History speaking, why are dragons so fucking awesome...

History speaking, why are dragons so fucking awesome? In Asia they thought dragons were fucking benevolent creatures associated with water. In Europe they were literally satanic beasts that only killed and horded treasure because they were a spawn of satan. But motherfuckers, dragons are fucking cool. Post some pics of history related pictures of dragons from Europe and Asia.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're called Quetzalcoatl

How about some Jap dragons.

Those Welsh Dragons.

face looks like a simpsons character

He reminds me of a dog for some reason. Anyway here is a Gook dragon.

He looks insecure
Vey Angry


Here's another Jap dragon.

then explain why Whales has a fucking dragon in it's flag

Muh Judeo-Bolshevism.

They're just winged reptilian dogs. ;)





Dragons are assholes

Oh fuck, that's my fetish.

>the virgin knight
>the chad dragon

Not the Asian ones though.

>farming rath plates.jpg

hid nose loog lige bepis :-DDD

Someone needs to make that.



How about a Tibetan dragon?


>cucked by a dragon

I wonder what that woman is thinking at the moment?


Welsh doggos

>I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to this god damn thing

Dragon looks drunk.




Why is he feeding the dragons?

Because they won't shut up until he does and the guy who was suppose to feed them (as seen in the upper right ledge) had a stroke.

Oh no, the 15th century Boy's Club is here.

>''B-baka onii-chan! Don't take pictures of me naked!''

Why did they blur out the faces of the people near the pit?




Fun facts;
In East Asia traditions, Dragon claws actually have special meanings, 5 claws dragon are the most noble and highest level dragons, only Chinese emperors can use it; 4 claws are less noble but sill can only be used by kings and nobleman; 3 ~ 2 claws are the pleb tier dragon which usually can be used by any nobleman and religions.

Only 5 claws dragons can be really classified as "Long 龍", 4 claws and less are usually called "Mang 蟒" or "Jaio蛟". Those who like water and live in water are mostly "Jiao".

These rules are not absolute, China, Korea and Vietnam usually follow these rules, but not necessarily in Japan and Ryukyu.

Actually, they didn't

I saw this theory about why dragons popped up as a mythical creature all round the world. It said it was because they were the "perfect monster" evolutionarily speaking.

Every since humans were monkeys, we've been hunted by snakes. Then we would be hunted by big cats/dogs, and also large birds. Dragons have all these features, they're a mix of what humans are innatelyscared of no matter where they live

Fun facts;
In East Asian traditions, dragon claws actually have special meanings, 5 claws dragon are the most noble and highest level dragons, only Chinese emperors can use it; 4 claws are less noble but sill can only be used by kings and nobleman; 3 ~ 2 claws are the pleb tier dragon which usually can be used by any nobleman and religions.

Only 5 claws dragons can be really classified as "Long 龍", 4 claws and less are usually called "Mang 蟒" or "Jaio蛟". Those who like water and live in water are mostly "Jiao".

These rules are not absolute, they're mostly followed by China, Korea, Vietnam and Ryukyu, but not necessarily in Japan.


What's an oracle bone script?


Plus fire

>oracle bone script
>Oracle bone script (Chinese: 甲骨文) was the form of Chinese characters used on oracle bones—animal bones or turtle plastrons used in pyromantic divination—in the late 2nd millennium BCE, and is the earliest known form of Chinese writing.


Block your path.


I guess you could call Quetzalcoatl dragon-like.


Kill yourself

>Emperor of Ming:Hey remember, Kings are only aloud have 4 dragon toes!
>Joseon King:Ok

>Puts a seven clawed dragon in the palace.


For fucks sake

>She's 1000 years old I swear


European dragons are water based creatures too.

Just one small set from welsh/persia is 4 legged demonic creator.

What of this?

Five claws. Did they consider themselves equal?

Depends on the time period. Some Dynasties were much more hostile to the Chinese then they would have been on others. Even if the said Dynasty liked the Chinese, the King gave fuck all about what they could wear and have in there palace. The Tributary system was a basic trade and assistances that would undoubtedly help both nations.

Pretty much. Here is a good video about it. youtu.be/6grLJyqIM8E
tl;dw: dragons combine the atributes of the 3 historical predators of humans: Snakes, big cats, and birds of prey

Privacy laws.

is there some good conext or is the artist just enjoying himself

Nothing personal dragon.

>varying degrees of want among the knights


Cool movie



oh shit, that's cool

Fuck off Christfags.


are they trying to convince a dragon of the errors of its ways

That would be somewhat amusing but no, its supposed to be the Beast in Revelations.

China also had anthropomorphic dragons. See Emperor Taizong's visit to hell with a beheaded dragon man as a companion as an example.

>Zoroastrians: "Okay so there's this dragon who has three heads and is very evil and also a king"
>Muslim dude: "Nah fuck this he's a dude with two snake head. He also an arab lmao."


Dragons in european mythology and ancient legends are all based on reptiles, but mostly snakes. They lionized fucking snakes into these horrid monsters that symbolize pure evilness. I've read some ideas about how european and middle eastern christianity are so different because of this. To sort of bridge the gap between euro pagans to become christians in the early days, they would put a real significance on the dragon in the story to symbolize the devil. Thats why St. Michael and St. George and The mother who gives birth to the son who will crush the serpents head beneath his heel ect. are such popular stories.

Also, its interesting to note that humans see in color specifically to see snakes. Primates way back when developed more color based eye sight just so they could spot snakes sneaking up on them.


>tell me about the rabbits again Sir George!

>when dat kush hits




Is that a fucking horse?


Of the named Chinese dragons, Shenlong actually hurts people when he decides its a good day for a storm.


>european/asian dragons
what about mesoamerican dragons?

Sure, why not?

>vore/scaly fetish

That is one ugly fucking "dragon'.



Is this the inspiration for Fiona in Shrek?
The cucker dragon who gets slayed by the horny knight.
I used to have a folder full with this kind of picture with many a meme made on them by anons.