Hello USA: Centra-Tech "VISA cryptocard" SCAM ICO?

You all know how bad it wenn down the hill with Monaco. TenX is also not moving. But there is this other group of people from Centra-Tech. Beware guys. Don't fall for the illusion they are making up with fancy videos and supposedly a finished card.

>claim to work on the project for 2 years
>almost all twitter accounts have been active since july/august (also the official one)
>some have no tweets at all
>communication is poor to say the least
>claim to have bank partnership (cauz' no Visa support without bank)
>don't want to tell which bank
>have conflicting statements about the disclosure of the bank name
>claim cards are shipped and owners know name of partnerbank
>don't want to tell when bank name will be disclosed (but owners know)
>want to turn all public critical questions into PM dialogue
>you get kicked within seconds from slack (many people report this)
>almost no member track records (besides nothing saying linkedIN profiles)
>CTO claims to be 20 years in biz and biiig corporation he worked for (no name, nothing to be found)
>critical questions in any channel will get you kicked and the content deleted within seconds
>CEO Sam runs "coinsuccess" where he has instagram postings like "Join me www.coinsuccess.net so you can learn how to start earning yours today with $0 to little investments!"

and shit goes on and on. google "Centra Tech" + "SCAM" and you will find tons of information. you have been warned! this is far beyond fishy.

also read

Other urls found in this thread:


Total scam. Literal shitskin behind it used his real info to make the website. You can literally get all the info you need to report to SEC. Public records show running stop sign gives all info you need

It's an actual pajeet coin


Clif High did an interview with Sam, and he tore his ass apart. The final verdict is that its not really a scam, just fucking kids not knowing WTF they're doing.

Stay clear.

cool, someone reposted the vid.


i almost feel sorry for the pajeet.

people get kicked out immediately from all the channels when they ask legit questions. it’s utterly grotesque how they respond to questions. spread the word so nobody get scammed by this filthy dicks.

great, thanks

why did cliff take the video down?

Clif has a good heart so he took it down.
I think he made a tweet about that, something a kin of "if you beat the opponent then help him up"

do you have a link? there is money involved. and if he exposed a scam.. it would not make that much sense to delete it so others can run into this. or? watching this video… this sam guy is not so dumb. i’m unsure what all of this means. it’s great that this video is uploaded. it gives more insight into the issue. but the tweet or a statement from cliff would be very helpful.

here's the tweet

So do I get this right... Cliff IS advising Centra-Tech?!?!?!?! Ehm... so this IS legit or whatttt?????

As i said, his point of view is they the are not a scam per se, but just a bunch of stupid kids in way over their heads.

Nice just bought 100k

This video helps really much getting a feel if to invest in this ICO or not. I agreee: a bunch of very stupid kids with some very very bad marketing & communication. But I also agree... it may not be a SCAM per se. But... will they be able to pull this project?!?!

No. Ok greentext time:

>Clif references centra coin in one of his reports.
>its a mistake from clifs data not distingushing between centra tech and centra financal group
>confusion follows, scam accusations are made
>he corrects his mistake by inteviewing sam to clear things out. Roasts Sam.
>sees that its a bunch of amateurs, and offers help on the code. Takes video down to bury the hachet.

Hes not advising or supporting them, just helping them on the coding side.

ah ok. but this also implies that these centra-tech guys might be really up to something monaco and tenx were not able to deliver (as promoted initially). why would cliff take time to help these guys if they were not up to something? like…
>making VISA crypto credit card happen

he roasts him. but after watching this video I don’t think it’s a SCAM anymore. I also don’t know if they can really make this happen. the communication in slack and on all their channels is poor. they don’t disclose certain information. some stuff doesn’t add up. why would cliff help these guys if they are not up to something?! I’m confused. I may beome autistic..

ah, now I saw the video to the end and it’s getting clear.
>not a scam
>but also not really potential to make this happen
it’s just a bunch of kids


It's a scam because they don't have anything to backup anything. They used to have listed that US residents could participate. They were purposely targeting US investors.

I hope they go to jail.

>You all know how bad it wenn down the hill with Monaco.
Didn't it do like 1000% since ICO?

Monaco lied about visa backing that's why

yeah, true. but went don’t the hill as they could not promise the VISA and bank suppot. centra is boasting they have bank support and VISA. claim cards are out there but when asked about the name of the bank they won’t disclose. in slack they have various statements regarding to that. and frankly: all is contradictive. according to them next week a bunch of cards are shipped and „people will spread the word what bank“. when asked if they will officially announce… either the contradict themselves or they will try to engage in PM messaging crapshit. so all in all…