Show me your suits Veeky Forums
Show me your suits Veeky Forums
Nice neck, looking thick.
>wearing a suit
Stay cucked
Unless you're wearing it because you choose to
How else am I supposed to hide the .40 in my armpit, I'm not gonna pants tuck it like a nigger.
shave that pathetic excuse for a beard
>not enjoying wearing a suit
Full pleb
Do your top button up and tighten your tie, standing with your hands together over your privates is beta body language, instead stand with your hands by your side, or together higher up like you are adjusting your watch etc
Kek, spoken like a champion. You look great otherwise OP you gay faggot
Fresh fits
> tfw no gf
> tfw khhv
i dont have a suit because i rarely leave my bedroom desu
looks like you bought it from value village
Shirt looks like it could use some ironing.
Otherwise this looks fine in my eyes
You look like absolute fucking dogshit.
How can you tell
waiting for XMR to moon so I can buy me a Tom Ford suit
I hope it's a glock and not an XD
Im 26, retired and just sit in my pajamas all day fucking around in the garden, doing stuff around the house and watching movies.
at night i just trade some crypto
whenever i leave the house i usually just wear some basketball shorts and flip flops.
If i go somewhere "nice" i just wear blue levis and a black shirt with black shoes. I just buy a stack of blue shirts wear them once, wash em, wear them once more time then donate them.
Dressing in a suit is lame as fuck. If you say its for your job, thats what i mean, its lame as fuck.
how did you retire so early ?
worked my ass off in construction, saved up money bought piece of shit houses and fixed them up to rent them out. some of the material i used was left over from the jobs. i penny pinched every day and packed a lunch. then i got into stocks when housing market was out of reach for me, i couldn't make money fast enough to keep up with market. so then i started trading stocks. after getting started on stocks i quickly found other investors that got me involved in some really good investments and taught me alot. stopped working construction a couple years ago.
also, buy some BTS right now.
Why am I seeing bts shilling now lol. It's been downtrend/dead for months.
Suits are the literal opposite of cuck attire you gutter trash
because its been accumulated and its about to make a steady climb the next few days.
thats how it works. Accumulation and distribution. right now its leaving accumulation, get in before distribution.
Come at me
jesus are you seriously promoting this as if you are hot shit? fml
>beta hands over baby dick
>pants are terrible cut, legs are baggs and don't hand properly
>bottom button but not top button is done wtf??
>top neck button on shirt is undone
>tie is loose
>suit opening is tiny, not enough shirt visible
>shitty kmart quality fabric and colors
>shows are cheap and shapeless
>sleeves on jacket and shirt are way to long
>nothing here is bespoke, let alone tailored in anyway
>clearly a DGB holder
Pajeet, my friend.
Did you get that at Costco? You look like my grandfather. Oh and learn to tie a knot properly or you will keep selling soap over the phone your whole life
how much of an insecure cuck do you need to be to wear a suit?
people who are mad at the world
let's start with you then user
>boring vanderbuilt frat guyesq look
>off the rack suit jacket and pants
>taken in a dressing room
>boring lifeless pocket stuff
>salmon shirt because you don't already hate yourself enough
>no belt for easy access from behind for chad
>cheap shirt that has lost its will to live and needs an iron like you need a father figure
>no muscle definition
>bought NEO at $60
Lol gtfo pajeet
Any one know the name of this style? A little more fitted and a bland color tie is perfection.
Why would you idolise someone with such shit taste?
dgb holder for sure
*tips fedora*
very nice. Only thing is the watch, it's a bit flashy. Go for a more understated watch.
Besides that you look like a million dollar, fucking pajeet