Holy fucking shit I just want to use the native Ethereum wallet myself to move around my $100k in Eth tokens and Ether...

Holy fucking shit I just want to use the native Ethereum wallet myself to move around my $100k in Eth tokens and Ether. I don't want to use My Jewish Wallet ok? Why is this so fucking hard to do? I tried installing Mist GUI on Mint Linux, and then on Windows 10 with no success. It keeps getting stuck on blocks. Yes, I deleted the folder and restarted it to fix the DAO hack, yes I restarted it multiple times. I'm still stuck at under 100 blocks left and it's been running for almost 2 days. Restart again, still continues grinding my PC going nowhere making almost no progress. I've been messing around with this for almost a week now downloading blocks like a fucking idiot. I'm getting 10MB/s down, 2MB/s up. There are almost no tutorials on how to do this right. It's amazing how we've all just moved to shitty normie alternatives. Just a year ago this ran just fine on all of my computers.

there's some kind of terminal command you have to run to make it sync in fast mode.

geth --syncmode light

something like that. anyway yes ETH is shit and is overvalued.

I did just that after checking the wiki. Fastmode is enabled and I was able to download almost all of the blocks. I'm stuck at 100 blocks left.

This isn't acceptable. They should've fixed this in the latest release but it's been this way for over 6 months now.

Yeah, yeah,yeah.

And I own $500k.

Ethereum's market cap is $27 billion.

The Ethereum foundation holds at least 1% of this.

The least they can do is make a working wallet so more people can run a node and make it more decentralized and secure.

Is there a reason you want to run a full node?

I'm autistic.

But mainly:

>so more people can run a node and make it more decentralized and secure.

You need a good SSD to fully sync geth quickly. Use parity wallet if you want to sync and move coins quickly, it has fast/light syncing enabled by default.


Here come the /biz support team.

you could download a full export, there's really too much risk with that though. It's useful when moving the chain data across your own network though. Just use parity on linux to move your coins, then switch parity over to archive mode to switch it to a full node.

How big of an SSD do I need?

500gb at least probably

run geth with command prompt using --fast and --RAM=1024

Or something like that. Just google that, it'll come up. It still took me 2 days to sync that shit, and it's like 40gb. Worthless.

It'll expand in the future too, so probably 1TB? WTF? So basically the future of ETH is a bunch of centralized servers is what I'm getting at? It seems the startup cost just to run a wallet is at least $1,000 and a fast internet connection.

I already did this, very first thing too. Geth is already taking up 3GB of ram already.

sheet man. I was having trouble for days then I did that and it worked. I had to delete everything first though. It appears that you might've already tried that.

Is it working for you now? I'm hoping once it's done I can let it sit running.

yes it works just fine now. I don't update it straight through geth anymore, I just use the wallet application because it usually doesn't have that many blocks to download.

This is only pertinent I'd you want to set up a full node quickly. If you have lots of time that's another story, and you don't need a 1TB SSD.

Also just pause your turbo autism and use parity in default mode until you figure out how to properly run a node.

Wasn't there an exploit in parity?

>you literally have to download a fucking terabyte of data just to access your money

who is the moron who said this was the future?

Satoshi Nakamoto