Red-pill me on Zoroastrianism
Red-pill me on Zoroastrianism
Persian religion of which we know surprisingly little about. The oldest current manuscript of a Zoroastrian religious text dates to the 12th century AD, and the earliest record of one being mentioned comes from a Sassanid Persian document. Considering that some of the language in the Avestas and Gathas seems to point to origins circa 1,500-1,000 B.C., we have a huge stretch of time between earliest documentary evidence and linguistic evidence, a gap in which almost anything could have happened.
Parsi Zoroastrianism : Does not accept converts
Non Parsi Zoroastrianism : Does accept converts
Meme religion
They believe incest is a holy thing.
Much of Game of Thrones is based on them.
It's Judaism/pagan fire god mix.
Jews got the the idea of "Religion is a battle between good vs. evil" from it. That's why you have the whole God vs. Satan thing in Christianity.
Yeah, I don't think GRRM knows anything about Iran
Much like Christianity, but instead of saying "man are nothing near God" they said "Man are great and when they do good, they help God in his fight against Satan"
The linguistic approach is absurd. People know when Zarathustra lived.
Zarathustra, also spelled Zarathushtra, Greek Zoroaster (born traditionally c. 628 bce, possibly Rhages, Iran—died c. 551 bce), Iranian religious reformer and prophet, traditionally regarded as the founder of Zoroastrianism.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Very close to being the True Religion.
Zurvanism is the true religion
So clearly this man was alive during the Jewish captivity in Babylon that became captivity in the Medo-Persian empire, read the Jewish scriptures, believed them, and added a little local pagan fire god to the mix.
Nobody knows, that's just the EB's preferred date.
This kind of bull shit makes Mazda sad, you know?
According to Zoroastrian tradition, he flourished “258 years before Alexander” (the Great) conquered Persepolis—the capital of the Persian Achaemenian dynasty—in 330 bce. Tradition also records that he was 40 years old when he converted Vishtāspa, most likely a king of Chorasmia (an area south of the Aral Sea in Central Asia), in 588 bce, thus indicating that his birth date was 628 bce.
What's Zurvansim and why do you claim it is the "true religion"
As it's a demon, I don't care.
Other problems concern the content and influence of Zarathustra’s teachings. It is not clear, for example, what part of Zoroastrianism derives from Zarathustra’s tribal religion and what part was new as a result of his visions and creative religious genius; the extent to which the later Zoroastrian religion of the Sāsānian period (224–651 ce) genuinely reflected the teachings of Zarathustra; and the extent to which the sources—the Avesta (the Zoroastrian scriptures) with the Gāthās (older hymns), the Middle Persian Pahlavi books, and reports of various Greek authors—offer an authentic guide to Zarathustra’s ideas.
Absolutely fits the EB timeline.
Zurvanism is Zoroastrianism with the inclusion of a third, all powerful deity named Zurvan, who is omnipotent, unmotivated, uncaring, and the source of all creation.
Two Angra Mainyu workshipers in one post?
Zurvanism is a heresy that say Mazda and Mainyu are one.
Not to mention the belief in a future Messiah
One is me, one is not me.
This is me.
Which was written down 3500 years ago, in the bible.
>Not being a jew
No surprise every single nation in ancient world hated and fucked with israel
Even earlier, actually, as Job spoke of the necessity of God being a mediator between God and man, and thus needing to provide such a mediator himself, which is about 4000 years ago.
The bible didnt exist 3500 years....
Why am I even engaging you?
Israel rolled them. Of course what people fear, they hate.
The bible begins with Genesis, and began to be written down 3500 years ago by Moses at Mt. Sinai.
Ignore cristians, they just follow Angra Mainyu
>Why am I even engaging you?
You crave my approval, obviously.
Job was a filthy Gentile, and thusly has no say in the word of God.
Then so was Abraham.
Both were the worse kind of men, a gentile that like jews, probably both had stocolm syndrome
Nah. They got a lot from Egyptians and Canaans as well.
But this specific part they got from the one true Religion.
But you, you're the best kind of man, aren't you.
Ah, Judaism Lite
Filthy cock cutter
Same as above, but without cock cutting
>They believe incest is a holy thing.
>things rulers do to keep power consolidated become holy and sacred and enshrined in scripture
wow, what a funny coincidence that you find things that benefit the ruling class in all organized religions.
At least I've 100% of the body Mazda give to me, if I wanted to cut myself, I'd workship Kali not "God"
Wow, we have a fedora commie here,
Ah, I see. Judaism without circumcision. Or laws.
Yes, that part of your dick is just so important in life.
Oh, wait, it totally isn't.
Your god forbid so many normal things, why not shipost?
You know most circumcised males are circumcised on Day Eight, right?
On Day Eight, you said no? Fuck off? No circumcision for you? That's your main claim to glory, is that your parents didn't have you circumcised?
How sad.
There's only one God. You'll see him. Face to face. You will not enjoy it.
Yes, I'll see Mazda when time come, while you that keep being a bad person, immoral and sectarist, seeing only chosen and Genties, will see your "god" Mainyu face to face.
Keep doing the will of the rulers of Israel, being good sheeps for them, instead of being a good person and being Just. Your religion was the joke of ancient word
You missed the third group. Of course, because as a child of the devil the third group is incomprehensible to you.
Gentiles - non-Jews, non-Christians
Christians. New creations in Christ Jesus.
If I see your particular demon god, I'll spit on him in the pit.
The only option to not being a sheep is to be a goat.
A goat who will eat anything.
Christians - Genties by the jew, regular humans by Christians
I chose to be a man, to help in the fight for Justice in day a day life, instead of following some magical rules.. like a dog.
If I'm don't have blind obedience and accept I'm a piece of shit, just a pawn in God's had, than I'm a goat? Men are more than you priests tell you, we are not God's ants farm, with are fighting against evil on His side.
Three groups that exist in this age, and in no other.
Religion that gave rise to Judaism(despise their claims)
Fighting against God is fighting against Justice, as God is Just.
Yes. Sheep, or goat. You get to choose. Neither is very majestic.
Religion based on Judaism (because of facts).
Your "God" is your owner, and like a good pet, you defend him
Sorry, men are a little different from "god" toys, they have more choices.
You missed the part where after He purchased me with His blood, He set me free.
I am not only free, but my soul is at peace with my Maker.
Only one choice matters in eternity, and therefore only one choice matters.
For Jesus, or Against Jesus.
You continue being his little toy, nothing more than a pet for his fun
For good, not blind obedience for some "holy" men, we are fighting for Justice, Good, Mercy on this word on the SIDE of God... or we are just some sort of divine ant farm
I'm His brother, and He is my brother.
Open adoption. Offer still on the table. Choose this day whom ye will serve.
Look at the universe, and imagine the being who spoke it into existence. Look at its scope and its majesty, and recall the awe you feel at perceiving even a slight piece of it.
Now imagine that being who spoke it into existence.
Now imagine how much He needs your help with anything.
No, you are his little puppy, men for Christianity are nothing more than pieces of crap, toys on His hands... but that is not true, are we who fight on his side for Justice.
I look at a man how thing he is just cattle, and likes it. God don't created us to worship him, but to fight on His side.
I have been adopted into the family of God, and made joint heir with Christ Jesus.
Joint heir with God Himself.
You really thing He create us to be praised, suffer and then send us to Hell or Heaven based on his will?
Not his family, you is not His son... if you were, he would truth you to know what is right and worng, instead of some pre-made set of rules
When God flooded the world and killed tens of millions of men, did he need Noah's help?
When Jesus killed 185,000 of Sennacharib's soldiers in one moment overnight, did he need Hezekiah's help?
When Jesus will kill so many muslims that it will take the entire country of Israel 7 months just to cover up the bodies, and make new trade routes, does he need Bebe's help?
No, your idea of god is small enough for you to dismiss it.
Draw near to the one true God, and He will draw near to you.
And you will not enjoy that feeling, at all. Which is why you stay away, thinking you can hide in the darkness from a being Who is Light.
Exactly. I do not have a premade set of rules, as I am not a Jew. I am a born again Christian, which means that I have the Spirit of God sealed within me to counsel me on what is good, what is evil, and what is worthwhile.
No, just killed everyone he didn't liked as a Kid would do.
But you are a Christian what is not very different, half of your holy book (the bad half) is literally the Jews holy book... we are not powerless creatures, waiting for dead... we were made ate His image, able to judge, be good, fight, ... far more than church expect from us.
Get it out of your head that God needs anything, and get it out of your head that you can stand up to God and win.
Every men is fighting on His side, enduring suffering not because He wanted us to, but evil exist and He gives us the power to fight it, and fight involve suffer.
As we post I am tearing down strongholds and fighting against principalities of the air, exposing lies and darkness, and spreading salt and light to the world.
That's my Father's work, and I enjoy it.
(My fighting days are over; I did my hitch, and it was both joyful and interesting, to say the least.)
God didn't create His sons to worship him, but because we as His sons need to help our father against evil... we are His sons, not his compensator
Shame on a son that refuses to help his Father, when he need.
I can stand on His side, no on His feet... are we His sons or toys?
Your imaginary god needs your help. Go help him.
I'm an adopted son; I have no idea what you are.
You imaginary owner, I can say this thing you call "God" is a God somehow, is just a puppet created by some powerful man to make weak men good puppets.
I'm a man, a son of God, no need to be adopted by my own father
Then you were born into the family of the devil, and have not asked God to adopt you into His family.
There is an absolute need to be adopted into God's family, if you want to avoid eternal punishment in hellfire.
If you're okay with that, stay where you were spawned.
Taking your daughter as wife
So Devil can create men, interesting...
Gathas which detail Zoroaster's life predate the "late 7th" century claim by a 500-700 years.
Why do people just talking out of their asses. Zoroastrianism of Sassanian era has been preserved very well. It's true that we don't know much about the details of Achaemenid era Zoroastrianism, but it's not wrong to believe Sassanids did preserve some of the rituals dating to then too. Regardless, Sassanian era Zoroastrianism was preserved well as most scholars claim.
GRRM claimed that Zoroastrianism served as influence to Game of Thrones:
>Zoroastrianism of Sassanian era has been preserved very well
Then please, show me a Sassanid era document from a Zoroastrian source. Anything before 652.
>born traditionally
"Traditionally" Herakles, Odysseus and Helen of Troy existed.
Kartir Hangirpe's engravings
Kar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan (written during Sassanian era; served as basis for Shahnameh, dated to Sassanian era)
Shahnameh also documents Sassanian kingly lineage well in third portion. It's based on oral tales.
Mani's Cologne Mani Codex (recently recovered)
influenced from proto-monism developing in central Asia / northern India???
always wondered about the exact connection between nascent Zoroastrianism and proto-Hinduism
None of those are religious texts. The engravings are a quasi-autobiography, Kar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan is a biography of the first Sassanid king, and the manuscript, Codex MK, dates to 1322, although the use of Middle Persian suggests its composition is older. The Shahnameh dates to the 10th century, not the 6th. The Mani codex is of the right time, but it's a book about, (as can probably be determined by the name) Manicheanism, not Zoroastrianism.
Using any of that to reconstruct contemporary Zoroastrian religious practices, let alone "original" Zoroastrian religious practices, is nonsense.