Hey guys. Turk here. I'm interested in learning about my Byzantine ancestors so where do you think should I begin?
Hey guys. Turk here. I'm interested in learning about my Byzantine ancestors so where do you think should I begin?
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Skip Byzantium cucks and read the Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid. Follow this up with The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony and Thucydides.
After that introduce yourself to Roman history with Plutarch's Lives, Caesar in Gaul and the Twelve Caesars. After that read Holland, Tacitus etc.
Also stop mentioning your country on Veeky Forums, that's /soc/ level retardation.
>believes the meme that he is descended from Byzantines.
If you actually do have Greek ancestors then they probably converted to Islam during the ottoman period around the coastal areas of Anatolia, Constantinople, Thrace, and Trebizond. Or in cappadocia perhaps.
Read The Blight of Asia to learn about what your people did to the true heirs of Byzantium
This book looks like it has received unfavorable reviews from academia.
>believes the meme that he is descended from Byzantines.
I'm the first to admit that 99% of us are just Turkified Anatolians. We're eager to go back to our ancient ancestry.
>to learn about what your people
Not my people. T*rks.
>turkified anatolians.
Anatolia was completely hellenized in the roman era. When the Seljuks invaded in 1071 they conquered most of Asia Minor but lost most of it except for cappadocia during the crusades. The Seljuk aristocrats and nobility were persian speakers while nomadic Turkmen tribes migrating from Turkmenistan into Asia Minor spoke oghuz turkish. These tribes violently ethnically cleansed Anatolia along with the mongols every time they recaptured parts of Byzantine Asia Minor and settled on the land becoming the majority of the population. Which is why only the Greeks of cappadocia survived unscathed along with Greek communities in Smyrna and the coast. And Trebizond wasn't conquered until the time of the ottomans.
You must be one of my fellow Turks in delusion. Neck yourself.
I have wondered about the meaning of the symbol on that eagle's chest.
What does the symbol mean?
>le ethnic groups have remained entirely unchanged and in the same geographic area for the whole of history meme
Go study the seljuk Turks, that's what founded Turkey.
Bump for answer.
The cipher in the center is the initials for Palaiologos, the last ruling dynasty of the Byzantine Empire. Much in the same fashion of the Chi Rho symbol being a cipher for the initials of Jesus Christ.
Thanks, fella
>where do you think should I begin
With converting to Orthodox Christianity.
Stop replying to that son of a whore from Singapore.
Senin ananı sikerim oğlum yazı yazma burada anana uçarım senin dar çeneli orospu evladı.
>I'm interested in learning about my Byzantine ancestors
>Orthodox Christianity
>implying Oriental Orthodoxy is acceptable
>being a cuck
Vay amk.
Where is the RAID when you need it?
>he believes the nationalism meme
>Several studies have concluded that the genetic haplogroups indigenous to Western Asia have the largest share in the gene pool of the present-day Turkish population.
Turks are descendants of Byzantines you retard.
If you're actually being serious, my advice is to read the Alexiad first and foremost. Most important book for people interested in ERE. Secondly, I'd reccomend to stay clear of western books. They dindu a lot and portray the Romans as evil guys most of the time. Id like to know, what's the most you know about the ERE? What's the extent of your knowledge?
here's a real study, Amerimutt.
>comparison with pre indo-european anatolian
also your study claims about 22% average(with only 13% male contribution :thinking:) Central-Asian admixture, about as much as we could have expected
>Based on the Chikhi et al.’s (2001) method, it was observed that for the
females, the admixture estimates of Turkey (22%) and Azerbaijan (18%)
were relatively similar, whereas male contribution from Central Asia is lower
in Turkey (13%) than that of females but it is greater than that of the females
in Azerbaijan (32%).
>also your study claims about 22% average(with only 13% male contribution :thinking:) Central-Asian admixture, about as much as we could have expected
Central Asian=Mongoloid. For some reasons it's used as a synonym of mongoloid.
Here's a Turk with 15% mongoloid genes
but central asianness, however, is higher than 15%
it seems like the study seems to contest the 'language change because of elite change model' rather than contesting that Turks arre majority western asian
>language change because of elite change model
yes it's contesting le elite domination meme that's used by every retard on the internet. It's also linked to genetics.
>link is to a study disproving his own argument
>Retard in charge of genetics
state your ethnicity/nationality please. animefag.