Controversial Veeky Forums opinions

Barring the Greeks, Romans and Conquistadors; European history in general isn't very interesting to me until the 1700's.

Central Asia + MENA is much more rich.

name your favorite periods user

Abbasid, Timurian, Iranian Intermezzo's, Mongolian and Ottoman eras for a few

the polish lithuanin commanwealth is more interesting than most of your eras

Not trying to be a typical smug Veeky Forumstorian and deride other people's history but while it was interesting I didn't find it as interesting (or relevant in all honesty) as most of the ones I listed before- barring possibly the Iranian Intermezzo.

they had an interregnum and a fated falling which ended in their partition. Along with their princes taking over their fathers rolls who died fighting otoomans Most of the ones you posted erupted like a volcano, changed nothing and then died. Whereas the POL-LIT managed to cause a lasting affect on the culture of Europe and the relation of freemen, serfs, etc.

>Most of the ones you posted erupted like a volcano, changed nothing and then died.
How so?
The Mongolians may have split up into pieces after Genghis's death but they all had a big legacy on the territories they still ruled. Particularly the Yuan and Ilkhanate dynasty which ruled over Persia and China.

Tbh you're right for Timur but one of his descendants Babur is considered part of the Timurids and he started the Mughal empire in India which would lead to Indo-Persian culture.

The Ottoman empire was objectively shit but I found their war tactics and how they came from nobody's to ruling an empire that stretched from Central Asia to Mena to Europe within a century fascinating.

The Abbasid is a huge clusterfuck of all kinds of different races and cultures and the history of Islam is probably the most fascinating I've read so far, with how everything somehow just somehow fell into Muhammads lap.

>Whereas the POL-LIT managed to cause a lasting affect on the culture of Europe and the relation of freemen, serfs, etc
Great. I think the most important thing POL-LIT did was stop Ottoman expansion however.

forgot pic

Weird map.

Korea is not counted as a Vassal and Vietnam is untouched.

Most people forget about Vietnam.

the Dark Age Norse peoples were cultured, civilized, and interesting.

Don't have not debating your claim, much like the powerful Bantu kingdoms and tribal confederations or the Mississippi civilizations, there is a serious lack of written sources for these Nordic peoples. Most of us would agree that history lies somewhere in the realm of art, science, and literature. Focus on the literature. What we have for surviving documents

I think MENA history is extremely boring and unappealing. I think its the ugly sand aesthetic
There's also something so sinister about them

They even look like evil Neanderthals

I would rather live in x time before the 16th century, than today.

I think I'm alone to think that. :>)

That's because you're an effeminate wh*Te subhuman. Don't blame yourself. You can't help it.

North Egypt where 90% of the population lived isn't desert, the Levant and Mesopotamia were a lot less desert like than they are now.

i bet you imagine yourself as higher in the social ladder than you are.

>History lies somewhere in the realm of art, science, and literature

I'm inclined to agree with you, but there's other historical sources aside from written sources, and the best image (or, rather, reconstruction) is derived from multiple sources of evidence.

Part of the lack of sources is what makes it all so interesting to me, to be honest. There's no shortage of things to read as new evidence is discovered and new interpretations of existing evidence arise.

Their history went done hill when Islam came.

Also the middle east was the breeding ground for Homo sapien and neanderthal s

The Marian Reform and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Napoleon is overrated

Indo-Europeans gave rise to most of those civilizations.

north hemispherians master race.

we'd all be speaking Gaelic RIGHT NOW if Brian BorĂº hadn't've died

It basically happened because one etruscan cucked another.
Just look into the first sack of rome if you don't believe me.

Rich history before Islam came, but after that - completely dull and uninteresting shit.

Islamic era history is just as fascinating to me desu

The history of the Turks only really kicks off after Islam.

Absolutely no point to this thread if you were going to try and discuss MENA history. You're just going to get people like this that will shit on anything ancillary to Arabs/Islam.

I am a European and I couldn't disagree more, but I know what you're saying as I feel the same way about East Asia.
I know there's interesting stuff that happened in China, Japan, Korea, etc, but I open a book and see all of these fucking weird names and constant references to places I've never heard of (but which are clearly of great importance) and my desire for learning just melts away
China seems like the most boring interesting place in the world

Pretty much everything else really interests me, whether it's the life and times of Charlemagne, the Inca Empire or pre-colonial cultures of the Australian continent

>tfw when OP used a pic of Qutayba I posted few days back
Feels good man and again I totally agree.

I totally agree though OP,

human civilization peaked around 1900 in britain

My favorite region is NAGEE (Norhern Asia Germany and Eastern Europe).

The Cold War is more interesting than the World Wars3