Why did Africa fail to create strong societies despite abundant natural resources?
Why did Africa fail to create strong societies despite abundant natural resources?
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Define "strong societies"
t. shill
This isn't your anti-white safespace, leftypol. This board is a /pol/ colony.
Aksum was strong.
wow look at all those resources, very useful in a pre-industrial society
You have to go back
>africa spammer and safespace spammer are the same guy
color me surprised.
Colonialism and corruption.
is this some sort of fetish for you
And before colonialism?
>define "strong societies"
A society which, sometimes, every so often, advances a little bit without being dragged kicking and screaming towards progress.
Why do you leftists want an anti white safespace though?
Why do you worship niggers?
>/pol/ colony
No, it's not. Never will be. People who outright deny historical events will never be welcome on Veeky Forums, especially ones who are fans of the filthy g*rman.
Not your safespace, cuckold. I bet you believe that the Egyptian were black
>africa is one country
Ethiopia is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and used to be a pretty relevant trading power.
>inb4 "they dont count because they are caucasian"
Well before colonialism most of the West was a shithole too.
>literally have more resources than everyone on earth
>cuckold leftists say you're the smartest race
>can't create a world spanning empire
Well Africans did develop metallurgy and they have some nice art. I guess they count then.
Apparently we're just filing the entire classical world under "colonial era" now...
Colonialism will never be the reason, the real question is why Europe colonized africa before they were strong enough to colonize europe, kill yourself shill
So what are you saying?
You're judging Africans for their inability to grow and dominate everything around them just like imperialistic Europeans did?
Well maybe they didn't give a shit. In fact, you're welcome explain how that is even a good idea in the first place.
>Why did Africa fail to create civilization?
And then it became
>Why did subsahara fail to create civilization.
And now its
>Why did Africa fail to create strong societies
Probably followed by
>Why did Africa fail to create tribes
And then
>Why did Africa fail to create families
Until we're left with
>Why did Africa fail to create people
>I'm a dumbass that can't understand simple concepts
Well, let me explain what was probably extremely obvious to everyone who isn't you. You said "Well before colonialism most of the West was a shithole too." I pointed out that Europe has had strong, advanced civilizations for thousands of years.
So what the fuck are you _trying_ to say?
>Welcome to Veeky Forums - History & Humanities
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
it's like a free course on goalpost moving
Technically Africa colonized Europe first, with humans that interbreed and then killed the sloped foreheaded proto-g*rms called Neanderthals.
why do you anti white leftist want a safespace?
That was fast.
>Thinking Europe was settled directly from Africa
Oh boy...
There were black ancient Egyptians, particularly in the Southern Kingdom that abutted the Kush. This isn't really something historians debate, it's pretty well established.
>Technically Africa colonized Europe first
Why do you insist on brainlessly shitposting instead of discussing ideas?
> Wow Uranium is so useful to a pre-atomic society.
> Wow oil is so useful to a society without internal combustion engines
> Phosphates so useful to a society without chemistry
> Wow coffee and tea is so useful to a society that still has trouble producing food
> Wow diamonds so useful at all.
>I pointed out that Europe has had strong, advanced civilizations for thousands of years.
No, they didn't, in fact a large portion of what we call the West is an undeveloped shithole.
I mean, have you ever been to Romania? Bulgaria? Detroit?
I mean, Detroit has the same murder rate today that the second largest city in my country had in the 17th century.
>(((the telegraph)))
Oy vey
>Why do you insist on brainlessly shitposting instead of discussing ideas?
Why would I respect leftist subhumans trying to censor discussion?
W---were they kangz?
Well you've stopped those filthy lefties from censoring discussion by shitposting so hard that no discussion can be had, well done.
There were a few Nubian dynasties, even helped preserve some Egyptian culture before it got fucked up by Assyrians if my memory serves me.
>Europeans didn't have advanced civilizations for thousands of years because of, like... Detroit
Oh, wow, you got me there. Detroit (which is run by the descendent of Africans) is an utter shithole, so the white western world is BTFO'd
What a completely rational and in no way retarded response.
Way to ignore my other examples stormsperg.
thanks, you can fuck off back to your anti white safespace now
This needs to be changed to say "every day" instead.
>Hey why didn't *vague term* exist?
>"Define *vague term*
>WTF leftism!
End this board.
You need to get back to your containment board. Now.
>not hating blacks is being anti-white
Do you even see the irony in this?
>End this board.
More like delete /pol/.
Your other two examples were part of Rome, so they were also incredibly stupid to bring up.
why are you leftist shills so mad that you can't have your anti white safespace?
Are you trying to censor me, friend?
Do you think deleting /pol/ deletes /pol/tards?
Where do you think they'll go except other fucking boards? Pandora's box is already open, there's no undoing /pol/.
What you will not find so far in this thread:
An answer to why African civilization is horrible that doesn't justify racism. Anybody? Anybody?
Wow, you took a screenshot from a /pol/+/mlp/ discord and are pretending it's 'shareblue' now?
Why are you on reddit, anonymous?
>Advanced civilization
>Part of Rome
Too bad being a vassal in a huge Empire doesn't make you "advanced" nor "civilized".
Now fuck off back to your containment board /pol/fugee.
The question is vague to the point of stupid. Africa is fucking huge. What civilization are you talking about? What era? How are you defining success or failure for a civilization? Also, why does success or failure on a maco-civilization level justify racism? We don't consider the Germans failures even though every time they've unified it's been a sad joke that ends with them being someone else's puppet.
why are you subhuman leftist so mad that everyone knows that you have an organized raiding campaign?
>Now fuck off back to your containment board /pol/fugee.
aww, the leftypol nigger lover wants anti white safespace!
>This question is so vague there are literally hundreds of ways to answer it
>Here are none
They will go whereever their new home is. Deleting pol would be the best thing Veeky Forums could do. These social rejects are destroying every half-decent board.
Bulgaria had a sizable empire of its own and was a cultural center during its peak.
why? because their not anti white cucks like you, leftypol?
>Looks at pacific islands that were part of a huge empire that made them both advanced and civilized
Oh, yeah, kiddo. You must be right.
when is this faggot getting permanbanned?
>I can only comprehend simple and easily digestible explanations
>what do you mean the real world doesnt work like that?
>everybody who disagrees with me hates my race
Oh boy, you sure will go far in life
The only one mad here is you, /pol/. The rest of us just feel sorry for you. It's clear you've never had a proper education, you come here looking for validation for your half-baked racist views because you lack the discipline to actual research the facts of a topic and draw your own conclusion. You're debating, in many cases, with people holding bachelors or even masters in history, coming on here and debating stupid historical shit is probably the only time they actually get to use any of that so you were fighting with both hands tied behind your back and blindfolded before the fight even started. You should just leave, it's embarrassing to see you keep regurgitating buzzwords like it's a protective mantra, no one here is trying to change your mind, we know you're already too proud of being stupid.
>This question is so vague there are literally hundreds of ways to answer it
Do you lack reading comprehension? The problem is you can't answer because it's to vague. Any answer can only contain nebulous claims because the question itself is nebulous. You need to ask a specific question so we can give you a specific answer.
>I pretend that African societies are comparable to European societies and fail completely to even attempt to back it up because I know deep down that they're an inferior people.
It's okay. The first step to being blackpilled is realizing that you have no answer to the question "Why doesn't black society work?" that doesn't boil down to a racist conclusion.
>Oh boy, you sure will go far in life
you don't go far in life slicking BLM boot, you subhuman cuck
>typing all that shit just to tell me that you are an brainwashed anti white cuckold
stop wasting your time, shill
>You should just leave
why do you want a safespace? why should I hate my own race?
>Why doesn't black society work?
Define "work".
>Define "work"
Something niggers don't do for a living.
>why should i hate whiteys?
You don't have to hate them, you just have to treat them like what they are: subhumans.
Why do you want an anti-black safespace, /r/the_donald?
>giant continent
>almost no significant philosophers, artists or scientists came out of it
Still zero people in this thread with a non-racist explanation as to why Africa is such a shithole.
I can't answer your question if you don't give me a framework to work within. Now explain to me, how do you define "work"?
I see you're learning from , leftypol
t. Social reject whos identity only consists of his skin color
What is europe before they got cucked by sand niggers?
>still no argument from the anti white subhuman
so you still can't tell me why I should hate my own race, leftypol shill?
>I can't answer any questions unless every single word in the question is clearly defined specially for me herp da derp de derp
What's the point, Tyrese? You're just going to go "Well, define 'the' and 'is' and 'how' and 'at' then!!!!!
You are so uncreative you might legit be a bot
People are tired of replying to the same thread day after day. If you want a non racist explanation, lookup the archives. But honestly, the explanation to why Africa stayed primitive is obvious to anyone even a little knowledgeable about the continent
>What is europe before they got cucked by sand niggers?
The answer is "extremely productive", especially when compared to Africa.
>I can't answer your question if you don't give me a framework to work within.
I thought you niggers built the pyramids, you don't need help from whiteys like us.
Damn, never saw someone victimize himself this hard since Kindergarten.
You social rejects are just not made to make it in the real world. You want back to kindergarten times, where mommy changed your diapers and cooked your food. Its really sad.
I'm not entirely sure of mods are actually watching this thread so I'll just check how quickly they'll delete another blatant rule violation..
>If you don't know, then I'm not going to tell you
Arguing like a woman... I guess this is /leftypol/
Why are you refusing to comply? I get the feeling you don't actually want a concise answer.
First time I've ever seen the red text on this board
why would I need to be creative when you "people" who want to create a brown, corporate funded, police state world?
>the leftypol shill STILL can't tell me why I should hate my own race
Thanks, mods. There is hope for this board.