recently the number of slavic people returning to the old faith is going through the roof.
could there be a neopagan trend throughout europe? how will this affect the future?
recently the number of slavic people returning to the old faith is going through the roof.
could there be a neopagan trend throughout europe? how will this affect the future?
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Nobody knows anything about actual, original paganism.
These "neo pagans" will still have Judeo-Christian views towards things like sodomy.
>These "neo pagans" will still have Judeo-Christian views towards things like sodomy.
This, it's quite hilarious actually.
Pick one
If a reliable source was found it would explode.
The biggest difficulty to be found at the moment is to try and disassociate it from ethnic supremacists whilst also maintaining authentic ancestor-reverance as it is by its nature tribalist. Haven't seen a proper reconciliation of this yet.
American paganism is also (generally) on a divergent trajectory to european paganism due to politicking.
>American paganism
Ah yes, those guys who worshipped Kennewick man as a Viking idol
slavic pagan religion didn't contribute anything to canon of christianity unlike for example some traditions of germanic tribes and we know too little about it to even consider going back to it
I too enjoy larping
Pagan Slavs and Germanics were actually executing Homosexuals, not all paganisms are equal to Hellenic...
>hurr durr continuing the survived european traditions, while removing hebrew influence is larping
why are christians so retarded?
Gays were discriminated even in hellenic pagan society you retard.
Stop listening to Varg.
>slavic untermensch turn from cucktian shit to backward retardedness
Less than surprised
and how are you planning to build an religion from these things?
they might have originated through slavic religion but now they are reduced to folklkore, no one thinks of these traditions while screaming "we wuz perun n shieet"
*tips hammer*
>/pol/ and edgy fedoras found a new way to LARP. More news at 11
The best thing that happened to southern Slavs was their baptism by Boris of Bulgaria. This act alone cemented their language and legacy in Europe.
>implying /pol/ isn't largely Christian
Sorry mate this bullshit is straight from the wicca larp loony left camp
All paganism in Europe had the same Indo-European fundamentals
Most of the Slavs are not orthodox, the fuck are you talking about?
>hurr durr continuing the survived european traditions
Except we have no surviving "european"(because our ancestors certainly had pan-european worldviews) traditions that don't already exist as folklore.
All we have is post-pagan speculations and hearsay that were ironically written by christian monks, centuries laster.
Now, we have stuff like theodism, but i don't expect underage /pol/ larpers that screech about jewish influence to actually care enough about proper reconstructionist paganism, with all the resurrected social structure needed for authentic paganism, to actually put some effort into this stuff, instead of tired old memes about "muh ancestors".
Pre-christian paganism is pretty much a representation of your life in a tribal society, living in wide and wild forest, full of wolves, bear, moose, bison, and most dangerously: other tribes. You have months in ice, snow and darkness, while you try to stay warm and hope that you don't run out of food.
Of cause your religion centers around the natural forces and cycles and your gods impersonate them.
Christianity is for more domesticated humans, where a "shepherd" controls a big "flock" and where daily live is in general more streamlined, controlled and farther away from natural environment.
Now, the parts of the "flock" think the shepherds are full of shit and want to distance themselves from the herd, but that ends up felling empty for some. So they try to find something to fill it and member: hey, before that whole sheep thing started, they used to do other stuff.
But now, the tribe is long gone, the forests are turned into fields, the oral tradition is disrupted and distorted, everywhere is full of humans and urbanization, food comes out of a building, we have no need to be good warriors any more, constant light blocks out the stars and the moonlight and cultural development has shaped an entirely different worldview.
So living the religion of these tribes is not possible, because we don't live like these tribes.
What civilized humans can do is practise surviving culture and retell sagas, learn about the land and be outside a lot as far from civilization as possible, get closer to the cosmic cycles by learning about the stars, celebrating solstices, equinoxes and full moons and trying to tune into the spiritual channels of the natural environment.
And then we get to neo-paganism, or trying to salvage remnants from an older way of live and integrating them into the modern era.
All the stormfags and city kids with mjölnir necklace over metal band shirts are ridiculous larpers of cause and don't make it easier for the people who are serious about it.
Except by all accounts, they did not approve of homosexuality? The Germans used to throw homosexuals in bogs. The only people who say otherwise are Wiccan pseuds
The Hellenistic Faiths had mixed opinions on it, actually. Pederasty was practiced by the elite but was despised by the common folk and the religious, which we deduce from analysis of Aristophanes and Tacitus. It was much like today, really.
>neckbeard religions
>desertkike religions
Basically everyone in pre-christian Europe was not living in some sort of "wild" hunter-gatherer tribe, they were mainly pastoralists by a huge margin except in the roughest, least populated climes. Hell you have dozens of harvest gods like or Beow or Sceafing.
The christianisation of Europe worked from the top down, the missions specifically targeted the existing power structures; kings, their children, priests and then the lower classes usually via through destruction, 'proving' that the native gods didn't work, or wouldn't respond e.g. Boniface, Coifi.
>Tacitus isn't source material
>Paganism didn't survive via traditions in Christianity that started from pagan traditions
>Every pagan is Norse
Wew lad
>some sort of "wild" hunter-gatherer tribe
Tribal doesn't mean exclusively hunter gatherer. How you get your food is secondary to living in relative small, family bound communities.
The roots of these tribes when the religions formed were hunter-gatherer lifestyles in vast wilderness.
Also pastoralism and agriculture doesn't change everything around being wild forests.
Read about the roman accounts about the lands east of the rhine. They really really didn't like going there, because it was swampy jungle where you had to use the rivers to get anywhere.
>kings, their children, priests and then the lower classes
Yes, that's at a time where they already had a much greater population, making bigger settlements, more hierarchies and quite a few roman ideas, giving christianity a chance to take over.
And even then it took a serious effort to convince them.
>Boniface, Coifi.
>larping as pagans themselves (christmas, easter)
>convert or die
>taking hostages
>Pagan Slavs and Germanics were actually executing Homosexuals, not all paganisms are equal to Hellenic...
>Gays were discriminated even in hellenic pagan society you retard.
Neither of these are true.
All Pagan Europeans were bumfucking each other.
a bunch of roleplaying russians doesnt mean shit
slavs are generally the most hardcore christians so i dont see it happening
>>recently the number of slavic people returning to the old faith is going through the roof
Citation needed.
If slavs can larp as pagans, does this mean I can larp as a seventh century missionary and come break all your pagan idols?
That isn't true.
how can you worship a system we know nearly anything about .Same with norse. It seems stupid to me.
Treacherous Anglo keen to destroy history and culture I see
Did I miss something? Why does the advice columnist instantly assume the issuer is gay?
Hellenics aren't German. Also the fags in bog theory is based on a single passage from Tacitus. Not saying they didn't do it but the evidence is flimsy at best.
Does this mean I can larp as a 21st century muslim and kill your followers?
Easy, you just make it up like christians did.
Except we really did find bodies of people in bogs who were beaten and tortured before being thrown in? The only reason modern Wiccan pseuds think that Paganism was just about nudity, drugs, homosexuality, and going outside is because of a few pots in ancient Greece depicting homosexual behavior, meanwhile when we use source material from Aristophanes and other playwrights, the general consensus on homosexuality was negative, in fact in the older days of Rome it used to be punishable by death
An hero
>tfw the gods are real and thr descendants of Hyberborean men were born to rule the world
Feels good desu
>going through the roof
>they went from 2 to 5 adherents just this month! at this rate they will be the world's largest religious denomination within a century
Basically this. It's final result of populism among backward, low-IQ people really: they fall back on simpler religions than an illiterate flea-ridden steppenigger can understand and appreciate.
We did find people executed in the bog. It was actually commonplace for Germanics to drown all kinds of people in the bog as ritual sacrifice and this was well known in the ancient world, we still have no proof they were faggots other than that Tacitus passage.
Those are indeed complete and utter retards even gayness aside.
>Greeks, Romans
They thought taking it up the ass was disgusting because it was unmanly, but considered fucking other man in the ass masculine, asserting your dominance over him. There were recordings of men who raped their enemies in order to humiliate them, but the rapists themselves weren't considered faggots. Still different from what LGBT activists believe ancient Greece was like, though.
benis in bagine :-DD
Hungary is neither Slavic nor low IQ.
Oh, I know, I just used the picture to illustrate the primitivism. Hungary is mostly free of this nonsense actually, except for a few genetic rejects.
That's why he said a *new* way to LARP.
>Because there is something human about living in post modern borderline transhumanist society with no morality besides despair, monotony and hedonism
Where does this kind of elitist smugness even come from
>Durr 2017
>Needing religion
>Topkek , now excuse me, I really.must get back to fucking my Fleshlight while I watch 3d porn with my Oculus rift favorite anime waifu
>Oh btw, we're getting married too
>I-I need to sacrifice to Odin to stop being degenerate?
Ever wonder if the typical stormfag (((complaints))) against modern society stem completely from lack of self-will on the part of the stormfag?
I mean seriously. You need Veeky Forums to tell you to stop being an asshole. What does that say about you, exactly?
>We have no proof of
Except we found people killed in the same ritualistic fashion described in Tacitus where homosexuals were murdered.
>They thought homosexuality was fine if you weren't the bottom
You realize that Tacitus was a Roman, and not the only one who disapproved of homosexuality either, right? Why does the meme from Jack Donovan still persist to this day? The Greeks made homosexuality illegal for awhile and Romans (depending on the time period) commonly practiced anti-homosexuality.
So they flip flopped whenever social conservatism came to fore, just like our society.
You still call our society degenerate and the Roman society virtuous when Roman society was degenerate as fuck any year and any time no matter how much social conservatism was at head (and you can believe the Emperors tried to calm down the ruly Romans too).
>Sacrifice to Odin
>Why are you complaining about the anti-social tendencies of the modern world?
Because I think they're self destructive and immoral?
>Dude just do drugs , fuck whoever you want, and cry in private
>Why deal with your problems when you can just run away from them XD
Nice strawmanning, but it still doesn't save you from the fact that you need to sacrifice boars in order to stop using a fleshlight. LOL!
Also, not what antisocial means, which is a synonym for psychopathy. What you argue for is far closer to psychopathy then anything a naked skating liberal fuck could ever argue for.
>So they flip flopped whenever social conservatism came to fore, just like our society.
No, after periods of expansion they became incredibly hedonistic and cosmopolitan.
>You call out society degenerate but not Rome
>Not Rome
Nigger do you even KNOW about the kind of shit the Roman Emperors got up to? Of course they were degenerate , when did I say they weren't? The Romans, however had periods when they weren't, you know they existed as a people for over a millennia, right?
>Jack Donovan
Who's that?
>Sacrifice boars
>Anti-social is synonymous with psychopathy
Actually they are a but different, but I was referring to the self centered mannerisms of the post modern world and general lack of empathy among other people due to a culture of consumerism and nihilism replacing all spiritual pursuits
>No, after periods of expansion they became incredibly hedonistic and cosmopolitan.
Nope. Middle Republic is the height of Rome's assfucking. They started to tone it down a bit with Augustus (who wanted a "return to Roman virtues" during his reign and saw homosexuality as a Greek vice) and later on through Christianity.
>The Romans, however had periods when they weren't, you know they existed as a people for over a millennia, right?
And yet you use the Emperors to define the behavior of all Romans! Lunacy.
>Actually they are a but different
Go sacrifice some more boars because you need it to stop doing drugs.
Yup, after they conquered the Seleucid Empire things went to shit. Before then they actively tried to stop homosexuality and degeneracy
>Except you defined all of Rome as the Empire
I didnt though?
>It's an user hasn't talked with psychfags or even read his own source kind of episode
>Both have also stated that their diagnoses have been referred to, or include what is referred to, as psychopathy or sociopathy, but *distinctions have been made between the conceptualizations of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy*, with many researchers arguing that psychopathy is a disorder that overlaps with, but is *distinguishable* from, ASPD
Do these retards realize that their ancestors dressed in roughly contemporary clothes and used contemporary technology in their days and they don't have to pretend it's still the fucking middle ages?
Traditions are one thing but these LARPers are basically incapable of understanding the concept of authentic religious practices that premodern people and even modern third worlders just perform instinctively everyday.
>Call Christianity a foreign invader religion
>Practices the religion of Indo-European invaders
Because a vagina was shoved in his face and he refused to put his dick in it apparently. It's hard staying straight in modern society.
but they did stop the degeneracy. thanks to constantine, rome became a christian nation and anti gay laws were put in place.
>Do these retards realize that their ancestors dressed in roughly contemporary clothes and used contemporary technology in their days and they don't have to pretend it's still the fucking middle ages?
That's how you know it's just LARPing. You don't see every Christian cosplaying as a 7th century monk either.
Also I could understand Greek or Roman neo-paganism, but Slavic and Germanic paganism is full on retard tier. The most extensive source on Germanic paganism, the Eddas, were composed by a Christian guy. So the people who hate Christianity to the bone and think all Christians are liars and oppressors, are relying on a Christian to know what paganism should be like. And it's even more blatant with Slavs where we have literally ZERO written sources and the best they could find are some 8th century Franks basically saying "Those dudes over that hill are dancing around some wooden dildo."
Chrsitianity and paganism were practicised simultaneously and that's the time period where we have most record of it. A syncretic religion of the two is a valid stance to practice.
>A syncretic religion of the two
Say no more senpai
Probably clearer
If you know it's syncretism then your faith isn't really genuine.
>after periods of expansion they became incredibly hedonistic and cosmopolitan
Were the Romans the first globalists?
Yup. Then they became just as bad as the pagans centuries later. I'm not totally against Christianity if that is what you're getting at.
After awhile, yes. The reforms of Marius sent Rome down a path of advocating for the rights of plebians and extension of the definition that Christianity would only worsen. They began extending the definition of citizen to include Germanic people, and then collapsed due to internal strife between early Catholics and Arian Christianity.
Slavs have higher IQ than West Europe
Yeah they were. The romans wanted to unite the whole world under one banner so they can live under a "pax romana" while at the same time making the elites filthy rich. Sounds globalist to me. If Julius Caesar were alive today, he'd be a democrat.
How do you solvent the issue of ethnicity in paganism? Is it strictly universal or tribal?
Roman paganism was universal af
I feel like I got put on a government watchlist just for checking the link, thanks. Now they'll give me a restraining order to keep me away from any pizzerias and that's basically a death sentence in this country.
>claim one thing
>post a picture that shows the exact opposite
What did he mean by this?
Too late. The cops are on their way to your house, you're going to jail. I hope you get raped.
>muh germanic and slavic ancestors wuz based barg bigernes alt-right men not homosexuals
Get bog'd
Probably not. Slavs are just autistic and their religion was already destroyed under Socialism.
He was jokingly false flagging [spoiler] or actually retarded. [/spoiler]
Indo-European cultures like Ancient Greece and Scandinavia differentiated between the active(masculine) and the passive(feminine) homosexual roles.
If Vikings wanted to humiliate someone, they raped their asshole to prove they are more manly. Maybe they threw them in the bog afterwards.
>Looking for a thread on Veeky Forums that isn't swiftly reduced to Stormfront-grade nazi worship
>Pick this one
>Stormfag mere few posts into the thread
>And he is with backup
Veeky Forumstorians, please enlighten me about how would you justify Veeky Forums remaining separate from /pol/, given how both boards have basically the same shit all over them.
Stop this anthrocuckery.
Its a bunch of retards struggling with a sense of identiy, i know a few, all are fat, brown, or really skinny and do not look slavic. Just like most "nordic" neo-pagans, people who are secure in their identity don't need to dig up fossils to make themselves feel better. Anyway Slavic neo-paganism is retarded, nothing is known about it, the little that i known was written by Christian monk and most of it was made up, several gods are disputed, some have been proved to be made up, you can see the Christian influence strongly with Belobog (White god) and Chernobog (Black god) its a very monotheistic dualist view of good vs bad, and there are no reliable sources for their existence or slavic rituals, i.e. neo pagan slavs are retarded, especially south slavs who talk about "going back to their ancestors" faith, despite the Slavs converting within a century or two after their arrival and being Christian for literally over a THOUSAND YEARS, TEN CENTURIES AND ONE MILLENIA. They also just fucking love vikings and focus on the nordic gods whilst shitting on the Greco-Roman pantheon, because they are brown shitskins who are uncomfortable with thier skin color.
>>hurr durr continuing the survived european traditions, while removing hebrew influence is larping