Could Napoleon Bonaparte have taken over an early 1800s America?

Could Napoleon Bonaparte have taken over an early 1800s America?

't there a Latin American group who tried to get him to become a South American dictator?


Only problem is the OP as fuck rain forest in brazil

Probably not, there are several points of failure with such an endeavor.

First problem: America is on the other side of the Atlantic, and while Napoleon does have a fleet, it's not colossal, and the British have a bigger and better one and are probably going to fuck up any kind of expedition like this just on general principles (and if for no other reason tahn he'd also be near Canada)

Second problem: While he could easily defeat the Americans in battle with any sort of force that's even remotely comparable in numbers, actually converting battlefield successes to political concessions is going to be trickier than in Europe. There aren't really disaffected members of court he can use to install puppet governments in the same way, nor is the government drawing support from a narrower base; the loss of an army would often force a country to terms in the Napoleonic wars, but not for France precisely because it had a support base tied to the lower and middle classes, rather than a comparatively narrower upper class likely destroyed in large part in the battle. America can bounce back from defeats, which requires a more protracted campaign, one that he likely can't afford with other commitments in Europe.

Third problem: The Americans are likely to revolt the second he leaves, making any gains hard to keep.

Burger retards should be banned from Veeky Forums Get the whole IP range.

America was one of Frances' biggest allies. He would have to fight the overwhelming disapproval of his Generals to do it and if any situation where he does do it, he'd likely have been Couped out by the country.

Logistics - how do they work?

America broke off relations in 1798

If the Rothschild funded him enough then possibly.

John Adams didn't like the French, but Jefferson took power in 1800s, and he sympathized with the revolution and Napoleon.

George Washington didn't like the French either.

Too bad he died in 1799

Lol. No. He loved the French for their aid in the revolution and even saw Lafayette as his own son. He in turn did not favor the Radical communist style regime that tool power over France during the revolution however.

American website nigger

France pretty much gave up any American adventures with Napoleon's rise, giving up Louisiana to the US and focused solely on crushing the slave revolt in Haiti which was unsuccessful. By the turn of 1800, the New World largely fell out of French interests mainly as a result of their defeat in the 7 years war decades earlier.

Any attempt to restart a major play for domination of the Americas would have been more trouble than it was worth, with France almost certainly losing more money in the wars for conquest than they would profit from, deciding to place Haiti as their only american point of interest, and even that failed.

Really now? Is that why the Lousiana Territory was sold to the America's for so cheap when in reality the Americans wanted only half the territory that they were given.

That huge favor that Napoleon gave the US? Is that what enemies do for one another?

Not that user but nice rebuttal

A man who couldn't subjugate haiti and was and was a prisoner in Europe could have easily conquered America...
Maybe if he had a few destroyer, even then he'd probably surrender them to the British or sail them somewhere stupid.

Im working on an alt-his story where the French never sell Louisiana to America and Napoleon is exiled to New Orleans and raises up again and the Empire de Louisiane takes over the United States, Mexico, and allies with the French Canadians to retake Canada as well.

>conquering all of north america from a swamp inhabited only by a handful of escaped slaves, natives who are wary if not hostile of any white people and haggard Acadian exiles

>Not that user
it doesnt fucking matter that you are not that user when you are anonymous we are all the same person unless someone breaks out their identity. I know my sputtering is off topic for thread, I just had to point this out because I've been seeing alot of beta posters doing this and it pisses me off