Do you have some tips to make money excepted crypto currencies ? This year I have NOTHING to do and I don't wanna waste this year, what would you do ?
What are your tips to make money ?
I think this all depends on your skillset
I can do literally everything but I don't have any ideas, Atm I'm spending all my days trading crypto but I don't need that much time to trade crypto
I can't know for sure but I have the feeling that neither of these things is true
> I can do literally everything but I don't have any ideas
>i can literally do anything
think of some good ideas then?
i buy a shit coin and then i go around and tell EVERYONE about it. then when it goes up a little i sell it.
I missed out on some huge gains by taking small gains, but gains are gains.
Get in BTS and try it out for yourself.
Everything seems so fucking worthless.
Trading crypto is annoying I only made 200$ to 8k$ but most of the part I was HOLDING that's cool but not enough to not be a wagecuck
I made some websites, but same thing, it doesn't take me a lot of time
I also made a youtube channel like Mrsuicidesheep, actually 10k subs and I receive something like 30 e-mails everyday but it doesn't take me that much time as well
I don't have any other ideas but I have a LOT of time
Get a good degree and dont work at a temporary McJob full-time.
Go travel by yourself for 4 month, when you are back you will have ideas
it's all about the risk/reward ratio... even if you make random trades with a 1:3 rr ratio you'll be a winner at long term.
suck dicks but charge extra for nutting in your mouth
I'm French, and I'm studying law. In France it's good to be a poorfag they're giving me 450€/months for my studies.
The thing is, I've failed one exam for 2016-17 at 9.982/20 and now for 2017-8 I have ONLY this exam and ONLY 2 hours/weeks for 10 weeks but they are going to keep sending me 450e/months all this year
They're stupid but I'm not complaining, free money while doing nothing
Bien le CROUS ?
Prolo > all
Ces cons vont me filer 450 balles par mois toute l'année alors que j'ai que 2 heures par semaines de cours de octobre à novembre
Putain les esclaves me mettent ARCHI BIEN, mais le délire c'est qu'il faut que j'm'occupe j'm'ennuie à la mort khey, faut à tout prix que je trouve des trucs utiles à faire pour me mettre encore mieux pendant que les esclaves cotisent pour que je me branle
Tu regretteras ce genre de choses, tu verras.
Au lieu de cracher dans la soupe regarde un peu autour de toi comment les choses se passent.
Regretter quoi ? Me faire payer à rien faire ? Autour de moi, oui je vois des gens se casser le cul pendant que j'fous rien et du coup j'ai bien envie d'en profiter pour débuter un projet long terme et éviter d'être esclave
degage le shill, je veux pas de toi ici marre de voir ta gueule sur jvc finance
He et crois pas que c'est de l'argent facile, daytrade des cryptos c'est pas si simple que ça
sauf si on est un gros fdp et qu'on a un putain de reseau de delits d'initiés sinon c'est mort, j'ai fais pas mal de gain pour ma part en faisant du taff en plus de ça, de quoi changer mon niveau de vie mais je me suis reellement cassé le cul.
Je vois ça comme une sorte de start up, les collegues chiants en moins. Toi, tu vas te faire bouffer immediatement
All you need is one BTC in fiat. You know you only have to go all-in 10 times and win to become a millionaire because 2^10 = 1024. With roulettes you can double your money with a probability of about 0.5 by putting it on either red or black. So the probability to win 10 times in a row is 0.5^10 = 1/1024. So you only have to do it 1024 times to get it done once. When you use 1 BTC you can try it about 2048 times.