Delegated proof of stake

>delegated proof of stake

>first crypto node in space

>decentralize everything

>worldwide super computer

>asynchronous price discovery

>bank the unbanked

>the internet of things


Lel crypto is such a fucking joke

It's literally trading air with fancy jargon attached to it

That said I've made a ton of money in it, so I'm not complaining

>unbank the banked

>supercomputer organized by network mining

>Turing complete

>delegated byzantine fault tolerance

>double coincidence of wants

>Elliptic curves

>he didnt fly so good

>Atomic swabz

whales accumulating...

>distributed ledger technology

>encoded listeners

>centralized decentralization

>store of value


>ring singnatures


>chinese eth

>quantum block infetterence


>strong dev team

>literally unstoppable

banned in China

>dumb contracts


ahahaha these threads are the best

>dev team photographed on holiday with richard branson

>technical analysis


>all star team
>lambos for your grandchildren

I'd shoot that dog.

>master node


is that Veeky Forums's office?

That's the biz_classic delegate office

>fibonacci retracement
>unmet demand

>index funds

>triple-entry accounting

>for the chinese market

>smartbridge technology


This is a thing you fucker

>cryptographic currency

Trustless proof of stake is the future of every POS coin.

The POSW coin is the future of trustless proof of stake.

Buy and hold POSW for 3 months. You will not be sorry.

>DIONS, bruh


>free the market, free the world


>best anonymous coin

Please archive this

Yes which is solved by any system of liquid value dumbass

>blockchain asset manager

>kikeless ledger