What is the most gruesome of capital punishment?
What is the most gruesome of capital punishment?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Death by a one thousand cuts
I would say crucifixion, the Persian boat punishment, and the brazen bull are more intimidating to me.
One thousand paper cuts and then dropped into a vat of lemon juice
An eternity on Veeky Forums
Hanged, drawn and quartered seems like one of the more extreme ones. Usually only men convicted for high treason recieved this punishment.
One variant of this is pretty extreme.
>Fetched from his prison cell on the morning of 28 March 1757, Damiens allegedly said "La journée sera rude" ("The day will be hard").[7] He was first subjected to a torture in which his legs were painfully compressed by devices called "boots".[8][9] He was then tortured with red-hot pincers; the hand with which he had held the knife during the attempted assassination was burned using sulphur; molten wax, molten lead, and boiling oil were poured into his wounds. He was then remanded to the royal executioner, Charles Henri Sanson, who harnessed horses to his arms and legs to be dismembered. But Damiens' limbs did not separate easily: the officiants ordered Sanson to cut Damiens' tendons, and once that was done the horses were able to perform the dismemberment.[8][9][10] Once Damiens was dismembered, to the applause of the crowd, his reportedly still-living torso was burnt at the stake.[11] (Some accounts say he died when his last remaining arm was removed.)[8][9]
acid vats
left frozen/coated in liquid hydrogen then blasted with boiling water
thrown in pit with thousands of starving rats
Scaphism, no contest.
>to the applause of the crowd
I would be ptsd'd for the rest of my life...
Parisian migration policies
They should bring it back
in proto romanian states like wallachia or moldavia some rulers would unleash a group of gypsies on your ass that would chase you through the town and beat you to death if you committed some serious crimes
>inb4 bait
im not making this shit up
the guy who assasinated first dutch king had it worse i think
>Gérard was caught before he could escape Delft, and was imprisoned. He was tortured before his trial on 13 July, where he was sentenced to an execution brutal even by the standards of that time. The magistrates decreed that the right hand of Gérard should be burned off with a red-hot iron, that his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in six different places, that he should be quartered and disembowelled alive, that his heart should be torn from his chest and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be cut of
Body is a really wonderful thing. One of their many features is the capability to simply go numb and let it go, let it go...
Read about the UNIT 731 reports about the vivisection they performed. Apparently, the prisoners would start screaming and violently retorting at first. But at some point, they would just... let it go... become static, mute and even if they remained "conscious", it was hard to determine if they were actually aware of what was going on.
I'm pretty sure many of these guys suffered a similar situation. When the pain is so much that overwhelms the nervous system, the brain just shuts down everything in the vain hope once the vicious force destroying the body is over, they can restart everything and mend something. If there's no chance for recovery, well, why to keep on suffering anyway?
Burning at the stake was pretty horrifying. While it was over quite quickly if done properly, the fire often smoldered rather than flaming up and quickly killing the victim.
During the execution of the heretic Patrick Hamilton, it took six hours of slow roasting before he finally died.
Sure, but in terms of perceptual sadism, the Europeans are unmatched:
>Peter Niers was tortured and executed over the course of three days in September 1581.[10] On the first day, strips of flesh were torn from his body and heated oil was poured into his wounds.[12] On the second day, his feet were smeared with heated oil and then held above glowing coal, thereby roasting him. On the third day, 16 September 1581, he was dragged to the place of execution and broken on the wheel; the wheel was slammed down upon him 42 times.[13] Still alive, he was finally dismembered by quartering.[10]
That is to say, the Early Modern Europeans
>This occurred in 1757 not 1057
Jesus Christ what was wrong with French people?
I'm sure most countries by then were using measured drop hanging, causing instant and human death.
Impalement was pretty terrible
>blunt pole stuck deep in the ground, just high enough that you can balance on tiptoe with the end in your asshole but its too far up to get off it without help
>if the end doesn't fit they make incisions in your rectum
>as you inevitably tire of standing on tiptoe your weight goes more onto the pole in your ass
>it isn't sharp, so it doesn't slide through you cleanly but inflicts gradual blunt trauma and slow tears/pushes up your body cavity
>there is no quick way to end this, you will be slowly fucked to death by a wooden rod over the course of days
crucifixtion was implemented as a humane alternative
Regicide and attempted regicide is no fucking joke.
>This occurred in 1757 not 1057
>Jesus Christ what was wrong with French people?
In 1800 they impaled Suleiman al-Halabi, the assassin of general Kléber, during the campaign of Egypt.
Rough translation:
"The man was condemned, by the French council of war, to have his fists burnt and then to be impaled alive. The executioner Bartholomew slept on his belly Soliman, drew a knife from his pocket, made a large incision at the foundation, brought the end of his pal, and pressed it with a mallet. Then he tied the patient's arms and legs, raised it in the air and fixed the pal in a prepared hole. Soliman lived four hours longer, and he would have lived more if a soldier had not given him a drink during the absence of Bartholomew. At the very moment he expired. "
Some people would enjoy this 2bh
Downsized and everything. The real thing is painful for everyone, no matter the ass.
>nobody mentions immurement
I guess you guys must like the idea of slowly dying of thirst and starvation while walled up in space too small to even lie down.
Fucking retards
For the love of god montressor
death by 1001 cuts
Falling in love with someone who will never love you back.
death by credit score
>acid vats
was this ever used?
so, just like modern romania?
That user was just posting what he considers the worst, not what has been used (you can't coat someone in liquid/frozen hydrogen).
I doubt acid being used as capital punishment, since for the most part of history concentrated acids would've been too expensive to use for something, that can be easier achieved by fire.
Of course the Nazis experimented with injections of various chemicals on KZ-prisoners, might have used acids there (oxalic acid iirc), and who knows what Unit 731 did
Yes, for the love of god.
wasnt Jeffrey Dahmer drilling holes in his victims skulls and injecting some kind of acid into their brain?
You monster
Yup, he tried to create zombies so he could fulfil his necrophiliac fantasies, without the fear of being rejected, abandoned or having to look for substitutes (new victims), but, obviously, it didn't work.
Still, not the same. The thread is about capital punishment, as in state regulated and performed by legal authorities. I'm pretty sure out there's a psychotic who did worse things than you could imagine, but it doesn't count as capital punishment.
Public executions were a spectacle back then, hell that was the case until the early 20th century.
Crucifixion probably
Pretty tame tbqhwu
beat me to it
>Being killed because of your third grade cousin
Fucking insane
Buried in alive in a coffin seems worse. Sure, you suffocate faster, but you can't move at all in there.
The oposite of death by snu snu
György Dózsa
>He was captured after the battle, and condemned to sit on a smouldering, heated iron throne, and forced to wear a heated iron crown and sceptre (mocking his ambition to be king). While he was suffering, a procession of nine fellow rebels who had been starved beforehand were led to this throne. In the lead was Dózsa's younger brother, Gergely, who was cut in three despite Dózsa asking for Gergely to be spared. Next, executioners removed some pliers from a fire and forced them into Dózsa's skin. After tearing his flesh, the remaining rebels were ordered to bite spots where the hot pliers had been inserted and to swallow the flesh. The three or four who refused were simply cut up, prompting the others to comply. In the end, Dózsa died from the ordeal, while the rebels who obeyed were released and left alone.
A 16th century Spanish nun got wise to that, you know. Instead of praying normally, she'd take off her shoes, disrobe and whip herself until she bled, or until the skin from her back started to peel off in sheets, and later wrote a book about how the "pain trance" is a kind of Christian samadhi, bringing you in direct contact with the divine.
There's a French horror movie pretty closely based off her work.
Failing to kill yourself with a gun *cough* *cough* Hideki *cough* Tojo
I had a friend who had a "being ate fetish" he end up selling himself to some butcher after a time. The town was eating human meat while the cops were looking for him
allegedly during the Red Terror, the Bolsheviks executed people by taking them outside in the winter and pouring water over them until they were frozen in ice
I've heard that you get a weird euphoria from starvation. I'd still rather die painlessly.
ISIS dropped people into acid vats recently
Some nobles were condemned to immurement. The worst part is that they continued to give the poor fucks water and food through a slit. Absolute isolation seems a fate worse than dying of thirst.
Is there a video of that?
That user here
Mexican cartels like the zetas and Sinaloa have executed several people by acid bath. The latest case was in 2013, and footage of it exists.
Not the worst they've done either. Chainsaw mutilation and beheading, live flaying, castration and impalement, death by sledgehammer crushing, vehicle crushing, quartering, and vivisection.
Don't go to mexico. Just dont.
Bullshit, it's impossible to pass human flesh for any cut of cow, pig or any common animal. Also it's literally too little for more than a serving.
Scaphism for sure
life in prison in solitary confinement.
humans are social animals and to forcibly isolate one for so long is cruel.
>no one posted impalement
we have no proof it was even a thing
Why do you imagine this? Human meat tastes like veal, you could easily pass it off as cow, doubly so if you mince / dice it.
Every account from people who had to eat human meat to survive says its chewy, fatty and full of nerves, and often bitter. Humans are also often very low in muscle mass. It can't pass for even the lowest quality cuts of meat.
Empanadas are prepared with meat grind, its not really the same thing user claimed.
I watched a pretty gruesome cartel video where this seemed to happen.
Instead of be heading the guy and then cutting his hands and feet off, they reversed it. They started by hacking at his ankles and wrists with machetes.
For the first 45 seconds you could tell that he was in pain, but after that he just didn't do anything. He was still alive and it sounded like he was talking, but he wasn't screaming anymore.
Leave, /v/
must fap?
keelhauling is my personal nightmare
dumb phone poster
Anything to do with suffocation is my nightmare