I'll start
Literal Nazis who practised eugenics, were ruled by a monarch and whose whole economy was based on slavery. They were also xenophobic and social spergs, especially around women (hence why they were segregated).
I'll start
Literal Nazis who practised eugenics, were ruled by a monarch and whose whole economy was based on slavery. They were also xenophobic and social spergs, especially around women (hence why they were segregated).
Too bad you got it all wrong and that Sparta was the exact opposite of that. It was basically the only free place in Greece, which is why everyone looked to them to free them from the Athenian Terror. Sparta was basically Rome.
Veeky Forums is Thebe, the city full of buttfuckers. Think about it. This board is filled with turbovirgins who will all go sissy.
A bunch of turbovirgins that nevertheless raped Sparta.
Olympia is Veeky Forums
Athens, master shitposters who are commonly seen as representing the whole of Greece / Veeky Forums
Delphi, home of the most famous oracle.
>Veeky Forums
Corinth, basically Athens-lite, totally overlooked and most normies don't even know it existed
Ephesus.More Greek than the Greeks, too bad they're all just Hellenised barbarians.
because Veeky Forums is the only board on Veeky Forums that has those
Veeky Forums is Athens with its silver mines
Thebes is clearly /lgbt/, /cm/, and / or /s4s/
Nah it's Delos, the useless """city""" that was used as a bank but contributed exactly nothing to history or culture.
>most free place in Greece
>Ruled by one single blue-blood family
>By far the most ruthless with his slaves, Rome tier
>Secretly homossexual
/pol/ is Sparta, no doubt about that...
If you doubt here are some relates of how Spartans treated his slaves:
"The helots were Greeks reduced to servitude by the Spartans. Their exact origin is unclear, but some accounts claim that they had been the inhabitants of a place called Helos, which was conquered by the Spartans. With every new conquest, the number of helots increased. The helots were occupied as farmers, house servants, and any other activity that would distract the Spartan citizens from their military duties. There was constant tension between the helots and the Spartans. They were treated in humiliating ways and constantly intimidated. They had to wear a cap made of dog skin and a leather tunic. It was agreed that the helots should be beaten an agreed number of strokes every year, regardless of any transgression they might have committed, so they would not forget that they were slaves.Sparta had a secret police (the Crypteia), responsible for keeping the Helots in check. Plutarch (Life of Lycurgus 28) wrote that the Crypteia would kill any helot found in the countryside during the night. During the day, they would kill any helot who looked strong and fit."
While in Athens, you had slaves working even in the police force
Macedonia is reddit. Retarded, but more manpower than the Greek City States.
>>Ruled by one single blue-blood family
Sparta famously had TWO royal families, and the kings weren't tyrants but only part of a balance of power.
>By far the most ruthless with his slaves, Rome tier
Obviously it wasn't free for the slaves, user is talking about life for citizens, try to keep up.
>Ruled by one single blue-blood family
>>By far the most ruthless with his slaves, Rome tier
>Secretly homossexual
Not only do you provide no sources but you say things that are plain fucking retarded that even a 3rd grader knows are untrue.
To begin, do you realize, retard, just how little power the kings in Sparta possessed? And I say kings, because, you know, THERE'S NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE. If you looked into their system of government you would realize that the power they could wield was reined in at all times.
Spartans only kept helots as slaves, which weren't all that different from serfs in other societies. Compare that to the Athenians, who would split up families and take literate people into slavery or make whores of noble women.
And the homosexual stuff is just a plain myth. There is nothing to back it up - nothing. All the physical evidence there is shows no signs of such behavior, and the people that insist upon it are the same people that lie about the Spartans in all sorts of ways. Propaganda isn't a new thing.
If the Spartans were so uncivilized, so barbaric, why is it that the Peloponnesians always went to them for help? How did they maintain such good relationships for centuries with their neighbors? And why were they seen as protectors who took down tyrants and restored cities to a natural state?
Uneducated retard.
>Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is Syracuse, home of Archimedes.
>normies don't know about it
It's in the fucking bibles! There's a damn whole book called "Corinthians"! Don't tell me you don't think Normies go to church? Corinth is probably right behind Athens and Sparta in terms of how well-known they are.
/pol/ is more like Troy, being invaded by Redditors smuggling themselves in a giant wooden redpill.
Why do all med countries have so many mountains? I'm quite jealous tbqh
The Mediterranean is where two tectonic plates collide.
which city would be /k/?
Which one is /m/?
Some bumfuck nowhere in Thrace.
Rhodes, obviously
most normies don't even know there are books called Corinthians in the bible most of them only know the Genesis (and pretty much only the creation part) Exodus, the Gospels and le meme apocalypsis
Thought I'd storm up a little event for this thread.
Darius has enacted the first Persian War. You will take control of one of the set city states and make your decisions. Good luck fellow Veeky Forumstorians
cretan archers
Persia is reddit
TWO monarchs you dumb fuck
shows how much you know
>T-they weren't an evil monarchy!! They had t-two monarchs not one!
we can chalk up /v/tv/b/bant/int and sports into thracian animals
/x/ obviously Delphi
Veeky Forums,Veeky Forums,/r9k/ are Athens
/pol/ is the Kingdom of Macedon
Veeky Forums and /sp/ are Olympia
/tv/ is Epidauros
Veeky Forums is Syracuse or Alexandria
/Lgbt/ is Thebes
Veeky Forums is Delos
/k/ and /bant/ are Sparta
Also /adv/ and /x/ are delphi
The Macedon that Phillip and Alexander came from was part of current-day Greece, spoke Greece, worshiped Greek gods, Etc. Current-day Macedonia is just a LARPing country and Bulgarians.
What about /a/ and /jp/? The anime boards need to be the reclusive yet ancient ones that literally created the culture of the others. Maybe Cretan cities? With /a/ as the capital.
/a/ is Knossos or Mycenae, the ancient power defining what came after but completely ruined and sidelined by rising powers like /pol/'s Macedon.
It's obviously Delphi, their main business is prediction scam
>Secretly homosexual
Can confirm
Well /u/ is lesbos and /y/ is andros so that was easy.
/lgbt/ is fagolopolis... oh wait that ones not real?
/jp/ is Argos, holding onto the old ways and fondly remembering the age of gods.
/v/ is Thousand Gated Thebes, Veeky Forums is Seven Gated Thebes.
it has to be Thebes because of the sacred band
Like clockwork.
Nobody like LARPing Bulgarians. And no, I'm not Greek.
> Sparta
> "A" monarch
They had two kings you illiterate cunt
And they didn't even have any sort of power except in religious rituals and in commanding armies
Veeky Forums is myletus, birthplace of philosophy
What of Veeky Forums?
I agree with your statement. Also, Ithaca is a beautiful place, was very happy to visit.
Who's Epirus?
And can we expand to include Emporion and Massilia?