After the monarchy ended did Iran become more poor/ less free? Also general Imperial Iran thread, feel free to post pics and the like from that time.
Discussion on the degradation of Iran
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The Pahlavis were retarded Western puppets.
The Islamic Revolution was the best thing to ever happen to Iran
Care to explain how?
>best thing
Go home Khomeini.
>After the monarchy ended did Iran become more poor/ less free?
Not as wealthy as the Monarchy under its temporary peak but wealthier than the monarchy at its end.
Nor was it as free as the Republic which it replaced - remember he was installed not by popular support but by Western Intervention.
But as a whole haven't the people got more stupid, lazy and ugly?
More Iranians are educated now than ever.
Literally the laziest fucks made up the monarchy. Today there's a shitload of people who don't have work, but not because they're lazy.
are you from iran?
why many girls there get nosejob?
i mean their nose cant be that bad
Nah, they actually are better off and more educated despite what the government there might make you think.
Also bear in mind that a lot of the economic woes are due to the economic sanction rather than the policies of the regime itself.
Take a look at the pre coup republic
Compare that to this
It's a trendy thing to do basically. Some people with legit normal noses even get it done.
No actually this is what the average Iranian looks like today.
I hope you can see how being a retard isn't good.
he looks retarded to me
Lol that man completed the system of German idealism you idiot.
I had an iranian roommate, AMA
did he own fake golden curtain rods?
??? is this some Iranian meme or some shit? Isn't he a singer?
Why do people ger such a hardon for monarchies? Is it projection? The pretty dresses and palaces?
Persia was a third world shithole before and after the Islamic Revolution, there was nothing laudable about its repressive political system, over-reliance on oil, backwardness, poverty, shitty education and infraestructure.
Perhaps of they had enacted a modernization program similar to that of the Meiji Restoration in Japan we could be talking about a successful monarch, but as it stands there is little laudable about it.
Stop masturbating to the idea of wanting to be a pretty princess.
>actually this is what the average Iranian looks like today.
i have seen iran people in youtube and they dont
No, he had very sensible furniture
>not getting the obvious sarcasm
He cherrypicked his pics, I cherrypicked mine.
i like iran, i would like to see a christian country with enforced moral and respect
Yeah I'd like to take a dump on the Mars but that's not gonna happen either.
why are you being sarcastic?
are you saying that is bad?
It's impossible and stupid.
Stop worshipping Wh*Tes, cuck
The guy's Iranian aka not white.
>temporary peak
>70 years
>No actually this is what the average Iranian looks like today.
kill yourself
Do you know what sarcasm is gai boi?
a christians country with enforce morals?
how is that stupid=
The USA and UK initially backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:
Jimmy Carter initially backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:
The Islamic Revolution was backed by the USA and UK. New declassified documents and hints came out about this. Read all of the links I gave here:
Name one fundamentalist state that was better off removing a secular leader.
confirmed for retarded diaspora or white larper
I want to shah my dick into her ass
Holy shit you people are a bunch of fucking autists. Here you pathetic sperg: I put a pic of Reza Golzar because he's a Sexy Persian Hunk (SPH), not because he's white looking you fucking fags. May Ahura Mazda obliterate your spinal cord.
What's with America and brutal theocratic regimes?
>brutal theocratic regimes
What do you mean? The Shah was less theocratic than what followed.
To thwart communists he boosted welfare and social reforms, land redistribution for caused the old elite to support the Ayatollah. The leftist narrative of an imperialist lapdog exploiting innocent Iranians is an oversimplification. It is at least up to debate whether the common Iranian was more or less exploited by the Shah than the Ayatollah.
He was quite oppressive and heavily backed by the US in exchange for security of Iran's oil.
He wasn't. You aren't an "oppressive" leader or ruler of a regime if your main imperative is economic and social reforms, reducing foreign influence on your culture, and pushing progressive agenda for other stratas. Education and building up as well as improving the new middle class that followed World War 2 was a big Pahlavi agenda. Anyway the Shah definitely was not a nice man and SAVAK is up there with MOSSAD, the KGB/GRU, and the CIA as far as fucked up shit goes but both halfs of the last Pahlavi Shah's reign were nowhere near the body count or human rights abuse the Supreme Leaders and their ilk have committed.
I agree, but it's due to USA Khomeini got power. Now USA wants to do the same shit again by support MEK/NCRI, who are even worse than IRI. It's all about the petrodollar scheme for the USA/UK by ensuring they remain good OPEC puppets.
They are easy to control and predict.
They let the Japanese to their own devices and were at the brink of calling a next world war on them, they were that scared of them overtaking the US.
EU is another great example. As long as they could dictate everything against the USSR, it was amazing. But once USSR fell apart, EU became an enemy which produced its own products, influence, weaponry, etc. The moment they overtook the US in economic output was the moment they started a smearing campaign and started asking them to sanction trading partners left and right until Euro began falling and people within it started questioning it with full US media support, job well done.
Meanwhile, places run by dictatorships like South Korea are perfect allies. They work hard but they will never reach dangerous economical levels and the leadership will always be on a tight leash of the US because they need their full support lest they get thrown to the wolves - North Korea and China.
how likely is it for Iran to turn democratic in the coming decades? I personally think it's very likely. As soon as these mullahs die off we will see a big change. Iran has the fastest growing population of atheist right now, and the majority are young. Iran will surely become the most influential and powerful country in west Asia in a couple of years. I can't wait!
I'd say the Islamic Revolution has more ties to the Eternal Anglo then anything else. Almost every major source you can find if elaborating on the issue and not glossing over the domino effect of ousting Mossadegh stems back to Churchill's plotting after he was humiliated by the Iranian Prime Minister at the World Court.
>Dresses like a bunch of Euronigs.
source: my ass
now here's some actual data for you:
mossadegh was never democratically elected. the parliament staged a coup and took full power when reza shah was abroad, and then gave control to reza shah's prime minister mossadegh.
its basically what happened in Turkey last year with the failed military coup.
muh democratically elected socialist is just a meme diasporafags use as a talking point to make it seem like the revolution was about everything except islam.
biggest bullshit "survey" i have ever seen! 83% in favor of sharia? BAHAHAHA if you knew iranians you would know that we all absolutely hate islam.
Here you go btw:
nice try, ive visited your shit hole myself and all of them has pictures of khomeini in front of their houses, your country is just sandnigger-lite. your post reeks of an """iranian""" leeching in 1st world western country, go back to your shithole of you love it so much ahmed
>bullshit survey
top lel. they're the most reputable polling company in the world.
>BAHAHAHA if you knew iranians you would know that we all absolutely hate islam.
Oh I have no doubt that those in your diaspora circles do.
But Iranians in Iran are a completely different case.
>Here you go btw:
Nice blog post. All anecdotal and no sources to back it up.
Does Iran deserve nuclear bombing and why Is it yes?
He's probably a diaspora with an identity crisis who was born and raised in the US or Canada
I've been in Iran and I'm from a country that was in a similar situation a couple of decades ago. The protraits of the Big Man come and go easily, it means nothing but that the current government wants to make it clear that is ever-present. Which is extremely false in the case of Iran, you can pretty much do whatever you want in your privacy, but it's not like a relatively strong government is bad in the Middle East.
The USA is just another extension of the Eternal Anglo, specially in the Middle East. Where the brits meddled today you have americans.
leeching? LOL Iranians are more highly educated than most native westerners that they live among.
The older generation is still religious, but if you look at the young you will see a completely different picture, I can promise you that.
Are we just gonna forget a history comprised of hundreds of hundred years of innovation and contribution too humanity and just look at the last 38 years dismiss it as a shit hole? Thousand of years has gone by but we are still genetically the same people who built the biggest empire the world had ever seen up to that point. My point is that 38 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
While the nords were living in huts and raping people like savages, persia was the first empire to prohibit slavery and lay the grounds for human rights. If I had to bet money on which ME country would do best given the chance, I would most definitely put my money on Iran and so would you.
>but if you look at the young you will see a completely different picture, I can promise you that.
A small minority of the youth in north tehran does not reflect the entire country. Also you seem to not know the basic fact that young people tend to be edgy and rebellious by nature, and mature as they get older.
>Are we just gonna forget a history comprised of hundreds of hundred years of innovation and contribution too humanity
As someone who grew up and still lives in Iran, and is just abroad as an international student for university, I can tell you that no one in Iran knows or cares about pre islamic history. It's barely covered in school, and we just know it as "the age of ignorance".
>just look at the last 38 years
Try the last 1400 years
>Thousand of years has gone by but we are still genetically the same people
If you somehow think that Iranians even back then weren't related to Arabs you're delusional. Just so you know the plurality of Seyyeds (blood descendants of our beloved prophet pbuh) are Iranian.
>who built the biggest empire the world had ever seen up to that point
Who cares?
>persia was the first empire to prohibit slavery and lay the grounds for human rights
Persia =/= modern day Iran. Also you speak like empire building is a civilized and humanitarian process, when it actually is achieved by killing everyone who stands in your way.
Overall your post and grammar comprehension just reeks that of a 12 year old diaspora just learning about ancient persian history in school. I'm 100% sure now that you're a delusional diaspora with an identity crisis.
Grow up, embrace that you are an american, canadian, or whatever, and stop trying to associate yourself with a people you have no understanding of or a connection to.
Just because you have Iranian ancestry, does not make you Iranian yourself.
You yourself aren't Iranian just a brainwashed Islamic goat fucker.
?از چه شهر
you misunderstand my point completely. i never claimed that Persia=Modern Iran. Persia wasn't created by aliens, it was created by the iranian people and we still, largely share the same culture, same language and same moral values as those people did back in the day and given the chance today, we could certainly rise from the ashes and create a wonderful society unlike most 3dr world shitholes. we do have what's necessary as people.
show me one third world society that exists today with a history of being as culturally rich, impactful and crucial to the development of the west as the old Persian Empire. you most likely can't. all those great empires have transformed to become 1st world countries today. something went wrong along the way for the iranians, i'm not that well informed to pin point at what, but iranians were never destined to be compared to arabs or turks.
and if you think i'm wrong, fine then. lets have a discussion. but stop throwing ad hominem on a image board.
Yes, those diaspora who fled after 50 years of forced secularism failed are the true Iranians amirite? Not the people who actually live in Iran. lmao
لول تهران
>it was created by the iranian people
Iranian people did not exist back then. Iran is just one piece of what was once ancient Persia. The only actual "persian" people come from the Fars province. If you're not from Fars you are not even "persian" in any sense of the word beyond adopting the language.
>largely share the same culture, same language and same moral values as those people did back in the day
Lol no. Our culture today has no connection to pre islamic "persian" culture. And there is no uniform culture either. Every province has its own culture and customs. But overall the culture is like that of any other muslim country, if you've ever actually spent any time with someone from another muslim country.
The only real difference is language, but even then the Persian language (at least Iranian Persian idk about Afghan or Tajik Persian) and Arabic are about 50% the same.
>we could certainly rise from the ashes and create a wonderful society unlike most 3dr world shitholes. we do have what's necessary as people.
>show me one third world society that exists today with a history of being as culturally rich, impactful and crucial to the development of the west as the old Persian Empire
Why would I care about the west? This has no relevance or meaning to me at all?
If anything I'm glad Iran is a country like that of its muslim neighbors, and nothing at all like the filthy corrupt west.
>something went wrong along the way for the iranians, i'm not that well informed to pin point at what, but iranians were never destined to be compared to arabs or turks.
We're basically the same people, and have always been. You think differently because you were raised in the west, buying into the Pahlavi trash the west and your parents fed you.