Some Veeky Forumsnessman made an app which spams the iota network with transactions to slow it down, like bitcoin and ethereum had at ICOs. I'm doing about 4 transactions a minute in chrome which should slow down the network significantly, stop the Muslim cucks in their place
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Nice, I hope to help the iota network by improving transaction speed!
>Some Veeky Forumsnessman made an app which spams the iota network with transactions to slow it down
Nice try David, it's actually a tool to blow more hot air into your dead ponzi network.
IOTA is the future, as evil as it is.
Invest, boys.
let's make money off these cucks
are you fucking stupid?
everytime you make a transaction you have to verify 2 older transactions, which strengthens the network.
it even says it on the link you provided
>Why spam the network with transactions?
>It speeds up confirmations!
if you like iota at least admit it
cringe as fuck
back to r3ddit
so you're saying unlike bitcoin and ethereum the network will speed up when spammed? I thought biz liked good tech, I thought iota was shitware. why can't we get this tech on verge or something?
>Distract from legitimate technical criticism of your coin by intentionally triggering /pol/
They know exactly what they're doing.
there are other DAG coins already and will be more. iota has no future.
It literally will not work if the amount of transactions won't grow. It's an inherently broken support. This is why it's centralized and closed source IN PRACTICE. The second they remove the centralization is the second the network dies.
This of course, without mentioning their lust for Mohammad's cock.
what other coins are there so I can spread out my portfolio, I'm only in ark and verge atm
>inherently broken product*
oh thanks, so you're saying that there is no baseline of reliability so if people stop using it transactions stop? how likely are transactions to stop though or am I missing something, thanks for the help.
could people make a coin with this system on top of a normal blockchain to speed up transactions? cause then you wouldn't have the Muslim memes and then It'd be more reliable
Since they're keeping it centralized and hiding the source I would say the chance of the transactions stopping is pretty fucking high.
See the thing is IOTA has neither miners nor an incentive to "mine" with this webapp. Since you're doing it for fun and with no reward you're going to close it in about 30 seconds. Therefore the network is destined to die without centralized support. This is what's happening now and even experts are saying the chances of the network ever going off training wheels is really fucking low. What we have right now is essentially a digital bank, a fucked version of Ripple. A bank ran by a cuck.
Iota is not a "ponzi network". I don't even know why I'm bothering to reply to such a shitboard lurker.
The more users on the network will show the world how useful our iota network is. An inbred plebian as yourself can't wrap your head around a next generation technology.
>IOTA is not a ponzi network because I say so
>you are a retard
>muh nextgen
Suck my dick, scammer
so the only way this ever ever works is if people who run these network nodes are incentivised and forced to run these network nodes? so your suggestion would be to incentivise these nodes like master nodes and staking rewards?
Hello David. Would you mind defining 'white supremacist' for us?
Yes, but "giving an incentive" is a codeword for fees. And we already have hundreds of shitcoins that do that.
what a weird waste of time. how fucking far gone are you people
fuck yourself, schlomo "united nations" kikenberg
We're not in the 90s man.
work harder and stop blaming everyone else for your problems
Here you go
I sold this useless shitcoin but Im not gonna waste time on this bullshit
>Hasn't read white paper
>sucks at shilling
>makes funny threads
Anyone who has any pride in their inferior white culture or thinks Europeans should be preserved in any way is a white supremicist. I don't know why I'm wasting my time explaining this to someone who doesn't even know what noble peoples like native Americans were.
Go get your teen army out of your mother instead.
Good pic.
lol, if you want to sabotage IOTA at least read about their tech.
problem with this concept is that you need to buy this shit ... to spam it.
and if you bought you already supported
soooo fuck it. i'm not buying this filthy coin
Fuck muslimcoin.
Keep fooling the kafir! You all are doing Allah's work brothers!
hi rational :P
Can anyone else join the iota slack? Hard to see, but I think this may be affecting the network. Everyone should go look. Would You buy iota at this point? :troll:
Now this show how retarder you all are. Spamming actually HELPS the tangle.
I do not stand against Iota because it is easy. I do not speak out against Iota because the sentiment is popular. I fight Iota to protect the women and children of the white race, to send the message that we shall not be replaced, and I invite the white men of Veeky Forums to secure a future for our people.
lol fuck your wive and kids u cuck.
Sperging should not be allowed after one point.
Has someone made a /pol/ thread for this?
In 5 years I will be paying your whore wife 1 miota to fuck me for a week while the kids are strapped to chairs and forced to watch
Looks like the attempt to bring down IOTA failed. The Tangle absorbed the spam, and in fact provided useful data for the devs. At the same time, it brought more visibility to the "spamtool" than ever before, which will be used to further strengthen the network. It appears the tx confirmation speed just got faster and faster with every spam attempt.
We will have to try a different tack, gents. Either that or buy in. Fucking IOTA bitches.