XVII century

Who were the Top 10 World Powers in the XVII century?

There were no world powers in that century

Spain, Britain, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, China, France.

At that point the Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish had global power.

Are you retarded?

decent list
I would add the Netherlands (this was the Dutch Golden Age), Portugal, the Mughal Empire, and Sweden

China in the 17th century was a time of transition from Ming to Qing. Arguably a world power at points but no consistency; you could replace it with Safavid Persia
for those same reasons, you could (though again I wouldn't) replace Russia with the HRE

>17th century

Scots please

are you?

In Europe, France was easily the number 1 power
On a global scale I don't know, I'd say Spain and the Dutch had quite good navies

Towards then end yes, but for the bulk of the 17th, itd be Spain hands down. They had the most Land and biggest influence in the new world

Mughal empire was pretty powerful then so i would add them too.

European powers by rank:

1. Netherlands
2. France
3. Spain
4. England
5. Portugal

Western/Central Europe Only
1. France
2. Spain
3. Poland/Lithuania
4. England
5. Austria
6. Netherlands

1. Qing
2. Mughals
3. France
4. Ottomans
5. Spain
6. Tokugawa Shogunate
7. Poland/Lithuania
8. England
9. Russia
10. Austria

France and Spain.

That's literally it.

>Tokugawa Shogunate
Are you drunk ?

Listen. The isolated feudal island of Nihon and its wooden-shoe wearing midgets playing with swords was THE world power. Deny this if you dare.

Let's see - a dark haired Austrian dude on the far right...nope. Doesn't remind me of anyone.

Watch this movie, probably the best movie ever made about the 17th century. Spain used to be a formidable power until the dutch wore them down.

> XVII century
I fucking hate paradox babies

>until the dutch wore them down.

Weird way to spell the French
Ever heard of Rocroi?

Is the Union of the Crowns not enough to quality?

>Powerful in the 17th century
Are people fucking retarded? They weren't a great power until the 18th century

In 1600:

In 1700:

Forgot Sweden, should be fifth in 1700