Why do all Leftists want to destroy the white race?
Why do all Leftists want to destroy the white race?
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Cause muh karma for colonization, slavery, etc. even though it's all the races fault.
>bu-b-but whites didn't HAVE to buy into it
Doesn't matter cause if niggers didn't start enslaving each other in the first place whites wouldn't have even had the option.
As for Native Americans, most died by disease, not warfare.
t. Navajo
Actually if it's karma then, from Amerindians:
- 90% genocide
- murdering of elites and middle class
- assimilating the rest of the priviledged class
- the low class thrown to toxic mines for 4 centuries with a mortality rate of 60-80%
- most cultural remnants forbidden and obliterated
This is the only option.
Good question. Don't they know that niggers and mudslimes are going to kill their precious trannies once god fearing white men are gone?
kill yourself faggot
Are you triggered, leftypol?
Homophobia... real nice
White people are doing a pretty good job of destroying themselves.
You are truly subhuman. Opinion discarded.
Rule #3
Observe it.
>You are truly subhuman.
Was it something I said?
/pol/ in /pol/ eas revoked, Leftypol shill
&Humanities you kike.
I don't feel like copying the whole thing.
sys.Veeky Forums.org/his/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=3398802
>90% genocide
Mod won't save you now.
all I need to do is post one blacked picture to hear a choir of autistic screeching. Fuck off to your containment board faggot, nobody wants to discuss the peddled shit of an image board's pathetic delusions, refer to the other million similar threads of anons throwing shit at each other. Kill yourself
This board is lost user, these fuckheads have to shit up everything on this site
Not your safespace, you anti white cuck
Why do you hoard nigger porn?
>I have an entire 3 terabyte folder full of BLACKED porn
>I bet you feel pretty silly now, right racists?
Yes, a religious whitey is the most subhuman kind of whitey. Sorry, I shouldn't have insulted such creature.
Oh yeah, mostly in South America and many parts of Meso America.
typical /pol/ post
LMAO I didnt even have to post the pic for you faggots to start screeching, just the mention is enough to trigger these little snowflakes. I'll say it once again, go back to your containment board, or better yet, kill yourself so your mom would have the guilt of raising such a fuckhead off her mind
Jokes on you. That was a secular burning at the stake. (His accent was a little gay)
Not your safespace, this is where I stay, nigger porn hoarder
So you don't believe in God?
>mfw cucking an entire race simply by existing
Feels good fellas
>I bet I can make you screech by posting a picture of my wife getting ported [plus a paragraph of screeching]
>Gets mildly made fun of
>SEE!!!!!!! [plus a paragraph of screeching]
You're fun. Could you impotently tell me to go back where I came from again and tell me to kill myself?
>complains about safespaces
>demands a safespace
>mimimi you cant shitpost here this is my safe space
lmao nice try kid....i'll shitpost all the boards you visit and then some leftypol
>gets angry at people not wanting to hear the rambling mind of a retarded /pol/ack
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