Chinese proving the west are stupid

The chinese own your asses. With a simple news they will knock the prices down and use that to buy up coins for cheap. While you guys are crying

Very sneaky...

china man fuck stupid roundeye!! roundeye get no money, only stinky muslim refugee! go buy IOTA, dumb white man!

Pretty sure the chinks are manipulated nto giving into their easily triggering fears, and the jews are behind it.
In fact, always assume jews are behind it, even if all evidence points to the contrary. Even after the Holocaust actually happens.

>buy up coins for cheap
>they're all fucking banned from buying coins

Id say let them buy them the pyramid needs new legs

This is exactly why crypto is shit

zero stability

ive got a gold plated jewel encrusted pile of shit to sell you, if you honestly believe that

You don't make money with stability you retard.
Volatility is a great thing, the moment crypto lose volatility is the moment its market cap lose 80%.

yeah because MSFT and IBM are sitting at record lows

Only because all you dumb American fuckwits flee the market like bitches every time some cunt on the other side of the world grumbles a little about regulation. It's pathetic to watch when you cunt's start waking up after news has come out over night and see prices plunge. Your media is ridiculous and overreacts about everyhing and you're all dumb enough to still listen to it! Make your own fucken opinions you dumb fucks.

they are getting revenge for the opium wars they know westerners addicted to crpyto crack

Fuck, ya's can't even hold over the weekend!!!

Chinese have always been smarter than westerners. In fact only thing westerners had going for them was being good capitalists but now that we taught china how to do that, they will fuck us hard

/pol reporting in

Definitely the Jews and the Holohaux never happene.

Risk=reward you giant homo.
Go put your money in a term deposit.

The Chinese are merchants. The problem with merchant societies is that the parasites run out of hosts.

wrong. chinese are farmers and scholars predominantly.
the traders are the ones that made it to the west


>Chinese scholars
>any time in the last 200 years

also holy shit so sick of the captchas


Piss off, Chang.

they just outnumber the fuck out of you and coincidentally have a lot of money, don't be deluded white boi

This, burgers are such fucking sheeps.

Europeans are far better warriors, artists and inventors but yes chinese are very good when it comes to commerce because they don't give a fuck about fairness, it's a zero sum game for them.

"Chinese are spreading rumors to buy cheap coins."

NO, you idiots. China is putting a halt to capital flowing out of their country into ICO and coin schemes that are 99% scams, money that will never return to the Chinese economy.
They don't want their minions blasting away all of their savings on "new paradigm!" scamtokens.
They don't mind mining however, where they run an industry and capital flows INTO the country and they get a piece through taxing/smears from the miners.

Bitcoin will rebound at some point. The ICO party is largely over and that market will deflate, which was long overdue since almost none of these projects offer any real world value.

They invented paper and gunpowder, the secrets of which were tortured out of Chinese traders in the middle east long ago.
The West went miles with the scientific method and the rule of law, because we were, and still are young and savage. China should have collapsed and risen anew by now, long term the effect of Confucianism will be stultifying in every way.
The West is aging, losing it's inventiveness and pioneer outlook. The East should have died and started from scratch a thousand years ago but that damn Confucian shit, which got them away from the chaos of their Age of War, has turned them into ants.

pic related

>for them
It's a zero-sum game period.