i refuse to believe a human being can be that intelligent
i refuse to believe a human being can be that intelligent
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He was probably dumb as shit and the Jews just made up his achievements to make themselves look smart.
He was smart, but the anecdotes about him memorizing phone books or whatever and reciting them backwards are clearly hagiographic.
there are literally tons of quotes by noble prize/brilliant scientists that talk about Johnny being superhuman
damm, this guy is demi-god status
>One of his remarkable abilities was his power of absolute recall. As far as I could tell, von Neumann was able on once reading a book or article to quote it back verbatim; moreover, he could do it years later without hesitation. He could also translate it at no diminution in speed from its original language into English. On one occasion I tested his ability by asking him to tell me how A Tale of Two Cities started. Whereupon, without any pause, he immediately began to recite the first chapter and continued until asked to stop after about ten or fifteen minutes.[171]
Intelligence is like height. It is genetic, but your environment affect this, since if you are underfed when you are young you will be shorter.
You can't raise a normal kid to be as smart as Von Neumann.
But if Von Neumann was born in a village without proper nutrition, and where his talents would not be used, he would also not become who he was.
Maybe there was some Chinese peasant in ancient times that had about as much talent as Von Neumann did but that died early due to some plague or war.
Some genetic combination that made him incredibly intelligent while also being born into an environment where he could utilize that talent.
Him and Ramanujan were probably the smartest human beings who ever lived. However they never were as groundbreaking as Newton, Leibniz, Archimedes, Bach, Gauss or Euler
Leibniz was groundbreaking?
What did Leibniz do that was groundbreaking?
All horseshit.
>Gabor Szego
>Hans Bethe
>Paul Halmos
>Israel Halperin
>Lothar Nordheim
>Jacob Bronowski
>George Polya
>Edward Teller
>Herman Goldstine
All people claiming OMG HE WAS THE SMARTEST HUMAN EVER in that paragraph, are Jews. See
are you saying jews "groupthink"?
Calculus, to start.
>not euclid
What's the Hungarian secret?
It's not that unbelievable. Arturo Toscanini had absolute pitch and memorized like 600 operas by the time he was in his mid-20s.
He wasn't Hungarian, he was a Jew.
Pretty sure this is why Lou Reed is so popular.
>Hans Bethe
>George Polya
Roman Catholic turned agnostic
>Edward Teller
You're a liar and another boring jew baiter.
Jews are a race dumbasd.
And a man with jewish blood is free to do whatever he wants in life. I have Irish blood, doesn't meant I subconsciously work in conspiracy with others with irish blood.
>Irish blood
t. Sealomo O'Menora
>I have Irish blood
Why not just say "I'm Irish"? Is it because you're an American mudblood and thus eternally brainwashed into sucking jewdick?
i don't believe in the jewish conspiracy
but i have a feeling that the reason von neumann is underappreciated by academia, is that they hype up einstein
einstein was a socialist, von neumann was a militant anti-communist, so they underplay his achievements even though he was smarter than einstein
>Jewish conspiracy
It's no conspiracy though. One can see what has happened and what is happening clearly.
oooo mudblood. I guess if I was born in Ireland, you'd hit me with Packie, Paddie, or Mick and then really hurt my feelings. Maybe you're right, everyone should be an obnoxious little loser like yourself, seeking out all the jew roaches of the world.
You're already a loser by birth and I bet you don't even have a foreskin
I think it's possible, but I would also argue that Einstein's findings have been MUCH more influential than von Neumann's, even if von Neumann was smarter.
Yeah, I like how the Jewish conspiracy has a one drop rule. That's all it takes to get the parentheses around your name.
Did you know that Lenin was 1/8 Jewish? That means the Elders of Zion themselves knocked on his door one day and inducted him into the fold of their secret plan to destroy the white race by filling Europe and North America with a whole group of people (Arabs/Muslims) that would love to wipe out Israel.
As all stormfags degrade into, you sure have proven your point very well.
>someone whose parents were cucked by jews into cutting a piece of his dick off calling anyone a cuck
You'll never get it back
>someone who's too retarded to learn the actual history of circumcision in America and just assumes da JOOZ
>it was le cereal man
You're probably retarded enough to actually believe that
I'm open-minded. Please present evidence of your claim that Jews are responsible for circumcision being popular in the US.
Myggod look at those diggits
They probably are responsible as much as believers in any other religion are, since masturbation is taboo in many religions.
I have 1/2 a percent. Is that enough to join the club?