i want to suport the white race.... what coins do i buy? is there any profit in day trading? im new
I want a nice car a nice house i wanna pay my parents mortgage
You have to go back to pole fat boy
day trading is only for emotionless autists who don't get greedy, know when to cut their losses, and are prepared to make slow steady advances.
If this sounds like you then buy in, if not, just all in BAT and hodl until lamboland
MAGAcoin might be a good start. Godspeed.
fat lesbian detected.
Get out auscuck
when will lamboland? and how much bat would i need? i have like 42
Why is it so impossible for you retards to keep your /pol/ shit on your toilet board? You can't even make a single simple thread without bringing it up.
go shove ur tiny penis up your asian girlfriend you fag
>i want to suport the white race
get lost, this is a race mixing board.
Please go back to your fucking containment board.
Need to be 18 to post here senpai
How about you go shove your penis up your girlfr- oh wait.
get a job.
even on the internet people can tell when you are projecting, stormweenie
if you really wanna make some quick gains just get in BTS right now and sell it in about 12 hours
Holy fuck mate, stop embarrassing us. Are you from Tas to have that inbred deformity you call a hand?
haha go fuck ur nigger cousin abo cum farter
There is profit in day trading if you start with $10,000
>i want to suport the white race
Jesus fucking christ... I don't even mind /pol/, I posted there for the longest time, but when you fucks brings this shit in here with no context or reason it's so fucking cringe.
kill yourself
The white race is done for. Just help yourself now.
Buy any shit coin
Digbytes are the only way to secure the future of you and you offspring
God Speed user
Get the fuck out of here fucking /pol/ nigger