Why did they kill Rosa? When will they be made to pay for crimes?
Why did they kill Rosa? When will they be made to pay for crimes?
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Freikorps did nothing wrong.
Because rosa wanted to kill them
What's wrong with killing women
>be constant antagonistic shit starter
>constantly shill for bolshevism
>at the time russia is in a bloddy civil war, with the newly installed communist government (who only got there in the first place by overthrowing the provisional government) is killing people left and right for not being of the same mind set as them
>try to do the EXACT same thing in Germany
>cry when you lose
Its so pathetic how leftypol pretends some some innocent martyr who dindu nuffin. Start shit, get hit bitch
Fuck off Schulz
What was the role of the social democrats in her assasination?
The Social Democrats were the ones who were in power during the Spartacist rebellion, and they made use of right-wing militias of disgruntled WW1 veterans to crush the uprising. Basically, the center-left made a temporary alliance with the far-right to destroy the far-left.
She wasn't a fucking Bolshevik. She and the Bolsheviks hated each other.
It's fucking naïve to imagine that a successful communist uprising would have ended differently than in Russia. Also, Emma Goldman was the female Marxist who hated the Bolsheviks.
social democrats are liberals and commies hate liberals and leftist with different ideologies.
Killing communists is self-defense.
>tfw you will never join the Freikorps and defend your nation against communism
Not a bolshevik.
>Freedom only for the supporters of the government, only for the members of one party – however numerous they may be – is no freedom at all. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. Not because of any fanatical concept of “justice” but because all that is instructive, wholesome and purifying in political freedom depends on this essential characteristic, and its effectiveness vanishes when “freedom” becomes a special privilege.
>We did not consider above the destruction of the most important democratic guarantees of a healthy public life and of the political activity of the laboring masses: freedom of the press, the rights of association and assembly, which have been outlawed for all opponents of the Soviet regime. For these attacks (on democratic rights), the arguments of Trotsky cited above, on the cumbersome nature of democratic electoral bodies, are far from satisfactory. On the other hand, it is a well-known and indisputable fact that without a free and untrammeled press, without the unlimited right of association and assemblage, the rule of the broad masses of the people is entirely unthinkable.
>Also, Emma Goldman was the female Marxist who hated the Bolsheviks.
What the fuck is this argument? Is there supposed to be only one "female Marxist who hated the Bolsheviks" and the position was already taken? Both are female communist anti bolsheviks and plenty of others are.
only if you are a burgueois
*only if you are a human
Both kvetching kike yentas acting like they're apostles of socialism and then getting cunthurt when the implementation of socialism doesn't give everyone free hugs and transgender surgeries of some shit, and claiming it isn't real socialism. Females and jews, bad news.
Imagine being so retarded that you can only think and write in terms of /pol/ memes.
Imagine not having an argument
Jews mate.
Emma was an anarchist you retard
>Volunteer, Regiment Rosa Luxemburg, Red Army of the Ruhr
>This representative of the Freikorps’ enemy in the Ruhr is dressed in civilian clothing apart from the old M1866 boots. He shows his ideological loyalty by his red scarf and armband (though the use of either one was more common than both). This unit was largely composed of ex-sailors, who also used to replace their cap bands with red ribbon. He has a brand new 7.92mm Gewehr 98 from one of the Ruhr armament factories, and an M1884/98 bayonet hanging from its frog (Seitengewehrtasche).
On this note: if communist revolutionaries seized a city in America (say, Seattle), what would the response be? I'd imagine that the National Guard would be called in to retake the city at first, but would militias or groups like the Oath Keepers respond as well? Would the government allow it, or would they be turned away?
>Members of the Volksmarine Division (a Communist revolutionary unit raised mostly from sailors, with whom Socialist thought was more rampant than the Army) pose with their armored car in December, 1918, shortly after their formation. The men still wear their former military uniforms, with the insignia removed, showing the mix of soldiers, sailors, and marines who made up the Freikorps and the opponents.
And for my final contribution, a BBC podcast about Rosa Luxemburg
And before you look it up, yes the woman who is her most strident defender in the program is a Jew.
Rosa was the good guy. There was absolutely no reason to murder her or Liebknecht. She was a charismatic leader and with her leading the KPD German communists would be closer to the SPD than to Stalinists.
You've got to remember, Germany was in chaos at the time, which is why they relied so heavily on the Freikorps. If America was going fine and just randomly had a communist revolt in Seattle, they'd call in the guard to put it down. My guess is a few right-wing groups would go in to fight them, but they'd just get prosecuted later for killing people.
If America was on the edge of civil war and was experiencing common revolts and uprisings, that'd be another matter entirely.
>tfw you actually might
>LARPing this hard
For fuck sake Die Linke didn't even gain that much and SPD lost a lot
I think he meant America
Imagine thinking calling someone a kike is a real argument and whining whenever someone replies to your shitpost with a shitpost.
Then he is LARPing even harder. There isn't any far left groups in USA with the same level of presence as those in Europe. Call me when DSA has even a single senator
Yeah but neither is a meme from anarcho capitalist but feel free to post buzzwords since it's the only type of communication you know
I'm not whining, I'm laughing at you. You're the one screeching over someone insulting your historical waifus.
Do you seriously think things are getting less polarized? wew.
Communists will never make inroads with the trade unions ever again in America. They have dudes who actively root out anyone who has slightest red sympathies.
Not that guy, but if you think you have to have someone in the government in order to be "relevant" as a political force, you have another thing coming.
Whether or not that is the case, the magnitude of the Left in the USA is still not at the level of Europe. And the polarization is based on identity politics, not class struggle.
These guys look like they're from a german version of Black adder.
So what? I don't care if they're a "legit" red, or an antifa faggot, this can't keep up and there will be conflict.
I didn't say it was sufficient, only necessary.
>at you
That's not me.
>screeching over someone insulting your historical waifus
I'm a social democrat, rosa is certainly not my waifu. But responding to quotes of a person complaining about lack of freedom of speech and association and lack of democracy with sperging about jews and trans (?????) is a testament at how much of a brainwashed memester you are. You read a quote about freedom and respond with retarded unrelated memes like /pol/ programmed you to do. Your understanding of world politics is a bunch of buzzwords.
It's not necessary at all. Communists didn't have anyone in the government before they launched the Spartacist revolt.
You're boring.
Then none of this 'conflict' will amount to anything but spectacle to distract the masses. Rosa at least declared war against those in power, not random faggots on the street
You're just a silly boy aren't you. I don't know how much clearer it could be, so here's your (you).
Germany then is very different from USA now. For one radicals like Rosa was still around in Germany while USA had two Red Scares to neuter any presence of the Left. Even OWS amounted to nothing.
Not an argument senpai. Indulge in your LARPing if you must but don't pollute Veeky Forums with it
>muh Red Scares
Meme argument, literally done through media propaganda and some senate investigative committee that didn't even last a decade. Stop acting like it was some kind of a physical purge that actually made any change, because on the scale of 0 to Stalin it's barely hovering above zero.
Furthermore, people like Chomsky are more influential in America than Rosa Luxemburg ever was in Germany.
Muh pure Veeky Forums reeeeee. Just because you don't see an obvious trend, or understand the implications of current events, doesn't mean i'm a LARPer, or that I didn't make an argument.
FACT: Minor street fights between left and right wing groups has already occurred multiple times.
FACT: Antifa has gained massive traction compared to what it was, and has been arming its self. (speaking of larpers)
FACT: Oathkeepers and other armed right wing groups regularly attend these protests as well.
All it would take is one idiot on either side to shoot first my dude.
>He doesn't know about the First Red Scare
There was indeed a physical purge in the first one that rekted any revolutionary elements of the Left in America. Google is your friend
But he doesn't control a political party. The person who can be considered America's Rosa Luxemburg was jailed for decades despite building a considerable political presence. And if you can't figure who I am referring to then please stop flaunting your political history's ignorance
Chomsky is against violence and against antifas. What will you be fighting exactly?
But none of these groups directly challenge existing power structures such that the government will pit itself against these radical elements. At best these groups will fight among each other with the government performing clean up.
I said might, don't act like its such a far flung fantasy.
I am acting like it is far flung fantasy from the genuine dynamic of Germany's Spartacist revolt. If you want me to agree that there will conflict on the street then sure
I also don't say it's the exact same scenario like some /pol/tards, yes there will be a major difference in scale and brutality, but there is a direct comparison.
My bad that person wasn't jailed for decades
>yes there will be a major difference in scale and brutality,
>but there is a direct comparison.
it's not a direct comparison then if they're so qualitatively different. it really is a contrived comparison
But that it is such a shallow comparison. first as tragedy, then as farce.
Then is the Russian civil war a better comparison? I'm not really aware of any other widespread street fighting between left and right wing groups in an unstable republic.
Kill yourself.
>But he doesn't control a political party.
Luxemburg didn't control any relevant either, she tried taking over the SPD but nobody in the party actually gave a fuck. Spartacus League was a meme and is in fact more known for the failed revolution than anything else.
>And if you can't figure who I am referring to
If you mean Eugene Debbs, he served a grand total of two years in prison. If this is your great example of anti-socialist persecution in America then let me laugh even harder.
>Chomsky is against violence
So war Luxemburg, at least on paper. They're all against violence until shit hits the fan, then they support the violent uprising.
>So war Luxemburg
Also, you quoted me twice.
I don't Chomsky entering politics aside from making political commentary. At least Luxemburg attempted to be a political actor
Debs' imprisonment stifled the momentum of the Left in America. My great example of anti-socialist persecution was the mass arrest of the IWW's leadership, hence the picture of its logo you moron.
italy, perhaps. russian civil war is a good example, the finnish war in particular. irish civil war was kind of leftist secular republicans vs. centrists sort of too.
The imprisonment of Debbs didn't stifle shit, if anything all the commies tried memeing him into a martyr. The real reason socialism at the time evaporated in America was the skyrocketing prosperity and explosion of wealth of the 1920s, everyone was simply getting richer and people forgot that socialists are even a thing. Then when the Great Depression hit and socialists were bound to reappear, they got beaten to the punch by the more reasonable FDR. But I guess your unwarranted persecution complex offers a greater insight. Faggot.
The years of lead true, Russian civil war is horrible because the whites were already overthrown. The Finnish war? You mean the Winter war? I don't see the comparison desu. Irish civil war is a good one. But the years of lead and the troubles like whatever were in now, start small, just shit protests with street fights. I don't think i'm making a massive leap comparing this to the Wiemar republic.
finnish civil war i meant
Yes wow, by then the Great Depression arrived, there was no revolutionary Left to seize power coz they were all already imprisoned or slandered and Debs' case, dead. Let's also ignore the First Red Scare ended in 1919, just before the opulence of the 1920s arrived
>But I guess your unwarranted persecution complex offers a greater insight
Are you ignoring the part where I said the IWW's leaders were arrested in one swoop?
Oh I had never heard about that damn, that's a great example.
They never would've seized power anyways.
That is not the point I was trying to make, it is the one you created to distract us from the main argument. The point I am trying to make is that your accusation of me having a persecution complex falls fucking flat when actual IWW members and leaders were persecuted in its heyday. And Eugene Debs is Rosa Luxemburg's American equivalent, not fucking Noam Chomsky. Not a diss to any of those three though.
Do you really think that this pitty uprising had any chance of success?
Do you really think that the government tolerating this process would not lead the military to push it down?
>spends every waking hour bitching about how evil white people are
>gets utterly fanny flustered the moment someone makes an off color comment about jews
All branches from the same shitty tree, they deserved worse than what they got
This. Different roads leading to the same dumpster fire. Funny watching these milquetoast urban pussies LARP about being badass revolutionaries then crying like babies the moment they get their shit kicked in. Nothing more satisfying than some arrogant shit stirrer getting exactly what they deserve
>All ideologies that arent mine are the same!
>All it would take is one idiot on either side to shoot first my dude.
You mean like what happened after that nazi drove into and killed that antifa?
everybody knows that was a panic reaction...
Was she a member of Antifa? Because if that is the case then he literally did nothing wrong
ANTIFA is a very difficult group of people to like, I don't like either LARPers but there is just something about ANTIFA that is just absolutely grating
>he's a pleb
>for hating those who want a dictatureship of plebs
She was a Jew
Their problem is that they have a very broad definition of fascism and that every so called fascist should be beaten into submission
>Do you really think that the government tolerating this process would not lead the military to push it down?
They tried too regardless. Have you ever heard of the Kapp Putsch m8?
>Jew defending communism
Am I supposed to be suprised by this?
what are you saying?