Why do people continue to buy this piece of fuck, but not Blockcat? It fills me with pure hate.
I wish that everyone who buys and/or shills Walton gets raped by the goddamn devil.
Why do people continue to buy this piece of fuck, but not Blockcat? It fills me with pure hate.
I wish that everyone who buys and/or shills Walton gets raped by the goddamn devil.
Have you read about the team? Its many partnerships? Plans for October?
And yet, you put your money in Blockcat LOL
stay salty bud
Why the hate ? Can you tell us why this project isn't golden ?
Last chance to get in faggots buy support is growing, everybody's had enough of this pussyfooting
I remember when people were shilling Blockcat, I did my research and didn't find anything impressive at all.
Even if it has a real use case, it needs the team and advisors with strong connections for it to truly succeed.
Because smartcontracts are the only thing I see shilled about blockcat and that's not exclusive to them.
Op missed the chance to get insanly cheap bags to carry on the stairway to heaven
don't be a salty walty
Yes, exactly. They're focused on the team, the partnerships, the photo ops, their image. This is how chinese culture operates. They feed you bullshit and will have nothing of value to back it up. Their end result will be cheap plastic garbage like everything that comes from China.
Blockcat, on the idea alone is far more valuable. Blockcat's team is english speaking westerners. That gives x10 more value over fucking Walton. Do you really believe 3rd worlders are capable of making all these breakthroughs in blockchain technology?
>salty nocoiner waltonlet didn't buy during the dip
Racial hate
Top kek
Fuck. I'm getting shilled to death. Where are my meowmarines at?
Tfw when you are not desesperate at the point of joining the marines.
They keep buying Walton because they don't know about about POSW and they are going to miss out on the impending moon mission.
blockcat's team is a bunch of high school faggots. you idiots invested in a cute block-shaped cat meme. a good idea at the start cuz it was an easy flip, but you stupidly decided to hold it long term and now you are left with bags. enjoy
The conference yesterday revealed to the world the incredible masterminds that run this magnificent project.
Price has already rose 10%. Once it breaks through the $3 support the panic will begin and small noWALTONites and speculators will begin to FOMO, with the whales already accumulated.
Once it shoots through the $5 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all noWALTONites. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this magnificent project rejoicing continuously while refreshing binance.
The $10 mark will be met, the largest shilling in history will ensue. The final deluded noWALTONites will begin to go kill themselves, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in FIAT will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect.
The price WILL rise at this point to $50, and most probably x1MM ICO levels.
From that day forward the deluded noWALTONite wagecucking engineering nerds who didn't buy this coin thinking it didn't have fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no WTC in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.
Deluded noWALTONites will hold FIAT FOREVER, with wagecuck job, FIAT money, and no crypto.
I warned you noWALTONites. There's still time to get in. Buy NOW.
Don't be deluded, don't be a noWALTONite
Are you here to make money or here to invest in race?
>Korea and China are 3rd world
How stupid and blind you gotta be to bring up racial shit and emotions into trading? This is why you will never make it while we reap walton rewards
xenophobia and ethnocentrism: the post
Safest picks are chink coins
Chinks are the master race when it comes to trading and economics
If you cannot beat them, join them
No-neos and no-waltons are going to be crying when these chink coins reach the fucking moon
this user knos
liberal: the fag
she isn't asian
Who are investors more willing to invest in? A team of German engineers or a team of African engineers?
I never sold nigger. I love my little kitties.
Looks like its the africans cos people believe in asian teams more as they work way harder. Westerners give up at the first smell of success and retire. Asians work like motherfucker pulling 12 hour shifts
no it just means i have a broader and more objective outlook on things rather than narrow mindedly closing myself off to opportunities
but do you....kek
The group that has a product that they believe will make them more money.
What does Germany or Africa have to do with this situation?
Are you from reddit? This is so cringey that I feel like cutting my own throat.
The enitre chink economy is about to be buttfucked very soon.
CAT ftw. Fuck the chinese
Quit lying to yourself. You know the truth deep down in your heart.
I thought asians were "honorary aryans" or some shit cuz of how smart they are. so buy their fucking coins and shut up.
t. Insecure whitefaggot fuckboy can't fathom there being another race with high intellect
Seriously bro kill yourself and go back to r/the_donald
>inb4 muh librul le donald XDXDXDXD praise le kek
Are you fucking kidding me? Who was the Walton project named after? Charlie Fucking Walton. A WHITE MAN.
he died though, only lazy people die.
Only the Japs. Maybe the Koreans on a good day.
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