Is there a more autistic flag in history?
Is there a more autistic flag in history?
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All i see is a bro flag.
yes, this piece of shit
>an austrian guy who is king of austria and hungary
>his flag is the austrian flag, with the austrian and hungarian crowns on it
Seems reasonable.
Its not the austrian flag, it's literally half austrian half hungarian.
Why do Eurocucks make such complicated designs? Just keep it simple goddamn.
>muh butterfly flower hippie nippon stronk shit
Also yes, that was actually the flag.
Simple and elegant. Euros look like some autistic kid was given cutouts of flags and told to assemble them like building blocks.
the last time they did that it didn't turn out so good
Nips, on the other hand, just gave mom a white sheet and retrieved it the next day. producing the flag of Japan
It's literally the most iconic flag in the world, not to mention the prestige of uniquely "owning" such a basic design (compare the whored out tricolor)
>It's literally the most iconic flag in the world
No, it's not! At this point, the most iconic flag is likely the American one, followed by the British one.
The most pressing question is, why the fuck was that country called Two Sicilies if there's only one Sicily?
>this is what weaboos actually believe
>Most iconic flag
>Not USA
Sorry, just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less true
The American flag is absolutely repulsive and the Union Jack is copy-pasted on too many Commonwealth flags, cheapening it.
Not a flag though.
It combines the crowns of Naples and Sicily proper.
Doesn't make it any less iconic.
Fuck you anti-poland guy the flag looks cool
Why wasn't it called Naples-Sicily then? Two Sicilies sounds fucking retarded. I have to give it that it's easy to memorise the name because of how dumb it is, though.
That flag you responded to was a personal standard of a king. It represented all three countries he ruled over. (or claimed to rule, depending on when was it used) The eagle is for Poland, the rider for Lithuania and the three crowns for Sweden.
The Aragonese were massively ass blasted about losing the island so they always claimed the title.
Back in ye olden days the Kingdom of Naples was also known as Peninsular Sicily.
For a while the king of each kingdom claimed they were the ruler of 'Sicily', so when the two were combined the Bourbon king became ruler of the 2 "Sicilies"
So they called it Two Sicilies just to cause double assblast among the Iberians? Now that's something I can get behind!
Ah, that clears things up, thanks! Doesn't make the name any less retarded for the uninformed, but oh well.
So it's like if the Bretons reconquered Britain somehow and named themselves Kings of the Two Britains
Why does it have the Swedish coat of arms?
It looks really out of place though.
yeah, pic rel is better
Is it weird that I don't really give a shit about the CoA itself but I love the achievements, especially the mantling and crowns?
>half of both countries flags with their respective crowns
How else would your represent the two in an understandable manner for normal people?
I fucking hate "& Humanities", you really are a bunch of drooling retards, making garbage threads all day.
Just fly both flags if they're two sovereign countries asshole
I'd argue it's even more out of place than Sweden.
Why waste fucking cloth and dye on two flags instead of one?
"& Humanities" strikes again, as usual, fucking hell you guys are dumb.
Make them half-size like you're doing anyway when you're squeezing them together into one flag asshole
>make them half sized
>have two half flags on your pole
>waste time making two separate flags that could have different shades of red instead of making a single flag with identical shades of red
>people think you're double switzerland in the dark
Fucking genius, i bet you go on /pol/...
The most iconic is the american one and that doesn't mean it's good. It's hideous.
Wot. They never lost the island without losing the mainland first. The part that was sometimes french after the sicilian vespers was Naples.
>t. Some irrelevant tricolor or Cross and field
This would be even funnier if you were the UK or any of its commonwealth garbage.
They did fly both flags, retard.
This one is for the union, not for the separate members. Each member flew its own flag.
>unique color combination
>superior triangle
9/10 flag
Edgy flag for Edgy populatios.
>Gaddafi droped out in 4th grade.
just leaving thos here.
>non Russian flag
Now this is how you know the flag was designed by some retards.
A flag needs to show a sense of originality for nationality's sake. showing a weapon that is not made by your country in the flag may send the message that you are another nations bitch.
Because Eurocucks have to keep track who the fuck married who and ergo who gets what lands/titles.
Unlike in Japan where the daughter just gets swallowed up in the Family of her husband's.