if you could only scrape together $800, what crypto/s would you buy?
Work together on this, create me a list of how much of what to buy.
Purchase will be made next wednesday. waiting for funds to clear.
if you could only scrape together $800, what crypto/s would you buy?
Work together on this, create me a list of how much of what to buy.
Purchase will be made next wednesday. waiting for funds to clear.
buy 70 OMG
wait 2 years
cash out 50k
Buy stock like a normal person. It gives steady returns and pays dividends.
Shitcoiners are retards
im not buying stocks. been there done that. im buying crypto.
lmao ok gramps
i dont buy their google bullshit scam. no omg.
buy Funfair it's easily gonna be worth 20 dollars by February
I dont want people to shill their shit.
I want people to tell me how they'd diversify with 800 fucking dollars
>tell me what to buy Veeky Forums
>but don't shill me your shit
Don't diversify, why would you want to have a higher risk by investing into more coins?
Investing in more coins -> higher chances of a coin failing -> higher risk
It's simple math
$800 worth of ZOIN. on Cryptopia. Sell when you're up 50%, donate half of your profits to charity and then take the $1000 and all-in whatever major coin has news coming 3-5 days after September 13th.
Do it.
Idiot, look at all the garbage itt
So much nonsense
Look, now go buy 7 shares of shopify, if you're rlly gonna stay with coins go with btc
Pixie stix!!
Have you bought crypto before?
>if YES
Create an account on coinbase. Get verified if you have to. Buy 80% bitcoin, 20% etherium and/or litcoin
>if NO
50% btc, 20% ethereum and/or litecoin, 30% in the following alts (pick 3-6). Research them all and pick what interests you.
-Bitcoin Cash
-Basic Attention Token
Switch the yes and no answers.
i got verified, and bought $15 worth.
started a bittrex acc, moved the btc to there and bought a couple of shitcoins as a test
Niggercoin (NGR)
Bittrex has just closed. Sorry kid, you've lost everything
You can't be serious.
no but i've lost 20% of my $15 in less than a day.
I'm never serious with so much Fun
>hrudurr i've increased by $5,000 stock investment by 2.5% in the last 5 years! Gosh i'll be rich when I retire!
>meanwhile in the cryptoworld
>some user decides to put down $1000 on a coin
>moons a week later
>pull out 3k richer
so far its looking like im just going to attempt to daytrade whatevers running good at the time.
unless people can help here
>daytrading with $15
You're never going to make it with your attitude. Lurk more and stop asking to be spoonfed.
obviously you dont read. im putting $800 into it.
that $15 was a test, to see how easy i can transfer from my bank, to where i buy my bitcoins, to bittrex then to another currency, then out of that currency and into another..
what attitude? you cocksmoker i am being nice
There is a healthy middle ground you know
plenty of high upside/high risk stocks out there that can get you 100% in a year
How come nobody ever says this?
You shouldn't buy so many different things with so little. The gains will be TINY.
Seeing people in folio threads hold 10 different coins with $100.
>my coin mooned i made $5!
below 1k you should be in 1 coin to maximize your gains.
2-5k and above is when you should be diversifying imo
Not really. 100 or 200 per coin is pretty decent.
Imagine you bought NEO when it was 0.17, that's 1300 coins and you'd have 75k now.
With only $200
You shouldn't be diversifying. Period. Imagine you have $1000 in coin A and it rises 100%. You would then have $2000. Now imagine you diversify and have $500 in coin A and $500 in coin B. In order for you to make it into $2000 you would need both coins to go 100%. No fucking brainer. Risk factor isn't a thing in crypto as long as you do research and invest in actual projects.