Wake up

>Wake up
>You suddenly realize that it is 1909 and you're Tsar Nicholas II

What do

take the mascow prima donna ballerina as a mistress, pack some of the priceless imperial family fabergé eggs in my valise and abdicate to a tropical island

Ally with Germany

>You suddenly realize that it is 1909 and you're Tsar Nicholas II

Live a simple life
Don't participate in WWI
Kill all commies
Kill Rasputin
Modernize the army
Kill all commies

Send spies to Austria to make sure baby hitler gets into art school.

>Kill Rasputin

Literally why.

renounce and cut all ties with s*rbia

Hitler would be a natural ally of the tsar.

stop the commies and then live a life of hedonism by fucking my wife and my daughters interchangeably

>Tsar Nicholas II
>What do
Take some money and get on a boat to America, buy up farm in the Great Plains and live my life not giving a fuck about Russia.

Why try something grand that would probably end in me dead?

>get on a boat to America
I don't think royalty can be American citizens?

Tell Rasputin he has got to stop fucking my wife

you dont have to be a citizen to live in america

>I don't think royalty can be American citizens?
They have to give up all claim to the throne, then they are no longer royalty.

why not?
It'd be unprecedented but who's going to stop a sovereign from buying up American property and renouncing their claim?

You forgot to kill all the fucking commies.

1. Don't support Serbia
2. Modernize the Army and Navy
3. Make genuine attempts to improve the living conditions of lower-class Russians
4. Send children to school in the USA just to be on the safe side.

What about the communists? You're fucking dead if they're still around.

Ah, my bad. I would do that too. Probably on neighboring countries too.

Didn't one of Napoleon's relatives move to New Jersey after his quick role as king of one of the French puppet states?

These and also slowly transition into constitutional monarchy as the country industrializes and a middle class capable of governing the country begins to develop.

Communists were only able to take power because of the terrible situation of the average Russian. Content populations won't support a revolution.

fire Lavr Kornilov and then do everything else exactly the same
February Revolution happens but the October Revolution doesn't because Kerensky didn't have to give the Bolsheviks a bunch of free guns

Joseph Bonaparte lived the rest of his life in Philly.

Try to salvage my relationship with Witte and get him to take his job back.

Stop my wife from incessantly sucking Rasputin's dick, figuratively if not literally.

Make the Third Duma less of a shitshow, throw a little support to the Kadets as a way to release pressure building up on the extreme left. Keep things balanced by taking a direct hand in the Black Hundred's activities.

Reign in the future constituents of the Balkan League and create a similar body under peaceful conditions. Focus on repairing relations between Serbia and Bulgaria before moving forward with the Mediterranean plan.

Transition Russia into a republic, stealing American features.

Then watch as the economy grows and the Germans shit themselves in fear of the Russian colossus while living as a multi millionaire and beloved father of the nation in my dacha on the black sea coast.

Send my best assassins after Gavrilo Princip, Vladimir Lenin, Rasputin, and other autists.
Modernize the rail system along American/Canadian lines (other giant continental countries)
Convert to the metric system
Implement universal primary education and get all adults literate (at least in the local language if not Russian)
Try and improve relations with Germany and A-H, even if that means worse relations with France and Serbia

>kill the only person who save your heir

Brilliant idea you fucking retard.

>buy up farm in the Great Plains
Alright mr former tsar now you are an American citizen on your newly purchased farm. What the fuck do you grow and how are you gonna prepare yourself for the Dust Bowl

1. Expand the Army.
2. Modernize the railroad system.
3. Improve living conditions for the lower class.
4. Exterminate the Bolshevik scum.
5. Reform the government into a constitutional monarchy.
6. Don't support Serbia.
7. Become a philanthropist tsar.
8. Send my children to school in the United States.
9. Don't mobilize unless Germany attacks Russia directly.

>Don't participate in WWI
This is actually better than you make it sound. Russia was the reason it became a world war; if Russia abandoned Serbia to its fate, we would today only remember some awkward Austro-Hungary/Serbia War of 1914.

And if WW1 does erupt later because of some other issue, Russia will be more prepared to actually fight the war.

Best part is Serbia would probably win.

Naw. They'd win against A-H but then get crushed when Germany sends reinforcements.

>These and also slowly transition into constitutional monarchy
He actually already did that by establishing the Duma, it actually sounded really good on paper. Freedom of assembly and religion, all that stuff.

Then he fucked therm over by inserting something called the Fundamental Laws, which was essentially, "anything you guys pass I have the right to just veto by default without contest"

>wake up
>realize I can't speak russian

The Tsar spoke like 6 languages fluently, one of which was english.

But Germany probably wouldn't, because they wouldn't join to defend Austria against Russia.

So we just get treated to watching Austria embaress itself.

Double pro-tip, Germany is going to be looking for a new ally really hard after this.

Both Nicky and his wife were brainwashed as kids to believe that absolute monarchy was the only form of government that Russia could survive with. Nicholas II was always a reluctant Tsar who never really wanted the job, but he simply felt that it was his duty. He was indecisive and prone to inaction during times of crisis. Even during the Revolution, he was weirdly apathetic about the whole thing, as if he'd accepted his fate long ago.

Team up with willy to push britian around

He'd never do it, the king of britain was his cousin and they got along far too well. He seriously considered leaving for britain before the revolution started.

constitutional monarchy ASAP, delegate most powers to it, spend my life in luxury.

>documents showed the king in letters called the czar "Cousin Nicky"

>Openly espouse Communist beliefs so the leftists unironically start supporting the monarchy.

Naw, create a Bismarkian welfare state to defang communist movements while simultaneously cracking down on the leftists.

Avoid war until 1921,after that immediatly find a casus belli to invade Germany and Austria-h*ngary

dude didnt want to be tsar in the first place.
> Even during the Revolution, he was weirdly apathetic about the whole thing, as if he'd accepted his fate long ago.
He was either hopelessly naive that it would work out in the end and the family would be granted exile to another country (england) or that he was relieved that he was no longer in charge of the clusterfuck that was Russia at the time.
Who can blame him?

The kaiser was also cousins with nicholas

Yeah but Wilhelm was the black sheep of the family. The rest of the other royals didn't like him much.

After the 1905 Revolution (which was suppressed) Nicky seemingly tried to push the role of autocrat onto a Russian general, by appointing him as something akin to "dictator" in the Roman sense of the word. However, the general actually threatened to shoot himself if Nicholas didn't accept a constitutional monarchy. However, the promised constitutional monarchy never developed, mainly because Nicholas did everything in his power to water it down.

Honestly he was more concerned with his son than ruling the country, since him and his wife took a very active role in raising their children and the boy had many near-death scares due to being a hemophiliac.

Nicky trusted Willy enough to believe that Germany would send help during the Russo-Japanese War. When Germany assistance failed to materialize, I believe that was the point when Russo-German relations really turned sour, as Willy was the one who'd convinced Nicky of the necessity of crushing Japan in the first place.

model a constitutional monarchy off the British.

economic reforms and modernization

free Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithonia.

not give a shit about Serbs.

Bill of Rights.

give land from the peers to the serfs and peasants. beat the peers that give me shit and send them to Siberia.

Kill self to hasten the birth of the USSR.


Nicky killing himself probably would have stopped the USSR from ever coming into existence, as cruel as that sounds.

But the kids will live hopefully

Death penalty or forced exile for every person who's not an observing Orthodox Christian

nicky's government, which later became the whites, get executive power sooner. They still continue dumb shit.

Do the daily succ of Rasputin's magical dong to heal my kid's hemophilia.

This could have saved the world.

This, but Rasputin was fine. He was of an entire crop of Holy Fools that had been part of the "Russian soul" since at least the 15th century. There was no cuckoldry. The Okhrana investigated and nothing was going on. Otherwise, Rasputin would have ended up in the river sooner.

It may not suffice, though. SR's and so forth had already considered a prison term a mark of pride, and were not afraid. Despite the meming, Tsarist prisons were relatively laxed towards "politicals", and nothing compared to the post-revolution treatment of "socially dangerous elements"; political prisoners. To suddenly have a crackdown on SR's, without enough prosperity to appease all the disgruntled middle and lower classes in the cities, would probably hasten collapse. The only alternative would be for a large portion of the military to see into the future under Bolshevism, and unleash such a totality of cruelty and social terror that no one would dare even acknowledge what was going on around them.

By 1910, there was no alternative. Russia was doomed to become a terror state under one preserving force or another emergent force.

Wow this is why everyone here is a pleb it all makes sense.

They didnt do shit when the commies killed him and germany atleast tried.

>Despite the meming, Tsarist prisons were relatively laxed towards "politicals",
I'm currently reading "the court of the red tsar' and I was quite surprised by how "exile to siberia" worked. Stalin was deported to some backwater shithole, where he spun up arelationship with a milf while also fucking a teenaged schoolgirl on the side. Another time he spent much of his time hunting and fishing. And whenever he cared, he went back to Georgia. What the hell was even the point. Seems more like vacation to me.

Start un-fucking Russia as fast as humanly (and humanely) possible.

>Kill all commies
Good way to start a communist revolution

>wake up
>realize I'm Nicky
>realize I don't speak Russian
They probably put me in some mental institute thinking I lost my memory

If I also magically knew Russian I'd probably try to modernize the country, not get into pointless wars. Just build up a comfy isolationist Russia with me as the sole autocratic ruler, but not abuse my powers.

Germany wouldn't get involved directly, they might send some artillery pieces to Austria-Hungary. The thing is that if Austria-Hungary isn't tied to other fronts as well, the quantity becomes a quality of it's own. A-H would simply crush Serbia due to numbers as time goes on.

This is before we consider that WWI was pretty inevitable, tensions between Germany and France/UK were high. Serbia not triggering WWI would have probably only delayed it. Something else would have triggered it in few years.

Organize a purge of SR and Bolsheviks/Mensheviks.

Tell Serbia to go fuck themselves and clean up their own shit that they started.

Make sure to be bffs with good ol' autist Willy and make sure not go get into his retarded war with the French & English that he would've started anyway.

who cares if Rasputin was literally jesus christ reborn his perception was awful and made the tsar look bad.

Because its still in Siberia.
So little food, bad farming, food import, and horrible winters.
And permafrost is a bitch.

Basically: Conditions are so harsh, everybody loves everybody, so it doesn't become harsh anymore.
Prisons on the other hand, are hellholes, because conditions isn't harsh, and there is little to no labor.

Invade and capture Constantinople.

Reminder that they had plans for it.

I feel like if Russia could have done that in 1908, then they would have actually done it.

Foreign Policy:
>Ally with Germany
>Avoid WWI
>Work on breaking up the Austrian and Ottoman Empires
>Grab the Turkish straits in the chaos

Domestic reforms:
>Build regional power centers around railway stations to increase ability to tax and govern
>Appoint governors to these positions and allow them executive authority on most domestic issues
>Partner with the orthodox church to extend public education to all Christians (incentive for non-White subjects to convert)
>Have them perform national IQ tests and conscript the top 20% of children into boarding schools in the regional government/power center.
>Train them to hold the power positions in society (military officers, business owners and managers, academics, magistrates, professionals, etc.)
>Give them military training and refresh that training for a fortnight once per year until they're 30 so that they always hold a discipline and experience advantage
(in addition to an intelligence/aptitude advantage) over the rest of the population.
>Create a parliament with the franchise extended to only these people and have them propose laws that I can veto/line-item veto
>Change the succession from primogeniture to a choice from among the sons
>Allow marriage to non-royal females of distinction/high aptitude to make the royal family's future children better than the previous generation
>Build up the railway system, including a two-way telegraph line under the track and build that to encompass every city in the Russian empire
>Reform the military structure to allow for mass-filling of the ranks but in absence of conscription, being a set of smaller, well-equipped standing armies spread across the empire that can be deployed to deal with minor threats or colonial expansion.

Yeah, because the Tsar's reputation really improved after Rasputin was killed IRL. Oh wait, the exact opposite happened.

You can't have a communist revolution if there are no communists.

Communist were absolutely pathetic as a movement before WWI.

Appoint Brusilov commander of the army and tell him he has until July 1914 to get it together. Invest more in railroads.

>don't fight vs germany
>give up for them control over balkans and turkey
>get killed by army officers for being such a pussy

2/10 idea

Germany would turn it down.

If you knew a man one one day fuck your wife, and you could get away with killing him, why the fuck wouldn't you?

Rasputin never had an affair with Nicky's wife. That's literal communist propaganda.

Semi unrelated by I really feel bad for this whole dysfunctional family who caused the First World War I mean come on guys maybe if you just didn't care about Serbia you wouldn't need to fight your cousins, then you could work together to stamp out communism AND no need for the Second World War.

There might still be a war at some point in the future, but at least delay it until Russia has a modern railroad system in place. The longer the war is delayed, the bigger advantage Russia will have.

If Russia din't support Serbia whole balkans would be under central powers hegamony

My god. You actually believe that Serbia was worth going to war over? You're as deluded as Nicky.

Do literally everything the same except for making whatever adjustments are necessary to ensure that Russia wins the Battle of Tannenberg, thus turning WW1 into a very short war. Annex as much German territory as possible during the post-war settlement, with the explicit goal of absorbing enough of Germany that WW2 becomes an impossibility. After that, brace the nation for the Anglo's sudden-but-inevitable betrayal.

>Make immediate overtures to the Germans to re-establish the Dreireiksbund, Serbia be damned
>Begin campaign of industrialization, tax incentives to Western engineers to settle in Russia
>Send kids to be educated in America
>Donate a massive portion of my fortune to the poor
>Kill Rasputin
>Kill Lenin
>Kill Iosef
>Kill Princip
>Kill the Reds

no need
without commies, Hitler has no reason to hate the slavs

offer population exchange with ottoman empire

>we'll give you all our caucus muslims,
>you give us black-sea armenians.

try to form an alliance or something with persia/iran

lessen tensions with germany/austria-hungary/serbia.

>that map

The russo-european war would've made for some interesting Veeky Forums content.

>*cue the opening of the Most Dangerous Game*

Thats a pretty dumb plab desu. Korbilov was only one factor in the whole comppicated intrigue behind the affair affair and actually bungled the coup. If you remove him its jist anither reactionary in his place kaybe more competent who knows.

Kill the 1/3 of commie scum, 1/3 of them send to Britain, other 1/3 to Germany.
Modernize the Army and the Fleet.
Get the Straits.
Take Berlin, kill the commies again, make a parade.

>Implying the Anglo would ever allow you to take the Straits.

I know Russians made a movie about it. So it was true. And orthodox are butthurt because they actually made him a saint, which is incredibly bizzare. We meet so many more decent men in our life.

Further relations with Germany, prepare for the Communists, and don't start shit with the Habsburgs