Red pill me on the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Red pill me on the Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Two Austrias
>Whitest Country in the world
>monarchic France
>a federation of equals
Jokes aside, the KuK was an abomination, a ramshackle coalition formed out of necessity to oppose the Turks, which lost it's reason for existence after the Turk got kicked out of Europe and fell apart under nationalistic pressures.
I...What do you even call this?
It was Austrian
It was Hungarian and
It was an empire
So at least it had that going for it.
Austro-Austra-Croat-Latvia-Swede-Argentina-Somali-Hungarian Empire
>has an emperor
>is not an empire
>which lost it's reason for existence after the Turk got kicked out of Europe
But this never happened, they're still here,
>monarchic France
>monarchic France
Are you an American
>monarchic France
Wait, are you taking about Croatia? hahahah dumbfuck
>Whitest Country in the world
Guess again
There were Austrians and there were Hungarians and it was an Empire. What's there's to dispute?
Job's not done, I guess.
It was based and could've survived (most of its minorities were loyal to the Emperor) with federalisation were it not for the Eternal Anglo.
based as fuck
had an arch duke not an emperor.
>not understanding jokes about Argentina
what the fuck is wrong with you?
It was ruined by Emus and Hungarians. RIP.
he confused sweden with "monarchic france" (pic related), and whitest country in the world meant argentina (/int/ meme)
*blocks your path*
*blocks your reform*
haha nothin personal kiddo
*frogs partition you and Austria*
Happy now?
Somalia isn't Ancap in the slightest.
>Two Austrias
>monarchic France
>This country will never exist
Just kill me now desu
*bitches about Trianon*