Is America the biggest bubble yet?

Is America the biggest bubble yet?

The American dream never existed
Banking jews have taken it to extremes
Will not and Can not continue
Tulip Mania stand aside
Financial Crisis incoming

that graph is haphazardly accurate.

>World GDP in the last 2k years
Clearly a bubble we're gonna crash back to 25% soon.
Buy gold.

The american dream existed for the people that were born and died at the right time

>Discussions of a political nature should be posted on

Shut the fuck up
if the worlds going to shit i wanna know how to make money out of it

Uh this is in direct consequence of monetary policy. Where else but Veeky Forums should we discuss that?

short the dollar/stocks

How the fuck is this not finance related? It's talking about the damned economy and whether a financial crash/depression is looming. Veeky Forums is for 'business and finance'.

I see Bill Clinton was a good manager who managed to stop the debt from running wild.
And assburgers complained over a fellatio...

Billy is my man, #plantbased

hedging hard on eth hoping it flies if their is a crisis.



>nigger socialist takes charge
>debt skyrockets

whats the correlation?

>starting in year 0
>not inflation adjusted

The fact that you're retarded.

>not allowed to discuss macro-economics on Veeky Forums

Nobody even knows what modern inflation means or how it works or how to control it.

He's not the one who cut taxes while starting two wars. He had to pay the bill for that and the financial crisis that also happened before he was potus.

The debt to GDP ratios in the west aren't even that bad. Thanks to /pol/ I sold my little trust fund low during early September 2015 and never bought back in (it would have been a decent move if I did and held). I also missed the first ETH rally thanks to that board. Fuck you and fuck /pol/


What do you mean by this? We do know what will happen.

This is finance-related you stupid fuck

The problem is that ECB and FED have become largest debt holders of national debt. This ginormous money tsunami in the market has led to the development of asset- and invesment bubbles all around the globe.

>macro-coin ay

I'm all in.

Nah, I'd buy physical Platinum if Aus dollar wasn't so weak


My advice: when it happens, start buying people.

America is the most stable country in the world literally can go anywhere shake a few hands and walk out with a decent paying job

Non-economics fags hear that a country has trillions in debt and freak out. But it's actually 100% irrelevant if your GDP is growing at a faster rate, which means you'll easily be able to pay off the debts. You should be looking at the debt/GDP ratio not just debt.

Most of our economy is coming from finance shenanigans. Our economy is debt based. The derivitave market is enourmous and not based in reality. It is being fueled by the jew printing press with jew speculators, extracting money out of a therotical system while doing nothing.

If it crashes the world is fucked. They can and probably will use jew tricks to keep the system moving. We will probably see some crash soonish and see hyper inflation.


>biggest bailout in history
>doubled our debt
>created more wars than Bush dreamed of

Wew lad.