Why did libtards defend Saddam? He was a brutal dictator who gassed his own people and he had wmds. Instead of hating President Bush they should be thanking him for defending our freedoms against saddam. Why did libtards defend him?
-user on Veeky Forums (2028) the 25th anniversary of the Iraq War.
Why did libtards defend Saddam? He was a brutal dictator who gassed his own people and he had wmds...
Not our fucking problem faggot. How about you enlist your fat ass in the army and go die for haliburton.
I don't recall any mainstream news source defending Saddam, it was all vitriol targeted at the Bush Administration for the haphazard job they did once they got in there and all the clamping down on civil liberties that was rushed through congress at their behest using terrorism as a pretext for 'emergency measures' that have never expired.
At least I'd be considered a patriot and someone who loves freedom. 25 years ago its (2028) Iraq was liberated by America, but the libbies just complained and they started to riot because they are special snowflakes.
>He was a brutal dictator
Answered you own question. The left LOVES those guys.
>libcuck gets this ass-blasted that we don't want to worship some commie despot
Because as harsh as Saddam was, he was far more progressive than the alternatives. He was one of the most secular leaders in the region and effectively suppressed the forced of radical Islam.
le epik meme XDDD!!!!
Dismiss it as a meme all you want, it's still the truth.
Producing an accurate quote for the price of the war is not the same as defending Saddam.
And it's not like anyone got to vote on it.
Mostly because removing Saddam destabilized the region. The first George Bush did the right thing by leaving Saddam in power. Bush I was pretty dank.
Yes it is you libtard. Saddam had to go and when 25 years ago you traitors began to protest and riot against our President, it was clear that you supported Saddam the dictator.
>Because as harsh as Saddam was, he was far more progressive than the alternatives. He was one of the most secular leaders in the region and effectively suppressed the forced of radical Islam.
Indeed, same as for Gaddafi and now Assad, they had to go to insure Israel’s security by pitching the Muslim world into a civil war and it was all done with American blood and tax dollars.
So who will they cast in the movies?
>people are actually responding to this thread
What the fuck Veeky Forums, get your shit together.
Oh yeah I can really hear mainstream leftists praising Stalin, Lenin, Ceausescu, Rakosi, Mao, and Ho.
Its the year 2028 so its been 25 years since the Iraq War began so its okay.
t. Schlomo Ginsberg
You only have to go back and look at the coverage of Castro's death. They praised the SHIT out of him.
Yes, he had to go, and doing the job right would have cost ten trillion dollars. That wasn't in the budget for the war.
And at the time the argument was not Saddam has to go, it was Saddam is a direct threat. This was not true. Saddam was not capable of threatening the West.
So between no plan for the invasion, and no inciting incident, and no international backing, there was good reason to want to keep talking about it.
No you wouldn't. You don't care about freedom. You don't advocate for us invading Saudi Arabia, Syria, North Korea, Turkey, Russia, China or hell, just anyone who isn't has "free" as us...do you?
Not to mention its why we're in the huge amount of debt that we are...the thousands of Americans that died for nothing but regional instability, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens that died aswell.
lol maybe because the fucking UN recognized Cuba for their accomplishments.
Most people in the US still consider him a typical communist dictator who ruined everything.
Libtard defender. Oh and an anti-Semite as well? Boy those libturds really hate Israel, America's greatest ally on earth.
Kikes aren't Americans
Actually I support attacking North Korea, Russia and China libby.
Just posting to say Syrians was a top tier movie
Only retards watch movies.
Tell me future user, in 2028 have we yet perfected time travel so we can put /ourcouple/ on the Spanish throne?
Heh kiddo, only retards indulge in any fictional artforms. Nonfiction only is the way to go kiddo heh
Wasted thousands of American lives to appease Israel. What a fucking travesty. There are literally people without their lives and limbs because of a few Zionists harebrained idea to take out Saddam.
Freedom isn't free libtard. Saddam had to go.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post..
I don't remember liberals defending Saddam.
But everyone else who doesn't is freedom hating right? Trump must hate freedom because he hasn't invaded China yet...correct? In fact, all of our presidents hated freedom and supported evil dictators right???
Actually, for the US, freedom was free. Iraqis can go make their own freedom (Oops, they're really bad at self governance, sorry).
Every congress member voted to invade (except 1 or 2)
I think people just subconsciously link the downfall of Saddam with the decline of America, and imagine some parallel universe where he exists and we never went to war and everything is fine so they defend him by proxy or something.
Give him some time, I can see Trump liberating the Chinese from the commies.
Butter to have democratic today compared to Saddam libcuck.
Good goy
>be 14 yr old Jewess
>living in an attic for years hiding from the Nazis
>hear a commotion in the adjoining room
>oh fuck
>They trash the place, throwing furniture around looking for us
>this is the end
>mentally prepare myself
>wormhole pops into existance
>out jumps pic related
>what the fuck
>he grabs my arm and pulls me in as the Nazis bust into the Annex
>open my eyes
>we're in a beautiful garden, not sure what the hell is going on
>notice a man standing in the distance
>oh jesus that's not a man
>wait maybe it is
>no its not
>pic related looks at me, and then looks at the thing
>what do you people want
>pic related shoves me into its malformed arms
>drools on me
>I don't believe in hell but if it exists it's this
>pic related escapes back into its wormhole
You have confirmed 89 IQ if you think any Jewlywood movie is actually good and not just propaganda/low brow entertainment.
>He had WMDs
>They should be thanking him for defending our freedoms against Saddam
How does shooting towelheads on the other side of the planet correlate to our freedom? Freedom of what? The ones who posed a threat to the U.S. weren't even in Iraq
Because conservative morons create a false debate on entering Iraq on the basis of Saddam being a bad guy so moron liberals had to go on the defensive and declare "ohh no he wasn't that bad" as a means by which to stop the war.
But at the time it absolutely wasn't arguing that Saddam is bad and had to go, it was arguing that intervention was not a choice because he was an immediate threat, and he was involved in the 9/11 attacks in some way.
Except he wasn't.
Nobody at the time who wasn't Michael Moore said Saddam wasn't that bad. Immediately before 9/11, the main popular voices demanding intervention were on the left, not many, but they were the ones. They wanted to get the Taliban because it was a holocaust on women, is the term I heard a few times, and they wanted to get Saddam because they blamed the USA for not finishing the job ten years earlier.
Now the argument has changed, and people insist that at the time they were saying Saddam was bad, when they weren't.
There's good movies out there.
Syriana itself was based on a book written by an ex-CIA operative.
Where were Saddam's WMD? Well, they were in Baghdad, and when our forces were on the ground and moving towards Iraq, the Russians had a massive convoy and took all of them to Syria, and stored them all in three places. I can't be arsed to look up the three places.
So Syria had all of Saddam's WMD, and they eventually used it on their own people, and on the Kurds. Just like Saddam did.
And of course Saddam flew about 200 jets to Iran for safekeeping, as nothing he put in the sky stayed in the sky, so Iran has 200 jets that used to be painted in Iraqi colors.
No, you're considered an idiot rationalizing profit-wars
Imagine how much better the United States would be right now in the present if we took all the money spent ""liberating"" Iraq, all the trillions mindlessly spent lining the pockets of military contractors and building Iraqi schools and bridges, and spent that right here at home on a massive infrastructure project, rebuilding American infrastructure, building quality schools in run-down rural and urban areas, and putting Americans back to work beautifying their own country.
You're not a patriot, you're just a lonely, pissed off white guy who wants to stick it to people having a better time than you are.
That's what Trump ran on, but I don't see the follow through. We're just going to be another $10 Trillion in debt, and still have the shitty infrastructure, etc.
Syriana itself propagated the idea of innocent dindu nuffin Arabians being just puppets of American corrupt politicians and corporations, which is in itself complete horseshit, since it's in fact the other way around. And why it did drop some redpills, it was also put out to justify the NO WARS FOR OIL movement.
Whatever happened to the 'pay for oil' movement?
Why do you libtards love Saddam?
>implying anyone's a puppet of anyone.
They're both taking advantage of one another, Arabs for defense and spreading of Wahhabism, and Americans for protection of Israel, constraining Iran, and propping up the Petrodollar.
We don't
Patriotism is when love of country comes first. Nationalism is when hatred of others comes first.
Does that make things clear for you, trumpanzee? I care more about the suffering of my own countrymen, while you're too busy being frightened of foreign boogeymen to notice them.
The people who love Saddam are not libtards m8.
>Patriotism is when love of country comes first. Nationalism is when hatred of others comes first.
Are you just trying to bait both sides while replying to yourself?
Why doesn't the RIGHT love Saddam?
He was a true nationalist.
>country in ruins
>radical islam running rampant
>about to be partitioned
yes iraq is doing swell
Because (((the right))) in America are a bunch of deracinated cuckold and Israel worshippers, they have no fucking idea what nationalism is if it's not jewish nationalism.
Step away from the keyboard Ben Shapiro you have had too much kosher wine.
>He was a brutal dictator who gassed his own people
Hmm...Where did I hear this story from...
Is it just me or does the kike look like Fidel Castro
>Nationalism is when hatred of others comes first.
Lol no
What gets me is that liberals hated Saddam...
and then turned around and demanded Assad's crucifixion.
What the fuck, make your damn minds.
Wars are only bad if Republicans start them, user.
>/pol/ are now LITERALLY neocons
Damn it if COINTELPRO isnt competent
When they finally write the story about America's retreat from power, operation Iraqi Freedom is going to figure prominently in the first chapter.
>everyone I don't like is /pol/
Fuck off retard. /pol/ loves Saddam.
It was still an illegal war.
Why do all you libtards love Saddam and hate America? Saddam was a dictator that hated Israel and support Islam and terrorism. Saddam needed to go and now Iran is next if they continue supporting terrorists.
Bush hated Saddam. Bush is bad. Therefore, Saddam is good.
Well, if somebody makes that argument in 2028, I hope somebody else will explain that our freedoms weren't being threatened by Saddam. The moral argument over the Iraq war has to do with whether it was the right thing to do to use the US population's resources in order to help the Iraqi people with their Saddam problem.
Clearly once the US went in, it was wrong to fuck up so badly that a sectarian war broke out between Sunni and Shia.
>Pro-German racialism
Is that why Nazi Germany was rearming while every other country in western Europe was investing in civic infrastructure?
Is that why Hitler decided to stab Stalin in the back and invade Russia and open a war on two fronts? Because he was putting his own people first?
Your shit is completely retarded. Nazis are the poster child for nationalists investing in their hatred of others over the love of their own people. Their economy was an unsustainable mess which would have crumbled if they hadn't put that military to use.
You are all Saddam lovers. Tell you what libtards, if you like Saddam so much why don't you go and live in Iran or go live in a socialist country.
I'm not baiting, the Iraq War was a success libtards. Saddam had to go. You can deny all you want but the left loved Saddam and they hated America and President Bush.
Shut up you dirty filthy kike
He got removed because they wanted to destabilized the regions.
Martin shkrelli a goodboi, he dindoo nuffin
By the way libtards North Korea ia next. It's time to start nuking the gooks. None of them are innocent, they lost their rights buy cucking for North Korea by cucking for the regime. But I bet the libtards on here also defend North Korea as well
>>country in ruins
>>radical islam running rampant
You're absolutely right, Iraq (as well as Libya and Syria) had it's problems but it's FAR worse today and it was all done for Israel's benefit and paid for by the American people.
>>about to be partitioned
Iraq (as well as Syria) is "artificial" nation to begin with and should have been divided into Sunni, Shia and Kurdish nations after WWI.
> Clearly once the US went in, it was wrong to fuck up so badly that a sectarian war broke out between Sunni and Shia.
The U.S. didn’t “fuck up” in Iraq, it all went according to (Israel’s) plan.
Do you really think the U.S. State Dept. _didn’t know_ that if they put the Shia in power and marginalized the Sunnis, the country would descend into civil war?
Reminder that Saddam was a US puppet for decades and was only attacked because he bit the hand that fed him.
Also, the oil.
> Saddam was a US puppet
That was Noriega.
Saddam was allied with the Soviets prior to their fall and most of Iraq’s weaponry came from them and Europeans, the U.S. providing only a little bit.
“How the United States Armed Iraq”
Weapons imported by Iraq, 1973-2002:
USSR - 57%
France - 13%
China - 12%
Czech. - 7%
Poland - 4%
Brazil - 2%
Egypt, Romania, Denmark, Libya, USA - 1% each
Data from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, via "Weekly Standard", April 14, 2003.
>Paradox tier autism
I’d say the map does a pretty good job.
Sure, there might be changes made here and there but overall, it’s a much better situation then we have today and had it been implemented post-WWI, we’d all be better off.
Personally, Syria would lose the eastern part to the Kurds and Sunni Arabs, Lebanon and Palestine united into The Levant and Kuwait is unnecessary.
What reason is there for the existence of Jordan other than that the Sheikh of Mecca had three children? Is giving the Arab Shias all the fucking oil really a recipe for stability? Baluchistan? Fucking why?
This just reeks of American exceptionalism.
Castro was a cunt but he was a cunt Cuba needed.
Literal commie propaganda libtard
They don't. Don't make things up.
> What reason is there for the existence of Jordan other than that the Sheikh of Mecca had three children?
What reason is there for the existence of a huge Saudi Arabia, especially as they’re the violent fundie hillbillies of the MidEast?
The Hashemites are the most Western of the Arabs (their king was on an episode of Star Trek) and that's their appropriate region.
> Is giving the Arab Shias all the fucking oil really a recipe for stability?
As if they’re not going to sell the oil regardless of who sits on it? That’s been a Shia region since forever.
> Baluchistan? Fucking why?
Fucking, seriously?
>That's what Trump ran on
no it wasn't, its what you thought he ran on
You fuckin' evil genius
>if you like Saddam so much why don't you go and live in Iran
Are you libtards BTFO? I just exposed you all on your support and love for Saddam, the dictator.