Who is the true heir to Rome?
Who is the true heir to Rome?
Unironically Finland
North Korea
Washington DC.
According to the Dune Encyclopedia.
The ancient world belongs to those learned gentlemen who read the Classics and would see that time reborn beautiful and new.
Stfu, nerd
Romania, of course.
Stop abusing my OC for Finnposting, RRREEEEEEEEE
my ancestors are smiling at me moderntard can you say the same
no heir just a bunch of larpers
Vatican city
apparently the USA and Russia. Since their empires are still standing.
Fucking idiots, why does Rome need to have an heir? I'd say the last legitimate claim to Rome was the ERE (due to the capital moving and all that) but it doesn't make any sense to claim that the Krauts and Turks become the people they conquer.
in agreement, Byzantines were the last romans.
Shut up, retard
>Charles V has claims to both the HRE and ERE
Since the Hapsburg Empire at the time contained the Spanish possessions in the Americas, you can trace this line of succession through the Spanish Empire all the way to the Mexican Empire as well. The claims for both Spain and Mexico double when you consider the first sale of the ERE title went to the crown of France, which eventually took hold of the Spanish Empire after Charles II of Spain.
That would leave the list of (illegitimate) claimants as:
>Russia (through house of Palaiologos and having filled Byzantium's power vacuum)
>Germany, Austria, France (through Charlemagne and bought titles from the ERE)
>Spain, Mexico (through houses of Hapsburg and Bourbon)
>Italy (though geography of the early Roman Republic)
>Turkey (through conquest of the last vestige of the Roman Empire)
>Serbia, Bulgaria (through opportunistic claims and geographic and cultural proximity to the late Roman Empire)
>replying to every post on the thread
Kill yourself.
The true heir of Rome is fucking Rome. The city is still there, it still holds a senate and a people.
The princeps were only legitimized by this senate plus the people by the way of the praetorians. Thus, the population of the city, today, and the men who have the title of Senators, are the only ones who can proclaim a rightful emperor, and any empire that does not have a rightfully proclaimed emperor does not count.
Ya hya chouhada
This is the only valid answer. There's no heir to Rome.
Italy obviously, all the other provinces got invaded. As a romanian I can notice that few people look mediterranean here, they are mostly balkan, dinaric, turk or russian looking.
Piss off, Mario
this does not make sense unless you're anticommunist
Nobody. Heir to Rome means heir to Roman EMPIRE, so even if Greece, Russia or the Ottomans had legit claims, they rescinded them bz switching from a monarchy to a republic.
HELL NO, we don't want Rome. Keep it to yourselves italians/greeks.
Greeks are the only ones who still call themselves Romans while also being actually related to the Roman empire (unlike Rumanians).
Actually, Roman was the only name Greeks were using up to the 19th - early 20th centuries.
>RO, not Rumanias
>In English, the name of the country was formerly spelt Rumania or Roumania.[21] Romania became the predominant spelling around 1975.[22]
Also, Romania is the name of the Byzantine Empire.
Friendly reminder that Italy is a product of Gothic and Moslem rapebabbies.
The spice must flow
United States of America.
vatician city, roman empire never failed just changed buisnes boys
Actually the Bulgarian claim it's a misnomer. Absolutely no Bulgarian historian whatsoever claims that.
Bulgarian rulers have claimed that they are "Rulers of all Bulgarians, Wallachians and Romans", but never "Roman Emperors".
As far as I know only 3 Bulgarian rulers claimed that they ruled over Romans but never claimed to be a successor of the Roman Empire.
Simeon I of Bulgaria 864AD - 927AD
Joanitza more commonly known as Kaloyan 1170AD - 1207 AD in his letters to pope Innocent III he claims to be Emperor of all Bulgarians Wallachians and Romans and asks for an imperial crown. He get's the said crown, and by that he is somewhat recognized as a ruler of the Romans seing how Constantinople was taken by the Latins the same year. In all of the correspondence however his empire is referred to as "Bulgarorum"
The third one is Ivan Asen II unknown year - 1241AD.
An interesting one is Kanasubigi Tervel 675AD - 721AD. Who offered crucial help to the Romans in repelling the Arab invasion and breaking the siege of Constantinople. For his services emperor Justinian II grants him the title of Caesar.
So the claimed Bulgarian succession is rather a foreign interpretation
A slight error there mate. Tervel was made Caesar when he led a cavalry of 15 000 Bulgar warriors and managed to restore the reign of the dethroned Justinian II. For his help against the Arabs he was made an honorary citizen of Constantinople, some claim that he was even canonized as Saint Tribellius.
There's no successor to the state.
But 2 groups called themselves "Romans" or some variant:
1) Romanians (this includes the various other groups spread throughout the balkans, like megleno-romanians, aromanians, istro-romanians). They are the prime example of how assimilation in the Roman Empire worked. Thracians (and partially Dacians) adopted Latin language and Roman culture and law, relatively peacefully.
2) Greeks. They started calling themselves Hellenes in the 19th century though. There were still Romans living in parts of the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.
Italians are Italians.
Fuck you Turk.
>LARP as Roman
>crowned as emperor by actual Romans
We never claimed being the heirs of Rome.
Just the hillbilly nephews of them.
Finland is the new Rome.
The Ebin Roman Empire
Culturally: Italy
Functionally and aesthetically: the US
By title: the Russia Empire until its fall. Neither Finland, nor the USSR can claim an "title" since they were never monarchies.
Bulgaria is such an underrated country, historywise.
Probably the second most important country in south-east europe after Greece/Byzanitum, loved reading about their rise to power
There haven't been any ancestral heirs to Rome for over 1000 years (besides obscure claims to the Roman Empire through nobility).
Central Italy was comprised of many different entities before the Roman Republic conquered the peninsula (see pic) and the Papal States controlled all of Rome's ancestral land for many centuries.
Greece was always a subject of Rome and only inspired Roman culture heavily (partially through the Etruscans' adoption of Greek ideas). Greece's link is stronger through the Byzantine Empire, but they were always a successor state and only used "Roman" nominally.
Romania's name stems from post-Italian renaissance origins (one of which is not of any direct relation to Rome).
The closest "heir" to Rome would probably be the local population where the Roman Republic's homelands were located, but now they are at the heart of the Italian Republic which is a very different entity.
Rome died, let it go you cringy fucks
and no, the meme Eastern """Roman""" empire doesnt count as fucking rome either
We were horrifyingly inconsistent compared to the empires we bordered, but not so much compared to the other European states. Perhaps that's why our history gets swepped under the rug. Then again better to be underappreciated than to be a wewuzer
Portugal or Turkey
>Moslem rapebabbies.
why you people say that?
arabs never settled in mainland
So, all of Spain, France, Greece, Bulgaria and UK are the modern Rome?
>crowned as emperor by actual Romans
no, they arent, germanic and slavic people had their fun raping them into extinction
so, your shitty argument fails
its not shitty, satan
also i would like that a pure latin roman city state would have survived in south italy so they can see how things change
it would be funny to see them today calling out germanics and slavic for their shit
>everything you have is thanks to us, pigskins barbarians
>stop LARPing
>disagrees with me that Rome is long gone
>tells me that they got raped out of existence by slavs and germs in his next post
the absolute state of retarded namefaggots
"Culturally: Italy"
lmao, just fucking lmao. kys
USA and here's why, it's a bit complicated.
It's a meme that started ~1500 years ago