Ty pol
Ty pol
I've been in Crypto since May and I bought IOTA for the first time this past weekend once those faggots started flooding this board.
There was no other way this was going to play out.
they're the best - best PR we can get
also that attack on tangle was fuking clutch
- it only proven how resilient network is to big investors.
Remember that time you bought IOTA when you are comforting your daughter and telling her its going to be all right after the acid melted her face.
I'll be comforting my daughter's acid-free face when we're living far far away from sand niggers in my fortress
Wtf im with Soros now
While I was in the military my Indian and chinese bros helped to take care of my family.Kys you xenophobic fuck
Remember that time I comforted my daughter and told her its okay we live in a private island and have subhumans as slaves while others live in absolute poverty because I helped sell out europe
> yfw these fuking beardneck /pol/ niggers just stand out like sore thumb on /biz
Read my post again,I'm not like these xenophobic fuckers
Remember that time you all fell for pol larping and made a bunch of racist white nationalist a bunch of money?
Why do /pol/fags hate making money? It's like they actually enjoy being enslaved by the jews.
>implying yuropoors will ever deal with the shit when IOTA will keep refugees in their own city it creates
thank u newfriends :)
settle down moohammid
/pol/ is always wrong.
How did I help them earn money?By holding my coins?
I thought the whole point of pol was to be a fucking containment board, jesus christ
Biz always does the opposite of what biz says. You pumped the price nigga. Thanks btw
I served in the military,even though I wasn't deployed,I was ready to fight for the freedom of you ungrateful neckbeards
i thought you were all about migration, faggot?
IOTA is a master piece.
i spent a year in dirtnigistan you smelly goat rapist. i know all about your evil ways. and you didn't serve if you didn't deploy. i was fucking there man. save your lame stories for illiterate hooters waitresses.
>muh xenophobia
fuck off cuck
fuck off phoneshit
Wow!You know more about me than myself!
>been mining for almost half a year with 2x L3+
>visit /pol/ and Veeky Forums extensively
I don't know what the fuck iota has to do with /pol/ but you're welcome.
>being scared of humans with different coloration of skin
HAHAHAHAHA so much for muh white superiority when you can't even get over your own insecurities
>moonman captcha