Every cunt wanted my opinion on Ark so I finally made a video on it.
Check it out, but careful arkies, it is not that pretty.
Every cunt wanted my opinion on Ark so I finally made a video on it.
Check it out, but careful arkies, it is not that pretty.
>Every cunt
literally, who the fuck are you?
>unironically uses normie person
>doesnt actually know any coding and discuss the github source code in the video
Why should i listen to you?
>they havent even done anything yet
Except their wallets btfos everyone elses and test video was released ago revealing SmartBridge to work with ETH
Seriously, who the fuck are you? And what kind of fags actually listen to you?
Disliked, you fucking faggot.
Your video is shit and your personality is even worse, don't ever post here again
I agree with most of your negatives except the one product they do have is a working wallet that is pretty much the best damn wallet in crypto
fuck off retard
I don't discuss their source code and I am a software engineer lol.
All other points are valid.
Fair point. If you were choosing a blockchain on which to build your application based on a wallet though?
>spamming your video
>saying "normies" out loud unironically
>cursing in every sentence
get a better mic too
you're right, but i think having a really good wallet is a good start. They dont have a fully functioning product atm, but if they start producing their wallet is gonna streamline the process for normans to get in
**Also, one of ARKs biggest goals is mass adoption and the wallet helps a lot
hoyl shit ark has a great wallet! omg lets all buy ark!!!!
who the fuck cares, you arkies are literally autistic. there is nothing going for ark at the moment but hype. at least 0x has a working protocol and microsoft is actively using a working product tierion has, etc, etc
i don't know why you posted this shit here. people are either ark shills or they don't have an opinion on it, which means no matter what you're just going to have a bunch of autists raging at you
>being a software engineer qualifies you in knowing crypto currency code
epic. Dont you have some shitty mobile apps to program?
Also, another fatal flaw, you never compared it to any other coin. Wouldnt it make a better video if you compared ARK's source code to Lisk, Blockchain, Bancor, since they are the main smartbridge competitors?
Seriously, your video sounds like it was made by someone who got into crypto a week ago.
Again a video has already been made that shows the ARK system works with ethereum. If you werent such a newfag and actually been here 2 weeks ago, you would have seen it.
nice graph
Connections Connections. Trust me, the world is going to feel the power of ARK. I mean, we already 200 mil, and we arnt even done yet. While your faggot ass Omisego, Neo, TeNX are already finished.
can you stop anime posting and show your qualifications? hmm software engineer or ark-shilling anime poster?
you the same anime poster that shilled ANT while DNT was relevant? cos if you are then off yourself
Seems like a balanced video.
Lots of potential but a lot to prove.
I'm holding a bit just as a wildcard like you say. I'm not missing a moon mission if this thing goes crazy after they actually succeed.
I don't have the guts or the confidence in them to go balls deep on ARK though.
>Again a video has already been made that shows the ARK system works with ethereum. If you werent such a newfag and actually been here 2 weeks ago, you would have seen it.
who cares?
>nice graph
i bought at 11 cents a couple days ago, im cozy as fuck user idk what you're on about
>Trust me, the world is going to feel the power of ARK.
wow you bought ark and you think it's going to do well? wow congrats. well have fun with your wallet and youtube videos
>all this biz circle jerk drama
I just like anime girls. I never got into ANT, Have been an ARKie since the June dip and profited off other coins and probably own 20x your amount.
>claims ARK has made no progress in their tech
>i post tech that is progress
>thinks buying in early justifies a downward trend
If someone bought DGB at 90 sats, and actually held on to it, would you consider it a good investment?
Ark actually has a clear upward trend and is near its ATH constantly.
>think its going to do well
Again, 20x richer than you, so im already well
Arkies are darkies
>claims that i claimed they made no progress on their tech
can you read? literally have fun with your wallet and youtube videos, because that's all you have going for you right now
Yeah, you think the wallet is all it has going for it? WHich is why i proved you wrong with the ETH protype vid.
Smartbridge literally btfos bancor, TNT, and Lisk, dumb baka
OMG is not finished.
>palm beach group.