wealthiest man in history.
X maybe?
maybe a discord then?
jesus down 25% today
that teva and vrx stock are perfect
this is the TEVA bottom im pretty sure
VRX has already hit bottom around 10 and been recovering for months
time for the pharma comeback!
what coin is this about? stox?? didn't that shit dump ages ago
stox hasnt even pumped yet
zodiac is eu shit, i cant buy euro shit
CHK also looks good not so much FCX, but i like everything else
Fucking VRX idiots, if you actually knew their product mix you would know that they are directly in the crosshairs of a Chinese and American trade war, they sold viable business units just to hit a debt repayment milestone that they stupidly put in their guidance and their LOEs in their product portfolio are going to sink them.
Just buy GILD. You don't know more than Paulson.
Fuckingn faggot idiots
T. Someone who had 70% unrealized losses in VRX turned it into profits by averaging down and took the money and fucking ran at 14 (should have held for 17 but this is how you know I'm not lying)
OMFG CHK??? You fucking idiots might As well just pull up a 2 year chart and buy whatever dropped the most
Hers more for you fucking idiots:
God you fuckinn Morons make me wish there were more cryptothreads
thats why we are looking for specific stocks that having their debt restructrured. CHK is producing a profit but it took on too much debt to buy equipment at the height of oil prices
b-but bausch and lomb
Here's 1 for you fucking Michaels Milliken wannabe larping faggots in this thread
they make poop medidicne and we're a takeover target at $7/share before all the big boys (BMY, GILD, TEVA, VRX) literally fucking died on the vine
Now they just raised a bond tom keep them alive while they train a sales force and sell their poop medicine before it loses exclusivity
And they have the poop troop
It's a shit stock for your shit ideas in this shit thread in a shit world
i like you
what do you actually think of TEVA now?
is this the bottom
I want to lick her sweaty browneye.
My client thought $17 would hold when he went in
The problem when's management fucks the earnings so bad they don't have a good sense of their numbers let alone future projections
At least VRX is forecasting and hitting their numbers. TEVA is liek "sorry guise we accidentally lost $6 a share this year that we never warned about but next year we promise to earn $4"
It would be like touching mylan or mallickrodt - the only way you are making money is to get lucky and FUCK THAT if you are trading any real capital
In short I have no opinion
i kind of feel like last quarter was just "lets put out all the negative shit and get it over with" earnings report
only up from here
so guys do you think this thread idea has legs or better to just do a discord?
i think we could have this exact same conversation in the robinhood general thread (which if you were not aware is basically stock market general)
i understand but i want to focus it on debt stressed stocks