*doesn't lose*

*doesn't lose*

Other urls found in this thread:


*blocks your path*

I remember we lost Aquitaine, Normandy, and Picardy. For shame.

Not only that, your king became a vassal of the baguettes.

Actually losing our empire in France was a good thing as it meant we had to expand outside of Europe to places such as America. in the long run we benefited

*the Muricans beat you*

And then you went and lost half of your North American colonies after couple members of the colonial 1% got upset that they had to pay taxes.


Won the war lost the peace

To be fair, they lost the "bad" half. The ones they kept made much, much more money for the Crown.

>doesnt "lose"

loses all colonies, its image of being a world power is reduced to dumb chavs shitting up holiday resorts


Except when it matters (HYW, American Revolution...)

>Anyone caring about poos.

Hundred years war
American revolution
Revolutionary wars

All they had to do was invite their former colonials to live in the UK and they defeated themselves.


>lives on an island
>literally has no need to have a good army
>play to their strengths and build a navy instead
>few hundred years later a sperg on an anime appreciation website mocks their army

What did the man with autism mean by this?

This board is absolutely OBSESSED with Britain.

But they did have a good army all memes aside.

>Lose the battle
>Win the war


- Veeky Forums

>Lose the battle
>Withdraw to island
>Watch allies win the war

>declare war
>get shit pushed in by the Teutonic warrior
>beg Americans and Russians for help
>let them do the job
>muffle "we did it Allies!" in the distance
ok kid

>Pick the right friends and allies
>Don't be an absolute sperg in diplomacy
>Enemies bitch about it afterwards because they allied with retards

Truly the best strategy.

Fight smarter not harder desu.

What was that, tommy?

>ask America for supplies
>"ok kid, but you gotta pay back with interest"
>let allies fight the war
>war ends
>have huge debt
>economy turns into shit
>lose all colonies
>turn into the laughingstock of Europe for the next century
I don't understand how becoming America's lapdog is a smart move.

>it's a "Veeky Forums cries about Britain using their allies and geographical advantage to win" episode


Stay salty boys.


Absolutely this.

I found it hilarious when Dunkirk came out and all the Americans were baffled by the idea that there could be pride in a retreat.

7 C O A L I T I O N S

The best bit is that the most profitable bits of their empire (IE; the bits that weren't just shitty wastelands filled with native retards) were lost simply due to sheer inept ruling.

The British are some of the least competent rulers in all of history, you only have to hop over the pond to Ireland to find the best example of it.
They unironically could still have far more territory than they do if they weren't such bumbling retards when it comes to ruling literally anything but England.

Even then, English culture is essentially just watered down US Culture with a Union Flag instead of an American flag; scottish and irish fucking "culture" are more iconic and globally recognised than English "culture."

The most widely recognised English"culture" is more of a stereotype-ish accent and a couple of modern films.
If ever there has been a larger non-entity, it has been the "British" man.

But there was no pride in dunkirk
The people who deserved praise were the french soldiers who gave the british a chance to get out

Just goes to show that no matter how perfidious and hated Britain are, they could always find a bunch of nations who hated the French more.

Evacuating the continent in chaos is a proud British tradition

>waaaaa, why didn't you stay on the continent and get annihalated when the battle/war is lost
>waaaaa, why do you live on an island and I don't??? wtf I hate having land borders now

- you

>Gives entire empire away for free

>says it doesn't count
>hides in island
The city of England everyone

>Evacuating Vietnam in chaos is a proud American tradition

It's called 'freedom'. The British Empire was the most benevolent in history.

>in chaos

We CHOSE to leave despite winning on the field, becauuse hippies were chimping out at home
Meanwhile in those pics, frogs and kraut kicked your ass so violently you fled leaving your women and wounded behind

>make a promise to return if the vietcong invade the south again
>they invade the south
>americans don't return

What did they mean by this?

>Get your king replaced by some Dutch prince
>Name it the "Glorious revolution"
pathetic Anglos

>has to type in "pathetic anglo" English because nobody understands his native meme language

Lmao, absolutely cucked to death

imagine being this upset
You lost you dumb commie stop being buthurt

>using x to communicate with subhumans changes anything

I was typing in American though

If you were typing in American you would have typed

>Git ur kang swapped by sum Duch prince
>Name it tha "Glorious revolution"
pathetic whiteboi

You should work on your American spelling.

>a bunch of separate events spanning centuries taken out of context means this country suxx
What did he mean by this?

British grand strategy.

>blockade them and strangle their trade while we pay other people to do the hard fighting

Absolutely based.

>the most benevolent in history
America learned every atrocity from Britain

>Still has colonies all over the globe
>Still has dominions inside the Commonwealth
>Still has more soft power over the nations of the world than any country bar America, a British colony
>But muh land
Fuck off froggie

The country I am from has never lost a war to Britain.

I am far from you and you country is not really mentioned much. You are not main character of history that you think you are, you're like the bumbling old man who loses all his lands because he refused to learn to use computers and stuff.


>we don't care about you but we will write paragraphs about how much you stink! >:((((

>Still has colonies all over the globe
>tiny islands no one gives a shit about except argies

>flag is of the UK
>includes irrelevant victories France had over England ( 1/5th the population or less)

Who were the Free French?

>loses their whole empire
>is now just an island in Europe that is invaded by foreign people looking to create a caliphate

Looks like you lost after all.

*beats the murricans back*

It's full of frog /pol/ rejects

I'd rather be ruled by a Dutchman than a mentally challenged Scot

When have you Anglos won a war without a massive alliance against another European country or post 1812 war with US?

If our enemies have put themselves in a situation wher eeverybody else on the planet also wants them dead that's not our problem.

So never? Cool.

It's called literally having the most magnificent and skilled approach to foreign policy in human history m8

Dickwaving about your military isn't everything. If the USA could emulate 1/10th of Britain's Imperial foreign policy they would be respected rather than disdained by the world.

>he writes, in english

We're being replaced in our own country and our culture is being eroded.

We won every battle and yet have lost the war.

>our culture is being eroded.
By capitalism, not immigrants. Immigrants make up less than 15% of this country.

What Britain needs is Socialism, and an end to consumerism, not le ebin ukip

Albion's demise can't come soon enough.
I pray for a day in which the Earth will be free of you blight.

Remind me when socialism has ever been the solution to anything anywhere?

Uhh, everywhere? Socialism turned Tsarist Russia into a backwater shithole to the first nation in space.

Keynesian Social Economics gave the USA its largest Economic boom in history.

Clement Atlee's Socialist Program rebuilt Britain and created the NHS.

Seriously, PLEASE kill yourself, their both awful for this great nation

>socialism turned Tsarist Russia from a backwater shithole to the first nation in space
Yeah, at the cost of at least 20 million dead from famine. Also Russia was still a dictatorial and economic shithole after the "revolution".

Keynes is not synonymous with socialism. He was certainly not a socialist. His main argument was only that the government should borrow and spend during recessions, while cut back on spending when the economy is doing well.

>Clement Atlee's Socialist Program rebuilt Britain and created the NHS
His programme literally turned the country into more of a command economy than the USSR itself. It was his programme that set Britain up for the economic stagnation they faced until Thatcher came along and liberalised the market. Also, NHS is unsustainable in its current form. UK spends about £140 billion on it each year and its still completely shit compared to the rest of the world. A semi-privatised model like in Australia would be better.

So is your grammar, northern scum.

>it's another /pol/ versus /leftypol/ on Veeky Forums episode

>Yeah, at the cost of at least 20 million dead from famine.

Famines happened at a higher rate in Tsarist russia. Furthermore, whilst the Holodomor was happening, an even larger famine was taking place in Bengal.

>Keynes is not synonymous with socialism. He was certainly not a socialist. His main argument was only that the government should borrow and spend during recessions, while cut back on spending when the economy is doing well.

His policies of semi nationalized industry and a mixed economy to rebuild industry is, regardless of what he refers to himself as, as social democrat policy.

>It was his programme that set Britain up for the economic stagnation they faced until Thatcher came along and liberalised the market

Tssk tssk, poor understanding of Capitalist Growth. Aylee rapidly improved the living conditions of the country. The key reason for Britain's poverty in the 70's was the same thing that caused the US' decline in the 70's, a combination of the 1973 Oil Crash, the regulation on industry preventing businesses turning profits and moving industry elsewhere, damaging Exports, and a high supply for low demand. The movement to neoliberalism and the ensuing Deregulation and Deindustrialization of the Thatcher and Reagan years were the natural evolutionary step for a capitalist economy.

>Soviets still manage to kill a higher portion of the population than the "ebul capitalists"

Really makes you think

>By capitalism, not immigrants.

The sad thing is that you probably consider yourself some sort of anti-establishment rebel or something as well.

You understand labour isn't Socialist, right?

Meanwhile, you just support Neoliberal Conservatism. it's pathetically bootlicking.

Well to be fair, it's still not a "United" Ireland so no one wins.

>d-day totally not socialist! They just want to increase the current problem by a factor of 100 is all!

I honestly dont know how you could actually be this fucking stupid and deluded

What do you think Socialism is? letting Muslims in and burning pictures of the queen?

Hard to say. Everyone seems to have their own definition of socialism that the word has lost all meaning

>i-it will be totally different even though this is completely the fault of labour and we only want to increase the scope of this cuck shit! we dindu nuffin you fucking nazi!

>LOL u socialist dat meen you like darkies and wanna keep us in the BLUMIN EU

You're a tard. We have had the tories in for 7 years, and the problem you are attacking has only gotten worse.

Worker control of the means of production. Imagine worker coops forming the basis of the nation's industry.

>growth without the profit motive
What level of memes are you on

>worker control of the means of production
meme term what does that even mean. Someone has to organise and lead the workers. They become, in essence, the new capitalist class

t. leaf

Labour is the one that let them in the first place, Labour is the one that made hate speech laws, Labour is the reason the police were tied up in red tape because they didnt want to stop thousands of children from being raped by muslims because it was "omg racist!" Labour is the one that keeps running on the platform that we need MORE refugees and Labour is the one who continues to shit on British culture in general. But of course, keep using the "not muh real socialism" argument even though it has nothing to do at all with the problem like the malfunctioning robot you are. Even though of course John McDonnell said outright that hes a fucking Marxist.


Youre a tool of the establishment blaming all the problems on someone else and trying to convince everyone that just autistically and stubbornly continuing forward with your dumbdick ivory tower horseshit will just magically work


>What level of memes are you on
That's funny, because that's exactly how production existed during feudalism.

It functioned very well in the USSR, which became the 2nd largest economy on earth.

>meme term what does that even mean. Someone has to organise and lead the workers. They become, in essence, the new capitalist class

Wrong, read up on Syndicalism, and democratic confederalism. Democratic Leadership can function in society.

Nevermind, you're a tard who thinks liberalism is socialism. Not worth my time.

At least can have a reasonable discussion.


That way friendo

>you're a tard who thinks liberalism is socialism

Show me the exact sentence where I said this

>Socialism turned Tsarist Russia into a backwater shithole to the first nation in space.
Wow, how impressive, the general population must surely have benefitted greatl-


imagine how buttblasted you'd have to be to put together an image like that

Falklands War

>Now you understand why hide on their islands
OwO what do you mean by this user-sama Desu