What are some Veeky Forumstorical examples of a peaceful activist getting democratically elected only to do an about face and become literally hitler?
What are some Veeky Forumstorical examples of a peaceful activist getting democratically elected only to do an about...
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Myanmar is not a democracy. She has limited power as part of a compromise with the military. The same happened in Zimbabwe with Mugabe and his opposition.
If anything she should be used as an example to countries in a similar position (there are plans for this in Venezuela), that compromise with dictatorships don't work.
You need to oust the dictators entirely, not "share power" with them, because it only legitimizes their activities.
Aung San Suu Kyi doesn't hold complete sway over Myanmar. It's still the General's game.
This. There's only so much she can do with the military firmly in control of the country.
But at the same time, her silence on the international level speaks volumes. For years, decades, she was propped up as the face of peaceful activism, wrongfully arrested and confined to a prison cell. Yet here she is, remaining silent as people in her country are butchered and subjugated. As someone who commonly got compared to Gandhi in the late 90's/2000's, it's surprising that she would remain silent in the face of a humanitarian crisis such as this.
Asia doesn't seem to "get' the holocaust. Maybe this will finally be the event that wakes them up to the problems that trying to maintain the illusion of a monoculture.
Hah, j/k
She remains silent because she doesn't like the victims.
Ironically Gandhi also paved the way for the slaughter of religious minorities in his country
Literally every communist country
>Yet here she is, remaining silent as people in her country are butchered and subjugated
>implying the Rohingyas belong in Myanmar
>implying they don't deserve their fate
>implying every other country in Asia wouldn't love to get rid of Muslims too
There's a reason why Muslims are literally the only group that Buddhists (and more generally, Asian countries) cannot stand. You won't find any voice in Asia to defend them except other Muslims.
I don't agre with muslims, i think their religion is wrong, and i think the attitudes many muslims have is deplorable.
That doesn't give me the right to murder all of them, that's simply not ethical.
>s-s-she's just controlled by the muh-muh-military
You guys are deluded, that's just what the press is saying so they don't have people realizing that their human rights and democracy narrative is completely bunk. She just literally doesn't give a fuck about the Rohingya like most Burmese, and if she shows support for them she'll be kicked out of power if the public think she's soft
>Asia doesn't seem to "get' the holocaust.
Well Japan says Konnichiwa to you.
>that trying to maintain the illusion of a monoculture.
This is you westerners, especially weebs, illusion, not Asians. But still any sane East Asians(excluding Taiwan) will never follow your western multi-suicide-culturealism model, ever.
Rohingyas are getting displaced, not exterminated. Myanmar is just sending them back to Bangladesh where they belong.
Of course some of them are getting killed, but since they've been murdering literally thousands of Buddhists in southwest Myanmar for decades relatively unpunished, I guess the military is taking the opportunity to get some payback too.
Ethnic groups are not individuals, if a Bhuddist punched me, would i take it upon myself to punch every bhuddist in the room? Of course not, that'd be insane, so why is it considered okay what's happening to the Rohingyas.
>Ethnic groups are not individuals
A nation-state cannot reason like this. Since the Rohingya have been causing trouble in Myanmar for decades, getting rid of the source of the trouble is obviously the logical choice to make for the Burmese military.
> Rohingya have been causing trouble
Just like the Jews were causing trouble in Germany right? When the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was put down it was the Jews' fault.
>If a individual represents a collective of people who supports his views and vision, and defends him when he is in trouble
>Why should I get mad at the collective as well as the individual
Because its better to not be a moron?
Since the Rohingya have been causing trouble in Myanmar for decades.
Well to be fair, so have every single other Ethnic group in Burma. Even the Rakhine buddhists rebels have killed more Burmese Tatmawdaw than the ARSA Larpers have. The burmese military is just boosting their popularity by picking on Muslims, most of which haven't done anything themselves. If you should blame anyone, you should blame the Anglos for importing those fuckers without any foresight whatsoever.
Youre not stupid, youre just wrong.
Most african and oriental countries dont understand or live by the principles that make their constitutions and laws similar to ours, to them its just an attack on the natural laws theyve had for hundreds of years. Its not to say that theyre amoral, theyre just immoral by our standards.
If youre already preaching pluralism of opinions, dont forget cultural relativism
Then why do you insist on being a moron?
Stop being duplicitous and just say you hate muslims and want them all killed.
I'd like to hear your opinions about the other ethnicities that have been oppressed in Myanmar over the years.
Actually, the Kristallnacht was Jews own fault. What did they expect would happen after one of them assassinated a German diplomat, ffs the US bombed a whole country (Libya) because a terrorist goup besieged embassy of theirs, and invade Iraq for terrorists attacking them as well.
Unlike Jews in Germany, there is plenty of actual, solid evidence that the Rohingya are a destabilizing force in Myanmar. Besides, Jews in Germany were being framed as a scapegoat so as to unite the German people against a common enemy after the Versailles treaty, whereas the Rohingya are getting displaced because they entered in open rebellion.
Liberal internationalists are theoretically antithetical to cultural relativism. It's just retarded college students and progressives that can't be damned to learn the difference between the two trains of thought
Myanmar was always unstable. Every fucking ethnicity in the country is in rebellion against the military dictatorship.
Unironically this. Someone better rev up the guillotine for this faggot
By your definition so have the Wa, Shan, Kachin, Kokang, Karin, etc. I don't see them all being genocided/ethnically displaced whatever the fuck you want to call it
>Talking about Muslims
First of all, musliks a shit, second of all that does nothing to disprove my statement. We are not a world of only individuals, we are also collectives of people, and collectives still have to face responsibility for the actions of individuals they agree with, defend, and support.
Second of all
True. The Rohingya are the unlucky target because they happen to be the only group that literally everyone else in Myanmar hates with a passion.
>fall to muslim propaganda
>claim innocent muslims
>claim buddhist are hitler
What? Macron is based.
Fuck off, Macron is based. He brings reforms to France that were overdue already.
Ghandi is literally Hitler now, didn't you hear he was Hindu Nationalist (more like fascist) and he hated untouchables and blacks
She has spoken. She isn't silent. Your ignorance is your own.
Rohingya are not the only Muslims in Myanmar, there are other recognised Muslim minorities. However the problem is recent mass emigration from Bangladesh and the fact they don't speak the language fucks up any chance of social integration, Myanmar has enough problems with out outsiders essentially colonising their borderlands. The armed insurrection gives the government a good cover to break up their burgeoning power in the area
This. I disagree with political islamism (I have lots of nice Muslim friends though). Doesn't mean I can't think people shooting children in the head and placing landmines around villages is horrific
What's he done? Lol hasn't he just been a milquetoast centrist that pleases everyone?
There are no mass murder spree here. Just large scale displacement. Whether it is general government actions to drive them out or general hysteria on Rohingya, it all works in the end.
The problem is laying the blame. What caused this? ARSA terrorist who are burning Buddhist villages, killing Buddhists, and targetting police OR Rakhine Buddhist for fighting back OR Police/Military for targeting the ARSA terrorists OR news media for claiming Gov is killing Rohingya?
Whatever the case, western media is complicit in this deceitful narrative. Lie by omission is a lie.
t. Unsung Sushi
Your're wrong on so many levels. You don't even have any knowledge about the region.
That's just wrong info you're providing. Citations needed for the thousands of Buddhists being killed. You moron.
You don't even know the history of the region. The rohingya's have been persecuted for decades. They didn't even have a proper rebel army. Only back in 2015 they formed a rag tag poorly equipped farmers they call ARSA. WTF are you doing in Veeky Forums you should go back to /pol/
At last a true Veeky Forums who knows what he's talkign about.
What a moron you you. Go back to /pol/ you piece of shit
Technically military has lots of enemies. But more so, the #1 is Rohingya terrorists. They've been waging jihad since the 40s. People of the country have long memories. They know what the so called Rohingya have done to them.
>Macuckron is based
>he just been a milquetoast centrist that pleases everyone
Pick one and only one, cuck.
Simmer down, Abdullah.
[citation needed]
He's a freemason cuck faggot who threatened V4 countries with sanctions if they don't accept niggers and Arabs, and also acts like France is still relevant.
So, do you think that genocide, terrorism and mass murder can be justified or not?
Not an argument
I don't know anything about him, except that he's young and he has an older wife. What's he done? Why's it shocking?
He's a radical centrist. Pure pragmatism. Epitome of realpolitik.
burma wants no muslim gypsies, thats not being hitler
nobody wants them, nobody
I think nationalist here refers to wanting your group of people to have their own, independent country, not racial supremacy, you twat. Was Sun Yat-sen a fascist too?
And this is bad how? Please explain. Is he bullying the powerless?
He's a absolute liberal, in the economic sense.
He wants to deregulate as much as possible the economy.
He claims to come from a leftist background, wich in France means to be very statist, but in reality he does a Thatcher-style porgram.
The problem is that he is quite elusive about this and a lot of peole still think they elected a leftist who's going to protect their social system.
Sorry for the bad english
nice meme
Which diplomat? This sounds like revisionist history.
Castro. Not elected tho
>Fidel Castro
>0 results
He wasn't democratically elected but he overthrew a dictatorship claiming a social uprising and literally just established his own socialist dictatorship.
These situations aren't even remotely comparable. A political radical, who happened to be a Jew, killed a German diplomat. The great bulk of Jews weren't clamoring for the killing of German politicians.
>Le Peaceful Buddhist meme
>Epitome of Pure Ideology.
What has Aung San Suu Kyi ever done wrong (aside from not removing muslims quickly enough)?
>Based reforms
>Tells party to not agree with any other party on bill proposals. Members of said party manage to vote against their own fucking bills at the National Assembly
>Reduces assistance to students/low-income families - admitedly, it's only 5€ desu - and then comes and ask landlords to lower their rents by 5€ "in solidarity" lmao.
>Lowers Military budget after promising a raise by several millions
>Basically goes "Ay guys, I'm Jupiter lmao" while his First Minister likens himself to fucking Hermes
I mean. I know it's bait but holy shit does it trigger me to no end.
drumpf xDDDDDD
Well, France needs social reforms badly. Unfortunately, the average Frenchman is dumb and only cares about his gibs, unable to see the bigger picture.
That's why France needed Macron, who tricked the retarded leftists to vote for him
can you elaborate on the reforms france need and why are they needed ?
>ever peaceful
>radical centrist
>Pure pragmatism
First, pick one and only one.
Second, there is no such as "pure" pragmatism.
>Epitome of realpolitik.
No, he's not.
Basically too much gibs are causing too much taxes which are strangling the economy.
Too much people are benefiting from "special status" like public servants or people working in para-public companies, like rail.
As it is a train driver can retire at like 52 with full pension.
>that compromise with dictatorships don't work
Seems to be working fine in Myanmar's case. They are actually doing something about the cult of Islam.
>Pissed off Jihadis : the thread
>I think nationalist here refers to wanting your group of people to have their own, independent country, not racial supremacy, you twat.
There is literally no difference you brainlet pseud. Saying you want your own independent country for your group is the same thing as saying you believe your group should be in a position of supremacy over all others. All secessionist, and independence movements are supremacist by default.
Haha, jihadists are so stupid, unlike me, an intelligent, Enlightened secularist.
56% of the PIB is taxed, and they still got a fucking deficit.
>Dude you have to like Islam, it's 2017 man!
Back to l*ddit you go
Well, the absolute majority of Muslims seem to think so, so as long as it happens to Muslims then yeah I'm perfectly fine with it. You Muslim apologists can go with them
One jew doesn't speak for all jews, that doesn't make any sense.
>These situations aren't even remotely comparable. A political radical, who happened to be a Jew, killed a German diplomat. The great bulk of Jews weren't clamoring for the killing of German politicians.
Except he represented the interests of hundreds of thousands of Jews who hated Germans , because Germans and Jews had ethnic tensions for hundreds of years and really didn't like each other? In other words, an individual represented the collective, acted out with the tacit approval of the collective, and a rival collective got angry and smashed a bunch of their shops.
That is how ethnic tensions work
So just for the record, you are for mass murder?
Of Muslims, yeah. See
Pic related. I don't want any if that shit in my country, I don't want any if that shit to spread to any other countries, and these Muslims need to be taught a lesson they won't forget. Islam lives by the laws of no nation because Allah comes before all Nations and tribes. I don't want Sharia law, and if that means i have to kill a few Taqiya preaching muslims then so be it.
ITT: people falling for the latest propaganda campaign
People with an agenda are pushing the Rohingya story like crazy the past month, even though this situation is ongoing for years.
What? This is retarded.
So what if they are "supremacist"? I think I'm better than retards that obsess over sports, is that a problem? I'm not advocating to kill them all, I just don't want to hang around them.
There is literally nothing wrong with saying you want to separate yourself from others.
Isn't that true of most things, if you're the only kid not playing sports you're going to be bullied.
>become literally hitler
Not an exageration, at all.
There's just a handful of this vermin, and they're only displaced for fucking good reasons. Guess what, no one want them, I wonder why...
We are 7+ billions on this planet, there's not enough food for everyone, and you dare cry for the lowest walking scum?? Do you know what is their main complain in the places where people were kind enough to welcome them? "There's no muslim facilities here!"
Fuck them. K.I.L.L..T.H.E.M..A.L.L.
>getting bullied
>6 year old run over by a truck
Same thing. Totally the same thing you fucking cuck
Are you fucking retarded? So when I say I as a Dutch person want to be independent from Germany, that means I want a position of supremacy over all Germans?
Kill yourself
Groupthink has done much worse than that.
Did the majority of German Jews applaud the killing of the diplomat? Was it planned by the Elders of Zion themselves?
When Dylan Roof killed all the black people in Charlottesville, was that the White race declaring war on Blacks? Are Blacks allowed to attack Whites with impunity now because we started it?
>I'm 14 and edgy
Probably because she knows, like everyone in Myanmar does, about how shit the Rohingya are and that they don't belong there. Vast majority of them have only come in the last century or so, have ties to al-Qaeda, etc. and an exiled king leading a foreign army into Arakan to rule the land as a puppet of a foreign power does not mean the Rohingya have ancestral claim to the area.
If the Buddhist majority wants the Muslim minority gone, why is that a problem with Democracy?
so he's the french macri?
well my hat's off to him then. we need less politicians and more administrators
>I'm Abdul, I'm upset and I have no argument