>tfw bomber harris destroyed german civilization
Tfw bomber harris destroyed german civilization
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wonderful thread
ofc the answer is that germans of the time lead it to destruction
The Germans were doing a pretty good job of that anyways.
and he should do it again
Do it again bomber harris
If only he were alive today to finish off the Turkmans who are now trying to make everyone suck nigger dicks as much as they do.
Hitler destroyed german civilization. With the huge exodus of people, and with the destruction of the academia in favor of military themed reactionism, and his crusade against "degeneracy", Hitler and the Nazi party ruined german philosophy, culture, music, architecture, everything. They killed it, and salted the corpse, so it can't be recovered by future generations.
t. edgelord 14 year olds with bad teeth who are a minority in their own capital
>bomb everything
>complain when bombed
Have you not seen the pictures of warsaw post-bombing?
>The Nazis did it so it's OK to murder innocents
>declare war on a country
>complain when they bomb you
top jew
>It's okay if the Germans bomb us but if we bomb them we are evil
Not what I said, retard.
Is it actually hard to concede it's wrong to murder civilians no matter who the perpetrator is?
What do you expect
For them to just bend over and spread? if you punch someone don't be surprised if you get punched back.
>Germany declared war on England
the fucking state of Veeky Forums
Germany invaded Poland, and France and England declared war on Germany
it is probably the one piece of history ever European knows
it's like the assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand
Well, if I could stop shitposting for just a second, saturation bombing was a military necessity created by the poor technology of the area.
If a German flak gun is shooting at you, the last thing you want to do is fly low and straight in clear weather, during the daytime.
This being the case, the CEP for a WW2 bomb was on the order of a thousand yards or more.
This meant that targeting specific sites was impossible and the only way to conduct effective strategic attacks was to saturate an area with high explosive.
This, of course, resulted in horrific violence against innocent people, but it also kept the Germans from being able to hole up in Dresden and delay the Red Army, which meant that the war was ended sooner and hundreds of thousands of lives were saved.
It wasn't okay to bomb Warsaw, but it was more than okay to bomb London.
>Germany declared war on England
I'm not English though.
My country participated in the firebombing of Dresden because the Germans declared war on it.
Well I'm saying Dresden is right but how is London fine?
>Well, if I could stop shitposting for just a second, saturation bombing was a military necessity created by the poor technology of the area.
>This meant that targeting specific sites was impossible and the only way to conduct effective strategic attacks was to saturate an area with high explosive.
The purpose of the area bombardment of cities was laid out in a British Air Staff paper, dated 23 September 1941:
The ultimate aim of an attack on a town area is to break the morale of the population which occupies it. To ensure this, we must achieve two things: first, we must make the town physically uninhabitable and, secondly, we must make the people conscious of constant personal danger. The immediate aim, is therefore, twofold, namely, to produce (i) destruction and (ii) fear of death.[150]
No, and targeting industry (with some collateral damage) is completely understandable in war, but deliberately targeting civilians is murder. And just because the Nazis murdered innocents, it's not alright to murder other innocents (which most victims were), period.
Probably he said that because the British declared war. The bombing of civilians in London was obviously wrong, though, as well.
That's what they were supposed to do, but it didn't turn out that way.
It turns out morale bombing is dumb, but saturation bombing of urban centers fucks up an industrial economy really badly.
*not right
>saturation bombing of urban centers fucks up an industrial economy really badly.
>Much of the doubt about the effectiveness of the bomber war comes from the fact German industrial production increased throughout the war.[24] A combination of factors helped increase German war material output, these included; continuing development from production lines started before the war, limiting competing models of equipment, government enforced sharing of production techniques, a change in how contracts were priced and an aggressive worker suggestion program. At the same time production plants had to deal with a loss of experienced workers to the military, assimilating untrained workers, culling workers incapable of being trained, and utilizing unwilling forced labor. Strategic bombing failed to reduce German war production. There is insufficient information to ascertain how much additional potential industrial growth the bombing campaign may have curtailed.[25] However, attacks on the infrastructure were taking place. The attacks on Germany's canals and railroads made transportation of materiel difficult.[22]
TL;DR: it didn't "fuck up an industrial economy really badly", but you still got pic related and hundreds of thousands of dead civilians.
You got me
>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Harris so much, I had all the merchandise
>I pray to Harris every night, thanking him for defeating the Nazis
>"Bomber Harris," I say, "do it again"
>My dad hears me and calls me a partisan
>I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Harris
>I called him a Wehraboo
>He gassed me and told me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>I feel a warmth move towards me
>I feel something touch me
>It's Harris
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear, "God save the King"
>He grabs me with his Avro Lancaster
>I'm ready
>I open my bomber bay for Harris
>He drops bombs
>It hurts but I do it for Harris
>I feel the bombs exploding as my eyes water
>I push against the bombs
>I want to please Harris
>He sips his tea as he fills my butt with bombs
>My dad walks in
>Harris looks him in the eye and says "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"
>He flies out in his Lancaster
>Bomber Harris, do it again
>30 years after ww2 bomber Harris was asked what he thought about his bombing of Dresden
>''I wish I dropped more bombs''
My favorite antifa meme
Just another proof that Germs are culturless barbarians
what did OP mean by this?
Best thing about it is that its Kraut antifa, not all Germs are bad.
>Germans want to die so badly they want to be bombed
>they aren't being bombed so they're committing slow suicide via millions of shitskins
Can we nuke them out of our misery already?
Good one OP.
From that angle Dresden looks better today, though. There are a tonne of better cities that you could've used an as an example.
Krauts could had it worse
Threadly reminder that Bismarck is responsible for the destruction of """GERMANY""" and that nation is an historical aberration, a fiction of the same man who paved the road for its absolution by fire.
>Bismarck is responsible for the destruction of """GERMANY""
But he created it.
>I didn't read the rest of the post
>being this buttblasted
>projecting this much
start shit get hit
Do it again bomber harris
t. Hans
>start shit
>get hit
Eternal Kraut and Wehraboos BTFO
Oh look, it's a thread full of my classmates who sit in the library at a table by themselves while creepily staring at pretty girls who I chat up and take out bowling. I can smell you incels a mile away. Sad!
If you start a war against a country, you are also starting a war against all countries protecting that country.
Wow user that is brilliant, i never thought that
t. juden
>Literally invent and furnish the world's first "total war"
>surprised when your enemies don't just roll over like dogs and total war back at you
the germans don't claim themselves a civilization, they call themselves a "culture"
it is the French who claim themselves a civilization, rightfully
Back to R*ddit and take the Sterner shitposters with you.
If France was/is a civilization, every other European country was/is a civilization, too. They all fulfill the criteria to be classified as such.
t. Schicklgruber
triggered jerrycuck
The world cuck is massively overused by /pol/ but holy fuck, this is literal mental cuckoldry.
That's Antifa...
*I mean it's not surprising considering it's them
Well done
I hate this Dresden meme. I mean, it was a great city and all that, but in terms of historical and cultural value, cities like Nuremburg, Wurzburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Lubeck, Rostock, Bremen, Braunschweig, Hildesheim, Hannover, Magdeburg, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Danzig, Stettin, Breslau, Konigsberg and the likes were of equal importance if not even more significant.
And nothing of value was lost.
Should have been a war of extermination desu. Get rid of the trouble makers once and for all
Do it again bomber harris
Do it again bomber harris
Do it again, Bomber Harris
Obviously an outstanding gentleman who defended his country and helped win a war.
How long until America and Russia get to have another race to Berlin?
Gessing on how bad merkel is fucking up, pretty soon
G*rmans destroyed themselves.
merkel did nothing wrong
>doing X is wrong
>let's do X
It's sad that people don't learn out of history. Those part of Germany where the cities were destroyed and the population genocided are nowadays the parts where our far right wing party has the majority. (plus pretty much all people there being the lowest bydlo trash).
This board wants to be better than /pol/ but you all get excited about war crimes, attacks against civilians, the unimaginable suffering of millions.
Voted for Hitler. There was no such thing as "German civilians''. Those same "civilians" had no issues with mass murder of Slavs and others in east.
I guess it's not so great when the boot is on your neck.
Holocaust deniers GTFO.
>german civilization
Can't destroy what never existed tbqh.
>le Hitler was democratically elected! meme
Why are good goys so historically illiterate?
Are you fucking retarded or something?
The best result the NSDAP ever got was 43.91% (with a 88.74% turnout). That was 6 years before the war and after 3 years of unstable governments that were only able to govern through emergency decrees.
Even if you say that everyone who voted NSDAP in 1933 deserved to be murdered, that means over 60% of the population was completely innocent.
Besides, no ideology or opinion makes you a combatant, you remain civilian regardless of your political stance.
But reasoning like this obviously doesn't belong on Veeky Forums, so go on with your angry bullshit.
There's no real moral ground I'll take on Dresden. It was the largest and most destructive war in history, Britain had been bombed, so they decided to bomb them back, but with more 'results.'
How can you use the same logic and arguments Hitler used without feeling like shit if you think Hitler was a monster? I don't get it. You use the exact same rhetoric. X is not human because Y, therefore we don't have to treat them like humans and all our crimes are perfectly fine, even honorable.
But Nazi-Germany is seen as evil (rightfully), while Britain still cherishes mass murder and is proud of it.
Get yourself a better res.
You can't commit mass murder if you don't kill people. Subhuman krauts are more like rats than human.
Post a pic of yourself faggot, let's see how much of a human you are